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Retard Girl

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Everything posted by Retard Girl

  1. Retard Girl

    Clusterfuck discussion thread

    critiques/critisizm/comments/suggestions on my dumpy little hardcore match? plz?
  2. Retard Girl

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    my research on the topic has come up inconclusive.
  3. Retard Girl

    Inside the Wrestlers Studio

    considering i've been in the fed for a whopping two matches, i am not qualified to fill out the SWF section. Wrestling Favorite Federation?: not WWE or TNA. indy geek in the house! Favorite Worker?: Chris Hero, Jimmy Jacobs, Mike Quackenbush... i could go on but i'll be sitting here all day. Least Favorite Worker?: 90% of the bodybuilders passed off as wrestlers in that one big fed. Favorite Match(es)?: most involved Chris Hero and Eddie Kingston beating the shit out of each other. Favorite Stipulation?: it's not a stip, but i love three way matches. just having that one extra person changes the makeup of a match so much. i think they are underused. Dream Matches?: i'm not sure. If I worked for a company it'd be...: some indy no one's heard of. My style of wrestling would be...: hardcore power brawler Face or heel?: straightforward face, even though i'd use heelish tendancies. Dream Matches (that includes you)?: i'd love to beat up one of them models with fake tits. Personal Name?: Taiga Star Age?: 28 Single?: and loving it Biggest Turn On?: big brown eyes Biggest Turn Off?: body hair. Religious?: not really Favorite book(s)?: dunno. i read a lot of non-fiction. Favorite movie(s)?: Mel Brooks' movies, the original Shining, Seven, Natural Born Killers, Rocky Horror Picture Show Favorite actor/actress?: meh, don't care. Juliette Lewis? Favorite bands?: tool, Marilyn Manson, Sonic Youth, Metallica.... Favorite song(s)?: One by Metallica is my standby "favourite song", but it seems weekly my fave is changing. last week it was Metallica's Ride the Lightning. this week it's Misfits' Helena. Most Recent Accomplishment?: not having a psychotic episode at court whilst trying to get my kids back. oops, too personal for this board. my bad! Most Recent Failure?: life. CAN WE MOVE ON PLZ? My biggest flaw...: i'm laaazy and i procrastinate way too much. I like my...: gigantic tits and biting sarcasm. Future Goal(s)?: getting my family back together. Do you write outside the SWF (if so, what do you write)?: yes, i write;and no, you can't read it XD Heroes?: i don't need any heros. i choose to not model my life after anyone else's. i insist on doing my own thing and going my own way. I would love to meet...: referee Bryce Remsburg, because he's awesome. Hardest moment of my life...: having the state rip my life apart was/is pretty bad. Greatest moment of my life...: hasn't happened yet. Would you want to be famous?: maybe Favorite swear word?: dammit Favorite food?: cheese What would you want God to say if you want to Heaven?: i do not believe in heaven. What would you want the Devil to say if you were in Hell?: i do not believe in hell.
  4. Retard Girl

    What kind of music kick are you on?

    ^ yes, i have slapped myself for missing out for the last 28 years. and it turns out this album i've had on repeat for the last three days is one of the "new" albums. i suppose that makes me some sort of loser. well, more than i already was. aren't i clever?
  5. THE MAN SPEAKS THE TRUTH! so plz listen. though the last "new guy" that made a thread, made it about farts and now he's Mister Popularity. go figure
  6. Retard Girl

    The ladies of TSM.

    just making a post so i may continue annoying people. also, this thread amused me.
  7. Retard Girl

    What kind of music kick are you on?

    Misfits. god, what i've been missing.
  8. Retard Girl

    Clusterfuck emergency rescue thread

    hmm, maybe i should have attempted to write one, instead of asking for some hardcore jobber match. who cares if the n00b winning is weird, it would have ruled XD
  9. Retard Girl

    Next SWF show availability thread

    i'm game.
  10. yes, i write; and no, you may not read it
  11. Retard Girl

    PROMO: The Promo Without a Cool Name

    ya know, it's something i've done before. a promo of me shopping in a hardware store. i even made a graphic for my own little brand of generic hardware stores. because i'm *totally* a geek like that XD
  12. Retard Girl

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    that's the spirit!
  13. cookies to anyone that gets that.
  14. Retard Girl

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    everywhere else, people like me. this is the only place i've encountered widespread hatred. i can't help that it keeps drawing me back in. it's facinating.
  15. Retard Girl

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    but that would ruin the fun!
  16. Retard Girl

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    i love the warmth and companionship here. it makes my days complete.
  17. 1) open window 2) pick up said bug 3) drop it out the window 4) close window
  18. Retard Girl

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    i wish i had some pot.
  19. Retard Girl

    Fundamentalist Christian Chat Rooms

    putting the 'fun' in fundamentalist! fuck, this stuff is amusing.
  20. Retard Girl

    Unjustly Imprisoned Man Must Repay "Room, Board" While in Pr

    you have some good points. must have been hell for the guy. i stand by my statement though about that bitch needs to seriously be raped. a few times. or given a couple of round on one of these.
  21. it looks like she actually brushed her hair in that last one.
  22. Retard Girl

    Unjustly Imprisoned Man Must Repay "Room, Board" While in Pr

    the girl should actually get raped. serve the bitch right. seriously there should be some special set of punishments for women that go around falsely accusing men of rape. that shit is right up there with claiming to be pregnant just to fuck with a dude's head.
  23. Retard Girl

    What kind of music kick are you on?

    i downloaded the Dethklok album last week. i really like it XD
  24. Retard Girl

    BAC or maybe ABC content = 0.72

    did she have any blood in her alcohol stream?