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Retard Girl

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Posts posted by Retard Girl

  1. Baby was a black sheep. Baby was a whore.

    Baby got big and baby get bigger.

    Baby get something. Baby get more.

    Baby, baby, baby was a rock-and-roll nigger.

    Oh, look around you, all around you,

    riding on a copper wave.

    Do you like the world around you?

    Are you ready to behave?


    Outside of society, they're waitin' for me.

    Outside of society, that's where I want to be.


    Baby was a black sheep. Baby was a whore.

    You know she got big. Well, she's gonna get bigger.

    Baby got a hand; got a finger on the trigger.

    Baby, baby, baby is a rock-and-roll nigger.


    Outside of society, that's where I want to be.

    Outside of society, they're waitin' for me.


    I was lost in a valley of pleasure.

    I was lost in the infinite sea.

    I was lost, and measure for measure,

    love spewed from the heart of me.

    I was lost, and the cost,

    and the cost didn't matter to me.

    I was lost, and the cost

    was to be outside society.


    Jimi Hendrix was a nigger.

    Jesus Christ and Grandma, too.

    Jackson Pollock was a nigger.

    Nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger.


    Outside of society, they're waitin' for me.

    Outside of society, if you're looking,

    that's where you'll find me.

    Outside of society, they're waitin' for me.
