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Retard Girl

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Everything posted by Retard Girl

  1. i have no idea how i got into this, but rest assured, i won't be in it for long.
  2. i got like, two votes. apparently i need to try harder XD
  3. Retard Girl

    Awkward moments involving roommates.

    same here, i'm living with my best friend right now and nothing seems that 'awkward'. this stuff usually amuses us. 29) you go into the kitchen for a drink at 3am and your roomate is sitting at his comp, at the kitchen table, wanking one off. this wouldn't be my best friend (cause i might have helped her) but it was the big fat hairy dude who's room smells funny
  4. Retard Girl


    i feel so much older now.
  5. Retard Girl

    Wrestling References

    i always thought football would be more watchable if it had things like... the ref not looking while someone cheats, one team's captain comes and gives a chair shot to the other team's quarterback, run-ins, "you fucked up!" chants when someone botches a move, etc.
  6. Retard Girl

    CHIKARA King of Trios (February 29, March 1, March 2)

    2008 will be the year of the Mantis.
  7. Retard Girl

    What kind of music kick are you on?

    i've had Metallica's Ride the Lightning cd on repeat for a couple days now
  8. Retard Girl

    Wrestling References

    every time we see the President come out, they play 'Hail to the Cheif'. i always consider it his enterace theme.
  9. Retard Girl

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    it looks so yummy.
  10. Retard Girl

    What do you know about Cock and Ball Torture?

    the title of this thread is misleading.
  11. Retard Girl

    Campaign 2008

    Mike Huckabee's name reminds me of Michael Hickenbottom
  12. Retard Girl

    2008 Wrestling Dead Pool

    JC Bailey
  13. Retard Girl

    Indy wrestlers need to tone it down a notch

    Nigel's respone to Concussgate. this amused me so much. i love when fans get all snobbety and think they know when they don't. i'm not claiming to "know", so don't go there, lol. if someone is injured, deal with it? gracious.
  14. Retard Girl

    Christmas list

    these grey pajama type pants blue hoodie shirt eye shadow undies iwa-ms big ass xmas bash 2006 a coat (that didn't fit) socks nail polish hair thingies utility knife. a cool looking one with flowers on it XD oh and chapstick. yay :s
  15. Retard Girl

    How was your 2007?

    it IS a leap year, maybe that's it.
  16. Retard Girl

    What kind of music kick are you on?

    i've been pulling out the ol' Marilyn Manson cd's that were a staple of my high-schoolness lately.
  17. Retard Girl

    2008 Wrestling Dead Pool

    if JC Bailey is not dead by this time next year, i will be surprised. i don't want to think this way, but he's really scraping bottom. and i think everyone agrees on Mae Young. though i have a feeling that she won't pass on until she's 115 years old
  18. Retard Girl

    How was your 2007?

    my year sucked, thanks. 2008 WILL be better.
  19. Retard Girl

    Ever got so drunk that you...

    i was only a little tipsy last night. but my roomate was fucking tanked (plastered, hammered, three..no six sheets to the wind, whathaveyou) i had to carry her from the car. she made it up the stairs on her own power (eventually) and i had to carry her down the hall and through the house to dump her in her bed. then she woke up five minutes later, wondered how she got home, was confused as to who's bed she was in... then she got up and opened herself another beer. what a trooper!
  20. Retard Girl

    All Kinda Farts

    Le Pétomane
  21. Retard Girl

    Clusterfuck discussion thread

    so wait... these aren't due until Januart twentysomthingith? gracious. i might do some promos to fill the time. *thinks up shit*
  22. Retard Girl

    Today was my birthday, yet I am home by midnight.

  23. Retard Girl

    Some questions for TaigaStar to consider.

    maybe he is.