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I mark out to Wang Yang

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  1. I mark out to Wang Yang

    The TSM Fantasy Wrestling Game.

    I love rated RKO. Age of Orton back on track
  2. I mark out to Wang Yang

    The TSM Fantasy Wrestling Game.

    HAHA Thanks, sorry Aragon. I'm pretty annoyed that the US champ seem to do nothing on SD! though and I took out Matt Hardy who was suppoesedly injuried. DAMN!!
  3. I mark out to Wang Yang

    The TSM Fantasy Wrestling Game.

    Out: Ted Dibaise 5m Evan Bourne 4.5m Matt hardy 6m In: Chris Jericho 9m The Miz 6m New Team: Chris Jericho 9m Randy Orton 12m Rey Misterio 7.5m Santino Marella 4m Shelton Benjamin 5m Vladamir Kozlov 6m The Miz 6m Total: 49.5m I wish I could of changed Santino and Kozlov but Evan and have been injuried or written out and I hear Matt Hardy is injuried, lets hope he drops the belt to The Miz
  4. I mark out to Wang Yang

    The TSM Fantasy Wrestling Game.

    Can I join now? If so, My team Santino Marella 4m Ted DiBiase 5m Shelton Benjamin 5m Matt Hardy 6m Evan Bourne 4.5m Rey Misterio 7.5m Randy Orton 12m Kozlov 6m