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Retard Girl

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Everything posted by Retard Girl

  1. Retard Girl

    This Boff dude seems like a suspicious character.

    um, there's this grossout porn in the CS... *looks up* oh, ok.
  2. Retard Girl

    Harry Palmer discussion

    just some clips i found very amusing...
  3. Retard Girl

    battleground preview thread

    *looks up from stats sheet* so i'm taking on the epitome of spot-monketry? this is gonna be fun XD oh and i'm taking on mister uber-face. i get to be heelish!
  4. Retard Girl

    Pitch Larry the Cable Guy Movie Ideas

    Quoted for truth. seconded.
  5. Retard Girl

    Harry Palmer discussion

    you see, before i cut the match short, i had intended to make you beat the shit out of me more than you did. you were going to be giving me finishers but then pull me up before the three count to beat me up some more. and stuff like that. you're right though, except for the more technically sound part. that'd be worth to see at some time, a submission match of some sort XD
  6. Retard Girl

    Dumb Injuries

    i have this scar on my upper lip. i got it when i was having a psychotic fit in the trailor with no electricity where we lived in Georgia for a few months, by banging my head against the window. the cheap plexiglass popped out of the window and i caught my lip on the metal edge. GOOD TIMES! when the little one was in HeadStart, the school was down this realitively steep hill. some of the hottop (okay most of it) was in ill repair and was cracked and had loose parts and such. i just got through telling the kid to be careful because falling down the hill would suck. on my next step the heel of my boot got stuck in a crack and i went flying. i landed on my knee... i probably could have used some stitches, but there was no skin there to stitch together. there was a good one inch by half inch skinless area. that sucked hardcore. but it left a cool scar. i broke my baby toe kicking an empty plastic hamper. i still don't know how that happened :/
  7. Retard Girl

    battleground preview thread

    five matches in, and i'm already in the main event. [/snob]
  8. Retard Girl

    Harry Palmer discussion

    here's my losing match. you can sorta tell where i just stuck an ending on it and sent it in, and where i left spaces for commentary to go (that i never got to writing). also SIN was supposed to beat me up more but like i said, i had to end it early :/
  9. Retard Girl

    The Harry Palmer Open Invitational preview thread

    oh, and i messed with my stats a bit.
  10. Retard Girl

    The Harry Palmer Open Invitational preview thread

  11. Retard Girl

    The Harry Palmer Open Invitational preview thread

    i have two boys, i know how that is!
  12. Retard Girl

    The Harry Palmer Open Invitational preview thread

    it's okay, i only had half a match written, so i ended quickly with something cheesy. so we're sort of on the same boat! must be a hard choice though. "crap or crap..."
  13. Retard Girl

    The Harry Palmer Open Invitational preview thread

    i just spent several hours in the emergency room with my roomate. i've missed the deadline. i have most of a match written. have i been auto-jobbed yet?
  14. Retard Girl

    Promo: Problems, I got 'em!

    *Taiga is sitting on the floor, against the wall, somewhere in the bowls of the Liacouras Centre in Philadelphia. She seems to have a lot on her mind. This would be the perfect time for a promo, ya think?* So, I've got a few problems. And because I'm a wrestler and there's a camera on me, I'm going to share them with you. *She begins to count on her fingers.* My first problem, is Wildchild and the Cruiserweight title shot that I have. It seems... It seems that no one knows where Wildchild is. And quite honestly, I don't care where he is. It's not my business. He'd better not be hiding from little ol' me, let me say that right now. Afraid of me? That's quite amusing. I don't want to think of anyone as an outright coward. Maybe he's lazy. Maybe he has PMS. Maybe he had to get emergency surgery to remove something stuck up his ass. I don't know. But I'll wait, as long as I have to, I'll wait. I'm a patient person. So whenever Wildchild decides to come to work, I'll be waiting for him. *She holds up another finger.* Then there's this girl, Annie El Metric. She seems to be very upset with me. Something about eclectics, something about pure woman, something about her fed. Something about biting boobs. I can't tell you exactly, I wasn't paying much attention. It sounded like a bunch of bitching and whining about where her place used to be. Used to be. She used to be the woman to beat in the SWF. She used to be the only woman worthy of main-eventing. She used to be the biggest... *she struggles for the words, using some hand gestures to help herself along* ...The biggest... I don't know, slut? Used to be. But this is a new day. This is the day where I see a woman scared of losing her place in the history books. This is a day where I see this woman going on about how I'm looking past her, brushing her off as not threatening. She even threw in a glare to boot. But I have a question... Should I take someone as a threat, that can't even remember when there's a show? Where was Annie El Metric when I was kicking MANSON and Jakey's asses? Oh, she was at a bar. AT A BAR. Now there's a woman to be scared of. *Taiga holds up a third finger.* But I have bigger things to worry about tonight. Literally, as I'm taking on the six-foot-six S.I.N.. Now, unlike Annie's little tirade, I actually listened to what S.I.N. had to say. And you know, he was right about a few things, about how this is a man's business and I should expect to be treated like a man in the ring. Well... duh! That's why I'm in this business in the first place, to prove people like S.I.N. wrong. *She stands up.* Believe it or not, S.I.N. and I have a few things in common. I know about deadbeat parents, I know about growing up on the streets. But that's about where the similarities end. I don't understand the hate towards me, but on the other hand, I really don't care. *She makes little quotes in the air with her fingers and uses a mocking tone* "You'd better lay down and don't fight back so I can have a quick and painless match."... Like I'd ever just let someone win over me. I'd hate to disappoint an opponent, but I never back down. I know he's all big and bad. And while S.I.N. may have the size advantage, he does not have the toughness advantage. A quick match this will not be. An easy win, this will not be. S.I.N. is going to be in for a surprise come our match. Remember, S.I.N., the smaller the dog, the worse the bite. And I'll be seeing you in the ring. *Taiga smiles broadly as she walks out of frame.*
  15. Retard Girl

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    ...Lollapalooza still runs? i thought they died the year they headlined with Metallica.
  16. Retard Girl

    Dumb Injuries

    one guy, two times.
  17. Retard Girl

    Dumb Injuries

  18. Retard Girl

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    Cliff Burton was a god. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pm02dZdF76g edit: damn you code *shakes fist*
  19. Retard Girl

    So, turns out one of my friends

    six. at least wait until they're IN puberty. perverts.
  20. Retard Girl

    Dumb Injuries

    10 little monkeys were jumping on the bed one fell down and bumped his head momma took him to the doctor and the doctor said "no more monkeyss jumping on the bed!" ....at least from what i know from my own kids. and speaking of kids, two of my favourite "dumb injury" stories involve my kids and play wrestling. once i was trading fake punches with my oldest, who was four at the time (i think, maybe three). my oldest is a huge kid and posesses the freaky retard strength... i said to him "you can punch me better than that, give it your best shot!" he did. little booger punked me out! much to the amusement of those who were watching. kid left a nice lump on the side of my chin. he was all apologizing, i was all "oomph, you get what you ask for." second one involved my little kid. he likes wrestling more than the older one. we were doing fake headbutts. he did one unannounced and unexpectedly... headbutted my lower lip. which got cut pretty bad on my front teeth. my lip was swollen for a week. i thought it was pretty cool actually. because i'm a fun mom.
  21. Retard Girl

    PROMO: Bitch, please.

    psh, i don't catfight. i punch. (and i need to do a promo... or two)
  22. Retard Girl

    The random fact thread

    I now wish that I had remained silent. i wish you would have as well.
  23. Retard Girl

    Round Two, TSM Worst Poster Tournament

    i didn't make the cut
  24. Retard Girl

    The random fact thread

    yes i do. i can... uh... well there's this... erm... i have big boobs?