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Retard Girl

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Everything posted by Retard Girl

  1. Retard Girl

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    i only wanted to show that once. oh well. here, have another
  2. Retard Girl

    Confessions of a Grocery Store Santa

    omg, i totally agree. if your kids are screaming and kicking it's not worth it. is a picture with someone in a Santa suit that worth it? i could totally go on my "bah humbug" rant, but i'll spare y'all.
  3. Retard Girl

    Weird call

    *has pizza sent to your house*
  4. Retard Girl

    Right Said Thread/I'm Board Da Ba Dee Da Ba Di

    hahahaaa. i feel old because they re-did this song for a movie that MY KIDS are watching (Cars). yup
  5. Retard Girl

    CTDWAT: Indies/Overseas/General

    i shall take note of this.
  6. Retard Girl

    CTDWAT: Indies/Overseas/General

    Punk is one of the best all around wrestlers today, imo.
  7. Retard Girl

    Right Said Thread/I'm Board Da Ba Dee Da Ba Di

    hahaa, oh man, i was thinking about this one recently too. but i remembered the name of the group and the song. i remember the kids trying to wear backwards clothes for a couple months after this came out. silly preteens.
  8. Retard Girl

    CTDWAT: Indies/Overseas/General

    that amused me more than it prolly should have.
  9. Retard Girl

    Weird call

    when my parents first got their current phone number, whenever i called, i ended up calling this old lady on accident. i kept switching around two of the numbers. i think the old lady blocked my number after a while. oh, and i remember my parent's number now
  10. Retard Girl

    Right Said Thread/I'm Board Da Ba Dee Da Ba Di

    ^ ^ first one - i hated that song second - OMG I WAS JUST THINKING OF THAT SONG THE OTHER DAY! you saved my life. i couldn't remember who did that. one hit wonders rock. third - not available fourth - this song is awesome. AOL radio. All Metallica station. i'm a happy camper.
  11. Retard Girl

    CTDWAT: Indies/Overseas/General

    i don't base these things on "who's cool on the internet", but yeah. i still like him. i love the whole asshole thing he does so well, oh and something about a little feud with Eddie Kingston. love it.
  12. Retard Girl


    that takes skillz, yo.
  13. Retard Girl

    Can you lend a nigga a pencil?

    i live in the latino ghetto. i'm white. they call ME nigga! "hey there E-Rock" "what up, nigga?" lolz.
  14. Retard Girl


    *is flattered*
  15. Retard Girl

    What makes for a good wrestling card?

    indeed. i'd like to see a bunch of kind of matches- the six man spot monkey match the serious mat tech match the senceless brawl a legit women's match some match that involves a hot feud standard tag team match another real women's match the barbed wire table bump match the boobie bikini match some heavyweight title something match
  16. Retard Girl

    CTDWAT: Indies/Overseas/General

    i'm a pretty big Chris Hero mark. thoughts?
  17. Retard Girl

    Card for the next Pro Wrestling Unplugged show

    edit- hey there Oldschool *waves*
  18. Retard Girl


    i know my perversion. up close and personal. Mickie Knuckles and Brain Damage headbutting the shit out of each other = gold.
  19. Retard Girl


    i can't think up a witty reply to that.
  20. Retard Girl


    i'll upload what i have. i don't think i have any of her though. and sammiches get the modem all yucky. , she even provided a lolcat counterattack. Looks like we might have a keeper. okay, i have to confess, it wasn't my pussy. that was my friend's pussy.
  21. Retard Girl

    Heading out to close on some big sales

    not even clicking = usually the battery. had it been super-uber-cold there? some cars don't like that sort of thing. not that i'm an expert or anything.
  22. Retard Girl


    You I like. Just a heads up, we be assholes. Once you get past that we are still assholes. i'm used to boards full of assholes. it doesn't phase me.
  23. Retard Girl


    just a little bit of my pussy
  24. Retard Girl


    i'm not like most girls though. they're all catty, jealous, whiny, material, shallow.... fuck, that's like a lot of the guys i know. oh well. i'm actually pretty cool, but i'm not going to hold a knife to people about it. "LIKE ME OR ELSE!!!11eleventy!/" and such. hey look, something shiny.