Classic matches pre 2000 - Edge & Christian v Hardyz Ladder match, No Mercy 99. Rock/Mankind I Quit match, Royal Rumble 99. Rock/Mankind/Shamrock Cage match, Breakdown IYH 98. Rock/HHH Ladder match, Summerslam 98. No DQ 8 man tag, No Way Out 98. Taker/Bret Hart, Summerslam 97. Austin/Bret, WMania 13. HBK/Razor Ramon Ladder match, WMania X. Savage/Flair, WMania 9. Classic promos/moments - Rock "this is your life", Raw Sept 99. Jerichos debut, Raw Aug 99. The new DX, Raw, the night after Wrestlemania 14. Kanes first appearance, Badd Blood 97. Austins acceptance speech, KOTR 96. Ric Flair "the real world champion" Survivor Series 91. These are just a few WWF memories to see.