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Noah Fentz

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Everything posted by Noah Fentz

  1. Noah Fentz

    The OaO WWE Raw thread (8/25/2008)

    I'm really disappointed with the Mysterio thing. Not even an explanation of what went on with him and Kane?!? So, I guess it's safe to assume he wasn't as tortured or terrorized as the angle was heading. I'm extremely disappointed they didn't have some form of explanation before announcing his participation in the scramble.
  2. Noah Fentz

    The OaO WWE Raw thread (8/25/2008)

    Good match for Primo. Shame the WWE won't know how to use him.
  3. Noah Fentz

    The OaO WWE Raw thread (8/25/2008)

    Nah, she has red tips.
  4. Noah Fentz

    The OaO WWE Raw thread (8/25/2008)

    Please tell me you're not surprised. It happens all over the country.
  5. Noah Fentz

    The OaO WWE Raw thread (8/25/2008)

    I thought that match was awful and boring. CM just doesn't have what it takes to be a champ, IMO. What did he do? A dozen kicks and a springboard before his finisher? I still haven't seen a very convincing performance from him, since winning the belt. You are very right, though, JBL has been VERY good to him.
  6. Noah Fentz

    WWE Raw (8/11/2008)

    Bravo! Well done!
  7. Noah Fentz

    WWE Raw (8/11/2008)

    It's a lot easier to articulate when you're not deflecting insults at every turn. I still stand by my thoughts of Cena heeling and Batista taking the top spot. It only makes sense to get as much out of Batista as possible before the WWE is through with him. Cena has many years left in him.
  8. Noah Fentz

    WWE Raw (8/11/2008)

    Nothing will ever beat the Gobbledygooker for that top honor...ever. Consider the "mobile" demographic and you consider the source.
  9. Noah Fentz

    Raven files a lawsuit against the WWE

    I agree, and I didn't mean to come off like I was yelling, sorry.
  10. Noah Fentz

    Raven files a lawsuit against the WWE

    Interesting how the mythical appears...perhaps you should visit Loch Ness. Isn't everyone? Employees included. If you were an independent contractor, you would take into account the 15%, adjust your fees, and the employer would pay for it, anyway. That's just how business works. Back on-topic...IMO, a suit like this against the WWE won't get very far.
  11. Noah Fentz

    Raven files a lawsuit against the WWE

    Employees split the burden for their Social Security taxes evenly with their employers; contractors are responsible for the whole load. Contractors are also responsible for their health insurance and retirement savings. http://the.honoluluadvertiser.com/article/...4/bz/bz14a.html This is as simple as I can find it. There is no mythical 15%. I gaurantee you cannot source that claim. Do you own a business? I can tell you, I do. I pay just over 15% per employee just to employ them. Then pay unemployment insurance and workers' comp. You want a source? How about my weekly payroll...will that work for you? Do all of you just read shit online and suddenly you're an expert?! And, no, you don't "split" income taxes evenly. Your source is bunk. 2004? C'mon! What did you do Google it? I can tell you when I sign payroll checks EXACTLY how this works.
  12. Noah Fentz

    Raven files a lawsuit against the WWE

    The workers pay their own tax, yes, but the 15% the WWE would have paid is not paid, since they are independent contractors. So, take 15% of all workers' wages over just the past 10 years and you'll have multi-millions. The 15% employers pay is above-and-beyond the independent contractors/employees taxes. It's not a wash at all.
  13. Noah Fentz

    Raven files a lawsuit against the WWE

    The debate is whether or not what the WWE is doing right now is legal. I believe it is, and I don't think there's a damn thing anyone can do about it. If the IRS hasn't already challenged the multi-millions it would have collected if the workers were employees, then I see no possibility of a valid argument.
  14. Noah Fentz

    Raven files a lawsuit against the WWE

    When paying an employee, it costs an employer an additional 15% in taxes, plus unemployment, plus workers' compensation. Image the money the IRS would have received, if WWE personalities were classified as employees. The only caviat to what you are saying here is that the employer does not pay the tax, the independent contractor does. So it is nearly a wash, but the more I read about it, the more complicated it gets. It's not that simple. Who would have thought I would have spent the last 30 minutes reading up on tax codes. The major point is the WWE doesn't pay the 15% tax an employer would pay.
  15. Noah Fentz

    Sid coming back?

    As talk of HBK continues and HBK's retirement seems right around the corner, I can see HBK retiring Flair coming back to haunt him in the next WM. Perhaps, if HBK loses at WM (vs. Jericho), he must retire...and does?
  16. Noah Fentz

    Raven files a lawsuit against the WWE

    Hell no, that's not what I thought you meant, but in recent experience around here, I thought it best to be as thorough as possible. Not even close. As independent contractors, they pay all their own taxes, the entity that employs them pays zero. When paying an employee, it costs an employer an additional 15% in taxes, plus unemployment, plus workers' compensation. Image the money the IRS would have received, if WWE personalities were classified as employees.
  17. Noah Fentz

    Raven files a lawsuit against the WWE

    Sorry, man, but that is totally untrue. In my indy, and every indy I worked with, the workers have 90% control over their match, but the spots and outcomes are the promoters' call. If I wanted a worker to gig, he'd gig. Granted, they could refuse, but they wouldn't be working the next show.
  18. Noah Fentz

    Raven files a lawsuit against the WWE

    There is nothing illegal about their contracts. Major corporations sign contracts of exclusivity all the time. Look at AT&T and the iPhone. I have no idea what you are talking about with thte phone comparison. If anyone knows any other situation close to what wrestlers have, i would like to hear it. It was an example of exclusivity, please pay closer attention. I believe a particular federal office would have jumped on the WWE long before Raven, if there was a question as to whether the performers of the WWE were independent contractors or not. That, of course, would be the IRS. Since billions of dollars have been generated without the IRS questioning the validity of the "independent contractor" status of its workers, I don't think there's any argument here. The IRS stands to generate more revenue from an employer-employee relationship than from that of an independent contractor relationship.
  19. Noah Fentz

    Raven files a lawsuit against the WWE

    I kind of doubt that to, no offence, Noah Fentz. He has to make more than $364K on his downside. The story I got was that the WWE was reducing all salaries and making cuts in the roster to reflect lower revenue. Some of the guys in the locker room were upset that HBK was still making "7K per week". I just can't remember the source, but I know it was reliable. I'll find it, if it's that important to you. It's just time I'd rather spend on finishing my Four Horsemen pinball.
  20. Noah Fentz

    Raven files a lawsuit against the WWE

    HBK's downside has to be way way way more then 7,000 a week. That's only 364,000 a year. I bet he has a 7 figure downside guarantee. Hell, sting makes more then that in TNA. $7,000 per week is 100% accurate. I got that figure from a very credible source. I'll try to find it, if it needs substantiating. There is nothing illegal about their contracts. Major corporations sign contracts of exclusivity all the time. Look at AT&T and the iPhone. Contract are, in the most simplistic terms, binding agreements between two parties. Nothing more, nothing less. Either side may draft conditions. Once signed, they enter a binding agreement. Network personalities are often independent that sign contracts of exclusivity and may only appear on that network or its affiliates.
  21. Noah Fentz

    Raven files a lawsuit against the WWE

    I'm a bit split on this topic. First, they do indeed know what they are getting into, but does that include those under contract during the change in policy throughout the last 10 years in wrestling? Now, many workers make only $30,000 to $60,000 a year. Not everyone makes $7,000 a week like HBK. So, yes, I agree with Bob that while in the 30K to 60K range, they should definitely be given benefits! After all, that Pizza Hut manager down the street makes 35K a year with full benefits!
  22. Noah Fentz

    Raven files a lawsuit against the WWE

    I might be wrong, but I though WWE considered itself as an entertainment entity and not a sport, which would make them exempt from a state AC. Because then they would have to test the wrestlers for things that are not covered in the "wellness" policy, which almost every one of them would fail. Yes, that is correct. Back in the 80's, Vince was faced with the decision of breaking kayfabe or complying with State Athletic Comm. guidelines. Of course, he chose the former, and wrestling became "sports entertainment." Again, though, I have to stress the most important part of this issue. They ARE independent contractors, but they signed a contract of EXCLUSIVITY. Therefore, they made the decision to not perform elsewhere voluntarily. I suspect there is a portion of this suit that deals with merchandising/use of imagery after a contract is terminated, much like Jesse Ventura's suit from '95 vs. Titan Sports.
  23. Noah Fentz

    WrestleMania 25

    Unified titles? It would be great to see Shelton win, but fail when he uses the MIB option, even though it should be an easy win. I could see the "can't succeed no matter how hard he tries" angle for Shelton.
  24. Noah Fentz

    Raven files a lawsuit against the WWE

    Agreed. How can a company expect "employees" to go out and risk their career and life without it? Of course, on the flip side...could you imagine the PREMIUMS?!!
  25. Noah Fentz

    Ric Flair getting divorced (again)

    Is it just me, or does Jerry have a Jack Nicholson-like look going on in that pic? Reminds me of the last pic in The Shining.