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Retard Girl

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Everything posted by Retard Girl

  1. Retard Girl

    Pictures I Like

  2. Retard Girl

    Emptiness is filling me

    where is Leena, anyway?
  3. Retard Girl

    Wrestling Link Game....

    who gets to hang around the women's locker room at TNA with people like Christy Hemme.
  4. Retard Girl

    Emptiness is filling me

    christ, it's a barren wasteland. i miss the cast of characters. i miss wading through twenty seven pages of drama over stupid shit. i miss seeing who votes for me in the worst poster contests, especially the ones that have no idea who i am. BOO.
  5. Retard Girl

    100 Posts of Solitude

    i approve of the "picking apart people's post line by line in seperate quote boxes" technique. shows who's serious about their internet business.
  6. Retard Girl

    Pictures I Like

  7. Retard Girl

    Pictures I Like

    fake edit: too disturbing not to post.
  8. Retard Girl

    Gay Wrestlers

    Nigel McGuinness, with that backing his ass up into the ring thing. He totally wants it.
  9. Retard Girl

    Gay Wrestlers

    Billy Gunn. i'm just waiting for him to come out.
  10. Retard Girl

    Pictures I Like

  11. Retard Girl

    "Yo Quiero Discussion!"

    i was just pointing out the lack of matches. i'm ready when you all are. ^ not a "OMG THE FED IS DYING!" post ^
  12. Retard Girl

    Pictures I Like

    plastic surgery makes me sad.
  13. Retard Girl

    "Yo Quiero Discussion!"

    WOULD YOU LOOK AT THAT TURNOUT! glad everyone could make it!
  14. Retard Girl

    Who was the biggest Ring Rat?

  15. Retard Girl

    When I was a child, my father

    like the pot calling the grass green.
  16. Retard Girl


    this isn't about who my kids hug, it's about clowns and their evilness. i'd like to believe if this movie was never made, no one would care one way or the other:
  17. there, their, and they're; my cause worth fighting for.
  18. Retard Girl


    i never understood the scared of clowns thing. they're fuckin' goofy dudes in makeup.
  19. Retard Girl

    Pictures I Like

    Wow so is that some kind of evil leperchaun on the couch watching to trannys drive through 2 dudes............sometimes I hate the internet that's the best part. i'm still wondering if that's a real little dude, or some creepy leftover Halloween decoration.
  20. Retard Girl

    Chikara Information Required

    to be honest, most the shows are in Elks Lodges and of the like. no high schools, lol. it's funny, in a legitimate way. not stupid and cheesy like WWE. the wrestling is also top-notch, a show will usually have lots of high-flying, lots of wacky lucha-inspired submissions, more traditional wrestling, some straight up striking... it depends on who is on the show. i can't really compare it to any other promotion. WWE and TNA are all rigorously scripted and rarely turn out funny. ROH is known for being serious business. Chikara combines colourful characters, damn good wrestling, comedy that doesn't insult one's intelligence... a good time, family-friendly, fun stuff. the promotion has really grown over the years. seeing some of the older stuff will help one understand their beginnings... but they've really been stepping up their game as of late, filling in that spot where CZW and IWA-MS have been lacking (that spot being the indy level under ROH). their best of dvd's is a great way to start. also they have a weekly podcast (also available on youtube). individual matches stand alone well, whole shows may have a slow moment or two but are overall very watchable. http://www.chikarapro.com/indexENG.shtml
  21. Retard Girl

    Pictures I Like

  22. Retard Girl

    Emptiness is filling me

    ew, cross contamination?
  23. Retard Girl

    "Yo Quiero Discussion!"

    Thoth's match is my match too.
  24. Retard Girl

    Pictures I Like
