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Retard Girl

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Everything posted by Retard Girl

  1. Retard Girl

    Getting to know each other better

    *looks up a spiffy judgement quote* "Feeling without judgment is a washy draught indeed; but judgment untempered by feeling is too bitter and husky a morsel for human deglutition."
  2. Retard Girl


    no, not really.
  3. Retard Girl

    A late night MSN conversation

    ......HAHAAAHAHAAHHAHAAA!! sorry. well okay, i'm not sorry. gracious. if you're getting all life-changing emo over some "internet relationship" then you obviously need another source of drama in your life. or, maybe you need a life to begin with. or something.
  4. the ring collapsing on Brock and Big Show. best thing ever.
  5. Retard Girl

    Getting to know each other better

    They mean Japs. you mean, there's a world outside the US?
  6. Retard Girl


    i am not ashamed of my girth.
  7. Retard Girl


    Jeff Hardy was my first big wrestling fangirl thing *reminds self that HTML doesn't work*
  8. Retard Girl


    11. srsly.
  9. Retard Girl

    Let's start talking Best Album of 2007.

    my kids aren't old enough to know this shit yet. they listen to metal because i do XD though the seven year old likes We Didn't Start the Fire, and the five year old loves the Mercedes Benz song.
  10. Retard Girl

    Getting to know each other better

    First name: Taiga Last name: Star. isn't that funny? Old Smarkboard name: wasn't there Age: 28 From: Haverhill, MA, US Music genre: metal, baby Fav drug: weeeeeed Fav alcholic drink: Jager! Fav movie: Natural Born Killers Fav wrestler: Chris Hero, Jimmy Jacobs, Sara Del Ray, Necro Butcher, Nate Webb, CM Punk, Eddie Kingston, Daizee Haze, Mike Quackenbush, Super Dragon, Pick a Briscoe, Delirious, Low Ki, Danny havoc, Jack Evans, Mschif, Claudio Castagnoli, Mickie Knuckles.... one? Fav series of matches: Hero/Kingston, Joe/Necro Brand of cigarettes: Newports Fav site (wrestling or not): rotten.com Newsletter subscriber?: nope fav writer: Poppy Z. Brite, and whoever writes the encyclopedia Who promises the most?: um.... Who promises the least: erm... WCW, WWF, ECW or what?: i'm an indy geek. Best international match you've ever seen: what's an international? Past post count title: lol Fav poster: hell if i know Fav porn babe (because we're all eteros, right?!): they're all ugly and gross looking. even the guys are. *shudders* Fav wrestling bitch: Lufisto is a bitch, i love it. What piece/s do you recommend to the newcomers?: they're all bad for newcomers. trust me.
  11. Retard Girl

    Getting to know each other better

    so if i fill this out now, it'll look like i'm a bandwagon-jumping sheep. wait, why am i worried about how i look on a message board?
  12. Retard Girl

    Let's start talking Best Album of 2007.

    i only bought two albums in 2007 Metallica's ...And Justuce for All and tool's 10,000 days. only the tool cd was made in this last year. i think. or was that 2006? shit, i'm so far behind with this shit
  13. Retard Girl

    Getting to know each other better

    i would, but everyone else's survey is dated from five freeking years ago. i can't compete with that. this survey is almost as old as my youngest
  14. Retard Girl

    Ike Turner Dead

  15. Retard Girl

    Getting to know each other better

    owch. should i go find a razor now?
  16. Retard Girl

    Getting to know each other better

    i am your furtue forgettable poster!
  17. Retard Girl

    Luke-O turned 22 today.

    damn, i'm not even THAT fat o____O
  18. Retard Girl


    it slips out occasionally.
  19. Retard Girl

    VH1's Top 100 songs of the 90s

    there's some good music there. aaaaand some not-so-good music. boy, we listened to some crap.
  20. Retard Girl

    Pro Wrestling Guerrilla: All Star Weekend 6 thread

    PWG usually puts on some great shows. but their dvd product sucks- the camera work and commentary blows. it makes me sad, but i can't watch the match wneh i can't see what's going on half the time because the camera is recording the mat and not the wrestlers. but yeah. Super Dragon, for the win.
  21. Retard Girl

    The War on Christmas: 2K8

    is this a good time/place to get into my anti-santa and anti-over-consumerism rants?
  22. Retard Girl

    what do you want for christmas?

    i'm lucky to be getting one wrestling dvd and some chapstick. though i might get lucky this year and get underwear as well. i know i'm getting a dvd because the box from smart mark video was sitting on the table last time i went up to my parent's XD
  23. Retard Girl

    Ike Turner Dead

  24. Retard Girl

    Help me with this

  25. Retard Girl

    Help me with this

    Fruit Trucks Worldwide