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  1. iluvwwesofun

    OMG! They killed Chef!

    When did Koko B. Ware die?
  2. iluvwwesofun

    Who needs a turn?

    Explain this current face run of Triple H please. I don't know because he's been off TV for awhile. What are you trying to say? He is boring as fuck but over? He's was only off for one show because of his daughter's birth. He's been on every week since moving over to Smackdown doing his typical and outdated shtick, most notably during the reception segment. The same routine he has been doing for the past year with absolutely no success. Cena's supposed routine does draw and increase ratings. Triple H can't make that claim. I find HHH whining about how he is so great in a 20 minute promo way more entertaining than anything that Cena has done in maybe ever. I only found him relatively entertaining as a heel 5 years ago.
  3. iluvwwesofun

    Who needs a turn?

    Stop. Explain house show reports where most fans have Rey masks or Cena shirts, or shows that I have been to where everyone reacts to Cena whether it be boos or cheers I was kidding before. However, when people say Cena getting booed half the time is a good thing, that isn't true, those people who boo Cena don't want to see him, thus he brings no value at all to those people. Why not just freshen Cena's act so he appeals to more people or something? I don't think it is hard to make his character more interesting.
  4. iluvwwesofun

    Who needs a turn?

    Explain this current face run of Triple H please. I don't know because he's been off TV for awhile. What are you trying to say? He is boring as fuck but over?
  5. iluvwwesofun

    Who needs a turn?

    The way I see it is that Cena is boring as fuck, thus he can't draw ratings. I think all his supposed sales are fake, as well as crowd chants, fans, etc. You can't be liked if you are boring as fuck. Turning him heel doesn't automatically make him entertaining. Just make him entertaining. He can be face, heel, whatever. Oh by the way, I want to commend you guys over here, for the past few days or week you have actually be discussing wrestling. Before that, for the past year, it was dead in here, because of whoever's idea it was to not create topics in the wrestling forum. Great idea to get new fans in here!