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Retard Girl

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Everything posted by Retard Girl

  1. Retard Girl

    Pictures I Like

  2. Retard Girl

    The Other January Show

    i dunno if i'll be up to writing or not. though i do have a title to defend. i have to get through writing this nine thousand word match that's going to suck because i have been horribly uninspired and/or depressed and/or trying to book another fed full of people that either don't care, or want it their way.
  3. Retard Girl

    So how was your 2008?

    i didn't get my kids back. but i have my own place now.
  4. Retard Girl

    TSM Death Pool -- 2009

    Scott Weiland Barbra Bush (the mother, not the daughter) George HW Bush Dick Cheney Magic Johnson Jake Roberts Bob Barker ***best bet*** Terry Funk Jimmy Carter Jack Klugman Mae Young Richard Dawson Zsa Zsa Gabor Courtney Love Michael Jackson Abigail "Dear Abby" Van Buren ***best bet*** Rush Limbaugh Abdullah the Butcher Verne Gagne Dick Clark (pretty much the same list from last year)
  5. Retard Girl

    Pictures I Like

  6. Retard Girl

    Promo: Complications

    medication? frogs? subjucation? facinating. especially the medication part. is there a backstory i am not aware of... or is this to be revealed later?
  7. Retard Girl

    Pictures I Like

  8. Retard Girl

    Celebrities I Fuckin' Hate!

    Tom Cruise. Martha Stewart.
  9. Retard Girl

    Promo: Injuries and Matches

    it was more of a promo to explain the extent of my injuries recieved, as opposed to a promo against TJS. saying that... i love me some counter-promos. and counter-counter-promos.
  10. Retard Girl

    Promo: Injuries and Matches

    "No, just set the camera there. No, Gordo, there. Do you SEE where I'm pointing?" The view from the camera is dizzying and quite unstable. Taiga Star is giving out instructions, her voice rough and strained. "No, Gordo..." She sighs heavily. "Cámara la table you dumbfuck..." The shot stops dead and focuses on a sideways Taiga. "Oh dear christ..." Taiga comes for the lens, and for a moment we see her hand in startling detail. Really, one could do a spiritual reading if they were so inclined. The world is turned upright as the camera is set in place again. Taiga and El Gordo are standing in front of a picnic table at a park. The day is freakishly warm for December and she wanted to take advantage of that. El Gordo didn't have an opinion on it either way. Perhaps he was just too clueless to care. Just like a dog, which is sometimes what Taiga is reminded of. El Gordo isn't very bright, but loyal. With her braced left hand, Taiga reaches for a large paper sack next to her. Printed on it is a colourful logo advertising Chico's Taco Hut. She opens the bag and El Gordo straightens up. Taiga reaches in and takes out one taco. El Gordo watches the food intently, following the motion of her taco-bearing hand. He reaches out to take it and Taiga snatches it back. "Oy, back off!" He pouts and sulks. Taiga hands him the sack with the remaining Taco Fun Partypak© order. She dismisses him with a brushing off gesture. "Go, shoo, comer!" A shriek of joy escapes the large Mexican as he waddles off to another table. Taiga sighs and looks at the taco in her hand, her hand which is wrapped with elastic and plastic and Neoprene and Velcro, down to the forearm. "My hand will be okay. Not that my wrist was fucked up there to begin with. I'll live. I just got to wear this thing for a while... Actually... I might have to wear it for a really long fucking time." The taco is still in her hand, she seems surprised it is there. She places it on the table and continues speaking. "My throat will be okay too. I was pretty close to needing surgery to repair a crushed trachea. But like I said, I'll be okay." She looks into the distance, watching the bright sunshine filter through the leafless trees. "That which does not kill me, makes me stronger." "Anyway, I have a match in a few weeks. Thankfully it's a few weeks, gives me some time to heal up before facing Tod James Stuart in the finals of the Cold Front Classic tournament. Which I'm surprised I've made it this far. Hell, I don't remember winning the last round against Thoth." She stares into the camera. "Thoth, we'll be getting into it, trust me. You poked a bees nest here, and there will be consequences." Taiga relaxes a bit, looks around. "Today is not that day however. Today is a nice day. A day to sit and reflect on the task which lies ahead of me. Tod Stuart. I've never had the pleasure of facing him in a ring before. I don't think we've ever exchanged more than a dozen words since I've been in the SWF. But I know he's a damn good wrestler, and I know he has a slight experience advantage. This is a good thing. I love a challenge. Especially if I'm not at one hundred percent, because that means I have to work harder for what I want." Suddenly, Taiga looks up. El Gordo is finished with the massive amounts of food he was presented with a few short minutes ago, and is back for more. Before she has the chance to do anything, Gordo has her taco, which is unwrapped and eaten in about twenty seconds. She sighs heavily. "You know, I really didn't want that taco anyway." *fade to black*
  11. Retard Girl

    TSM Death Pool -- 2009

    yeah, what if they find him and discover he'd been dead a year plus?
  12. Retard Girl

    Pictures I Like

    the number of .gifs featuring The Shoe Incident is sheer hillarity.
  13. Retard Girl

    Pictures I Like

  14. Retard Girl

    Have you actually met anyone from the board?

    i owned Annie Eclectic's orifice for a couple months. then i left a filthy and lame message on Milky's voicemail once...
  15. Retard Girl

    Pictures I Like

  16. Retard Girl

    Pictures I Like

  17. Retard Girl

    Pictures I Like

    thanks for the info.
  18. Retard Girl

    This has been the coldest winter ever.

    it's just better to confront these things, instead of trying to skirt around the subject. make sure they know that someone will always take care of them. make sure they know that people don't get cancer from "being bad" and that they can't catch it like a cold. and ask them how they feel and what they think, it might surprise you.
  19. Retard Girl

    Pictures I Like

    isn't that one of the kids from Salute Your Shorts?
  20. Retard Girl


    i'll write a match! ....wait, nevermind XD
  21. Retard Girl

    This has been the coldest winter ever.

    how old are your kids? this may be off-colour or overstepping or whatnot, but i believe that the kids should know exactly what is going on. it's something they're going to have to deal with, life experience. it's hard talking to kids about this sort of thing, but kids are a lot smarter than they are given credit for, and they know something is going on. and left in the dark, their little imaginations wander to things like what's wrong and where's mommy and did i cause this and is this punishment for being bad and will i get sick too? and if they ask if she will get better, and you don't know? it's okay to tell them that. it's also important for them to know that someone will always be there to take care of them. http://www.indiaparenting.com/raisingchild...gchild054.shtml good luck, is all i can say.
  22. Retard Girl

    2008 Cold Front Classic commentz

    i... see. i love a mystery!
  23. Retard Girl

    2008 Cold Front Classic commentz

    i was just going to ask "i won via no-show, right?" because i still can't believe i would win over someone that actually wrote a match. Thoth, can i see your match?