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Everything posted by BigDaddyFool

  1. BigDaddyFool

    House Fire

    i'd save kane to prevent him from anymore burning from his mischevious older brothers
  2. BigDaddyFool

    Let's Talk About...

    i remember duggan finding the tv title in a garbage can when he had that janitor gimmick. palumbo has that tarzan gimmick too
  3. BigDaddyFool

    Guys who you KNEW sucked

    bill kazmeir
  4. BigDaddyFool

    Future Feuds

    morrison/HBK murdoch/jillian
  5. BigDaddyFool

    WWE Signs D-Lo Brown

    thanks for the piint man fosters is fine for me. much better then the bud light im drinking now. i mean back in the day i liekd d lo causue the lo down and the sky high were awesome. i would like to see him be successful but i just wanted to point ou why it might not. hey neither of us are going to back down from our points an i respect that and i think you do make a great point
  6. BigDaddyFool

    WWE Signs D-Lo Brown

    it isnt like he left on a high note. there are a lot of young fans now do you think theyre going to remeber the golden age of d lo. like i said i liked the thigns he did in the ring he had a nice move set but among a lot of marks (us) he is best remebered for dropping a guy on his head
  7. BigDaddyFool

    WWE Signs D-Lo Brown

    well how many wrestlers paralyzed a guy. i mean d'lo s not a bad guy but like c'mon if he was the 1st euro ic champ that means the company had very high hopes for him if they gave both theyre mid card titles to him but he clearly wasnt cause the crowd was with him enough so they gave him crap after that (c'mon him teaming with the godfather as liek a second pimp geez that was weak. d'lo had a great move set but there is a reason he didint work back then so why would he work now
  8. BigDaddyFool

    WWE Signs D-Lo Brown

  9. BigDaddyFool

    WWE Signs D-Lo Brown

    how the hell are they going to use this guy. give me a break. ok he was the 1st eurocontinental champ but if that went well he wouldve never been released in the 1st place. hes sketchy in the ring ask droz and dont blame a fuckin spilt soda give me a break i dont see how that makes someone mess up a powerbomb
  10. BigDaddyFool

    WWE Draft 2008

    then dont you think this will cripple smackdown in a way cause currently theyre tag champs are ecw roster members and most of theyre storylines revolve around ecw wrestlers. the draft is going to have to supplu smackdown with some huge names or it will be hurt severly
  11. BigDaddyFool

    WWE Draft 2008

    does anyone think that ec w being taped before raw will change things. like will they have a talent exchange that ec dub and smackdown did cause that would change things up quite a bit