Noah Fentz
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Everything posted by Noah Fentz
Contractually, they are independent contractors that signed a contract of exclusivity. I don't think they have a chance. Although, I must say, it would be nice to see the workers receive more benefits, especially health and compensation for the injured.
Jesus... I feel like I'm in high school again... What a fuckin' waste of time.
People have been debating with you. It's just that some of your points are so outrageous and just flat out wrong, that it is hard for people to not think of you as an idiot. And you pulling a Jingus with your "you guys, I'm in the business" stuff, does not help matters. I apologized for my brash intro, and I don't expect instant acceptance, at least I had the class to apologize. Refuted, no problem. Name-calling, childish. You don't actually deny that the WWE has piped in sound, do you? God, I sure hope not, then you would have to accept that you're wrong. It is a FACT that they have piped in crowd sounds for Cena, Hogan, Goldberg, and others. In fact, you can watch promos that include clips from shows where Cena, Hogan, or Goldberg were getting heat, and the sound is TOTALLY edited.
I find it interesting that someone can come to your board, express an opinion one ONE topic, and be labeled and idiot, a F'n moron, etc. Why not show a little class, people, or is that too much to ask? I like playing the opposite side of the fence on some debates, because it should create interesting forum discussion. Instead, numerous members have simply resorted to name-calling and flaming. ...pathetic, TRULY, pathetic. Is this really how this board always is? When I was in the Gulag, I received NUMEROUS PMs describing how this once-great-board has been reduced to a small group of members that generally flame posters, if their opinions differ from theirs. Most of those PMs were from members who rarely post (according to them) because they don't enjoy participating when they receive this kind of reaction. Now, I completely understand what they were talking about.
I'm no troll, thanks, though, for looking out, cobainwasmurdered. I am getting sick of those types of comments. I have been heavily into wrestling for 24 years and involved for 8. I have been wrong before, and I don't mind being wrong. But I am getting nauseous from the pompous attitudes around here. How do you ever attract new members? As far as the talent in the ring. He is MUCH higher impact, which is more exciting to watch from the crowd perspective. Also, turning one heel has been part of the formula for each and every HUGE star in wrestling. It may not last long, but it will happen. Again, just a matter of time...
It's PAINFULLY obvious, IMO, that Cena and Batista are having a popularity contest right now. I foresee a future where Cena turns heel and Batista is the new face of RAW. Batista's pops are just as strong as Cena's. He has a better look and is a better talent in ring. It's only a matter of time, guys... ...wait and see
See, I have issue with "argument", and, unless I'm mistaken, this is an opinion. The most you, or anyone, can do is disagree. Calling me an F'N moron or trying to continually make me DEFEND myself takes all the enjoyment out of discussing wrestling.
What is it with you people?!?! Do you not read before you post?!? I listed the roster to show a lack of drawing/ratings power. It had nothing to do with Cena. Pay attention.
Actually, it's gone totally off-topic, now, because people insist on name calling and insulting. Isn't that comment Gulag material, or do the rules only cover newcomers. You must be joking. Back ON TOPIC... Cena will turn heel, IMO, soon...very soon. Expect to see Batista carry the torch for a while. With the current roster the way it is (listed below), I also expect to see someone big return to Raw. I just don't see enough talent to carry the flagship brand for very long. Batista Beth Phoenix Candice Charlie Haas Chris Jericho Chuck Palumbo CM Punk Cody Rhodes Deuce Hacksaw Jim Duggan Hardcore Holly Jamie Noble JBL Jerry Lawler Jillian John Cena JTG Kane Katie Lea Burchill Kelly Kelly Kofi Kingston Lance Cade Layla Lilian Garcia Matt Striker Melina Michael Cole Mickie James Mike Adamle Mr. McMahon Paul Burchill Paul London Randy Orton Rey Mysterio Robbie McAllister Ron Simmons Rory McAllister Santino Marella Shad Shawn Michaels Snitsky Ted DiBiase Val Venis William Regal
I really thought we were onto a good conversation. I edited my original post to maintain some composure. But I would like to make an observation here. I may have come off wrong in my original posts, and for that I admit I was wrong. Once it started going in the direction of flaming me, I got impatient and irritated. I have shared with you my insight into the business I know and love. If you have nothing good to say, when you see me post, just do this... Don't get up. Just sit on your bedroom floor with your little WWE action figures and your little WWE ring. Slip on your John Cena foam fingers and rap to your little hearts content, because the adults are talking. Nobody likes kids interrupting when the adults are talking. And, if you're good, we'll get some ice cream later
Cena is nowhere near as over as the WWE would like him to be. This is a case of shoving a worker down the fans' throats. The company could do what it's doing with or without Cena. He's simply not that big of a draw. When was the last time you heard someone say, "I just HAVE to get tickets for the upcoming house show...CENA will be there!" My guess is never. Note: At this point, I've stated my opinion, so there's no point of continuing. I hope I have given all of you something to think about. When a discussion turns into nothing more than a back and forth debate, it loses my interest. Feel free to comment, and hopefully, add a new perspective or insight to it.
You place those three on a much higher plane of success than the others, and I completely agree with you. I wasn't referring to the height of their popularity to the wrestling world, I was referring to their importance to the company.
Which means absolutely nothing at all, because Austin and Rock were once-in-a-lifetime hits and virtually nobody will match their popularity or merchandise sales. I have to totally disagree there... Hulk Hogan Ric Flair Randy Savage Bret Hart DX NWO The Rock Austin More to come, I assure you. Cena is NOT that guy right now, and probably never. Guys (or marketing gimmicks) rise like that rise about once every 3 years, as history shows. It's Batista's turn, IMO.
This is EXACTLY what Stephanie McMahon has been quoted as saying she's unhappy about. She wants to see more long-term storylines, but it seems angles are resolved in a mere matter of weeks. I suspect she will get what she wants, at least to a certain degree, so I believe a transition, of sorts, lies ahead. What I mean by that is you'll be seeing angles unfold more slowly in the future with more twists and swerves than in the previous year or so. It's hard to tell what the future brings when the process of storytelling is transitioning into a whole new way of telling the story.
I totally got your point about not messing with his current status because he's in a place that is perfect for both the fans that love him and the fans that hate him. But I disagree with your opening paragraph... Seeing as this is not necessarily the truth, he's NOT in a perfect place. McMahon is merely leading the sheep into believing he's hugely popular with the fans-at-large, and it is simply not true. Styles was describing the WWE crowd's reaction to Cena.
If you don't believe me, maybe you'll believe Joey Styles... Listen to his comment at 1:23 of this Video. And, yes, I know it's almost a year old, but how do you explain his return at Royal Rumble and return to Raw? Both are MUCH more recent!
I feel there's a few points that have to be made here... 1) Faces do sell the most merchandise, true, but eventually, the sales taper off into mediocrity. At this point, there's two choices that can be made. You can create new merchandise for the face, or turn them heel. New merchandise = endless cycle of new merchandise. Normally each product after the first sells less than their predecessors overall, because fans already have a Cena (or whoever) shirt. So, eventually, sales bottom out. Heel turn = New merchandise, new target demo of fanbase to merchandize to...good for sales. Eventual return to face means a BOOM of new merchandizing AGAIN. It's cyclic, and the marketing management exploit this trend to its fullest potential. 2) Review Cena's return after surgery. The crowd booed the hell out of him. Watch closely next time Cena comes out to the ring. There are just as many fans heckling as there are cheering. I can promise you the audio of RAW is manipulated...FACT. Cena Sucks Video (Best I could find, but definitive.) 3) Heels or Faces...both draw ratings. Workers can be over, regardless of which they are. Cena will still be as over as he is right now as a heel, possibly moreso. 4) My personal opinion...Cena is the WWE's most shoved-down-your-throat personality because of the "military tribute" aspect of his character, but even that will not be enough to justify their current use of him soon.
I see so much more potential in Batista. I think this whole Cena vs. Batista angle is to determine who will face and who will heel in the coming months.
Crowd sounds have been pumped into arenas for years. Goldberg chants were done this way when he wasn't getting over, as well as, Hulk Hogan and Cena. In some areas of the country Cena IS over, but in others, if you watch the crowd, they aren't into him as much as the sounds of the crowd imply. As far as kids, they'll find a new hero, they always do. I'm not suggesting turning Cena on the next Raw. But, it's high time for a change in direction for him. A heel turn now can easily evolve in getting him completely over when he faces again.
Cena is nowhere near as over as most of you think. Most crowds are split or lean toward dislike of Cena. In fact, the WWE has been dubbing audio for years, and a lot of Cena cheers are done in the production truck. Turning Cena heel is, in fact, a great idea. He receives heat as a face now! Merchandising is not limited to faces, heels sell merchandise, too.
Put yourself in his position.... Being a fan, as you are, if you were on the announce team, would you not work on bumping in every effort to make your one (and possibly only) spot look good? Barry, at the time, was a great worker with one hell of a resume. It was painful for me to watch. At least he seemed to enjoy his new gimmick. Nice try, but flaming me (again) won't get a rise out of (again) And, you miss the point. They all were involved in angles where they had influence in booking. Raw's GM falls into the same category.
As far as the crowd reaction to the Cole/Lawler vs. Priceless match, I think it was disappointment. I, for one, was looking forward the match as it was booked. It was perfect just as it was. As far as Cole is concerned... How can someone be in the business as long as he has, and obviously love it, but yet, bump as horrible as that?!?! I'd like to say Adamle is really not as bad as some of the worst angles/gimmicks the WWE/F has pulled off in the past. Think about it... Repo Man? Mae Young birthing a hand?!? The Gobbled...aw, hell, I'm not even going to go there! So, given the WWE's record, I'd say give him a chance. After all he can't possibly be as bad as Jack Tunney, The Spirit Squad, or The Stooges...can he?
You're gonna ban me after everything I said is true and your members treated me so poorly? "The messages express the views of the author of the message, not necessarily the views of this bulletin board. Any user who feels that a posted message is objectionable is encouraged to contact us immediately by email. We have the ability to remove objectionable messages and we will make every effort to do so, within a reasonable time frame, if we determine that removal is necessary. You agree, through your use of this service, that you will not use this bulletin board to post any material which is knowingly false and/or defamatory, inaccurate, abusive, vulgar, hateful, harassing, obscene, profane, sexually oriented, threatening, invasive of a person's privacy, or otherwise violative of any law." And just how did I violate your rules when simply responding to attacks by your members? I really just wanted to contribute to your board. This is most unfortunate.
Well, I will most certainly apologize to you, but I do not take too kindly to the flaming I received from your members. I came here with a genuine attempt to contribute to your board. I have a lot of experience and knowledge of the wrestling business. To be ridiculed in such a way really struck me wrong. Now, I don't expect everyone to believe me, but to have a mass onslaught of sarcasm, I feel, was inappropriate. I don't feel the need to name drop or PROVE what I said, but it is the truth, and I feel I wasn't given a fair shake by your/our peers. I have a lot to contribute, and I give you my word I will be MUCH more patient in the future. Again, my apologies for being so brash. If you were on my end of things, I believe you would be just as intolerable of such bereft behavior.
Okay, okay, you've convinced me.... You're all worthless pieces of shit. I apologize for joining a forum containing absolutely worthless "smarts". I'll just get back to my real life while the rest of you wallow away in your self aggrandizing belief that you know something about the industry I know and love. You fucking pathetic worms. If only you knew who you disrespected to this point. I have worked with many cool workers including the obscure like Zack Gowen. You're nothing but a fucking pack of jealous wannabes. Fuck off.