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Retard Girl

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Everything posted by Retard Girl

  1. Retard Girl

    All Kinda Farts

    it's okay, i have no grandmothers left either.
  2. Retard Girl

    Some questions for TaigaStar to consider.

    awe damn. i guess we'll just stick with exchanging PMs about Mickie Knuckles. maybe it's your eyes.
  3. Retard Girl

    Wrestling References

    i bought these socks with palm trees and a stripe-y sunset. going through my head were Larry Sweeney's "Two Tickets to Larrydice" promos. no, i did not go through the store shouting "TWO TICKETS TO LARRYDICE!!!", kthx.
  4. Retard Girl

    Some questions for TaigaStar to consider.

    i got my Hot Topic brand boots at the thrift store for $7, thank you. and no, no Jncos for me, thank you.
  5. Retard Girl

    Clusterfuck discussion thread

    lol, awesome. there really ARE people lamer than me!
  6. Retard Girl

    Some questions for TaigaStar to consider.

    i do not. i prefer boots. big black shiny boots with a badass clunky heel.
  7. Retard Girl

    Clusterfuck discussion thread

    damn, this board is entertaining
  8. Retard Girl

    Some questions for TaigaStar to consider.

    awe, come on, don't stop at that list! post my intrests as well! they're far more entertaining.
  9. Retard Girl

    Clusterfuck discussion thread

    "Probably Leena" is some inside joke, i've come to learn. from them. up there. *points to the rest of the forums*
  10. Retard Girl

    Two Girls One Cup

    *shakes Milky's hand* congrats man, you're more perverted than i am.
  11. Retard Girl

    Britney Spears' SISTER is pregnant

    so wait... she doesn't know who the father is? so she's been sexing more than one person? rock the fuck on, kid. stay classy.
  12. Retard Girl

    Wrestling References

    though since i've been a wrestling fan, i use "to mark" slightly different. when someone gets really excited over something, they "mark out". like there was a news story about this sold out Hannah Montana concert, and behind the news caster lady were a bunch of screaming ten year old girls marking out for Hannah Montana. and also this by-story on how this man gave a little girl his ticket because the girl had the cancer and was dying or someting. though all i wondered was why this creepy old dude had a ticket to an event crowded with pre-teen girls. *calls Chris Hansen*
  13. Retard Girl

    Some questions for TaigaStar to consider.

    it's okay, i hate women too.
  14. Retard Girl

    Two Girls One Cup

    You wouldn't be if you'd been here longer. We go through some vile, vile shit here. TSM regulars are more well versed in fetishistic phraseology than would be expected. i'm pretty well-versed in the stuff as well.
  15. Retard Girl

    Two Girls One Cup

    bonus points for useage of 'coprophelia' though. very impressed.
  16. Retard Girl

    Clusterfuck discussion thread

    hardcore match. WHOO-HOO FOR ME! let the good times roll XD
  17. Retard Girl

    How did you find out that wrestling was not "real"?

    anyone that thinks wrestling is "fake" should spend a few days taking bumps XD
  18. Retard Girl

    Some questions for TaigaStar to consider.

    i danced around the question. maybe i should get into politics...
  19. Retard Girl

    Some questions for TaigaStar to consider.

    opinions vary.
  20. Retard Girl

    How did you find out that wrestling was not "real"?

    movies are fake, and they don't even do their own stunts.
  21. Retard Girl

    Ever got so drunk that you...

    i've never gotten drunk to the point of doing something stupid. i don't need any help making an ass out of myself.
  22. Retard Girl

    Some questions for TaigaStar to consider.

    no i don't
  23. Retard Girl

    Some questions for TaigaStar to consider.

    no, won't do it, but thanks for the suggestion
  24. Retard Girl

    What did you do today?

    i made a scarf.