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Posts posted by johnson316cane

  1. Zach Ryders pants were ridiculous, though I've seen them before in indies. I guess it works for his character. He looks very indie though, right down to his finisher. I like the finisher, but not for Ryder - when he's released I hope somebody higher up the card steals it. Ryder will never catch on or get over.


    Maybe for a transition move. Doesn't look like a legit finisher for a main eventer in my opinion.


  2. Really though, how many finishers has he gone through? I may even be forgetting a couple.


    The Showstopper - chokeslam

    Missle Dropkick - used during 'Show's "slim days" in late 1999, most notably in his match against Viscera

    The Final Cut - Eye of the Hurricane

    The Alley Oop - Flapjack from a Powerbomb position

    Dragonsleeper - used for a couple weeks, before Undertaker decided to start using it on his own and name it "Takin' Care of Business"

    Spear (aka WWE generic big man finisher #42-B) - Used a couple times while teaming with Kane

    Knockout Punch - because WWE can't decide from one week to the next whether Undertaker or 'Show is "the best pure striker in WWE"

    Camel Clutch - since 'Show is now apparently a submission specialist because he's challenged John Cena to a "match he can't possibly win" at Extreme Rules


    Sometimes I wonder if I watch RAW because I enjoy it, or out of habit. Wrestling has been a Monday Night tradition with me for the past 15 years, and since I'm not a football fan, there isn't much else on. Cena's promos are just painful to sit through anymore. I can't even remember what movie he was referencing last night, but after a couple seconds, I decided to flip over to the same Family Guy reruns that TBS always shows. The Santina stuff was funny for one night (OK 2 since he started using the Billy and Chuck theme the night after WM25), but now that he's dropped the Miss Wrestlemania crown to Vickie, hopefully that's over with.


    You forgot the Hoglog. It was basically like the Eye of the Hurricane but with a legdrop instead. Also, he used the Cobra Clutch and a Swinging Cobra Clutch Slam when he was in ECW.


    Damn, how could I forget those? Alright, now the list looks even more sad.


    The Showstopper - standard Chokeslam

    Missle Dropkick - used during 'Show's "slim days" in late 1999, most notably in his match against Viscera

    The Final Cut - Eye of the Hurricane

    The Alley Oop - Flapjack from a Powerbomb position

    Dragonsleeper - used for a couple weeks, before Undertaker decided to start using it on his own and name it "Takin' Care of Business"

    Spear (aka WWE generic big man finisher #42-B) - Used a couple times while teaming with Kane

    Hog Log - The previously mentioned Final Cut, but using one of his legs rather than his arm to drop the opponent

    Cobra Clutch Backbreaker - Sometimes this would simply be used as a submission. Other times though (and this definitely looked more devastating than the Showstopper, IMO), he would lift the opponent just prior to the submission, drop their back across his knee, then throw them off to the side, sometimes resulting in the opponent doing a full spin before hitting the ground.

    Knockout Punch - because WWE can't decide from one week to the next whether Undertaker or 'Show is "the best pure striker in WWE"

    Camel Clutch - since 'Show is now apparently a submission specialist because he's challenged John Cena to a "match he can't possibly win" at Extreme Rules


    Do tag-team finishers count? If so, you got the double-chokeslam he used with Kane. I don’t remember if he and Undertaker or if he and Billy Gunn had double-team finishers though.


  3. Really though, how many finishers has he gone through? I may even be forgetting a couple.


    The Showstopper - chokeslam

    Missle Dropkick - used during 'Show's "slim days" in late 1999, most notably in his match against Viscera

    The Final Cut - Eye of the Hurricane

    The Alley Oop - Flapjack from a Powerbomb position

    Dragonsleeper - used for a couple weeks, before Undertaker decided to start using it on his own and name it "Takin' Care of Business"

    Spear (aka WWE generic big man finisher #42-B) - Used a couple times while teaming with Kane

    Knockout Punch - because WWE can't decide from one week to the next whether Undertaker or 'Show is "the best pure striker in WWE"

    Camel Clutch - since 'Show is now apparently a submission specialist because he's challenged John Cena to a "match he can't possibly win" at Extreme Rules


    Sometimes I wonder if I watch RAW because I enjoy it, or out of habit. Wrestling has been a Monday Night tradition with me for the past 15 years, and since I'm not a football fan, there isn't much else on. Cena's promos are just painful to sit through anymore. I can't even remember what movie he was referencing last night, but after a couple seconds, I decided to flip over to the same Family Guy reruns that TBS always shows. The Santina stuff was funny for one night (OK 2 since he started using the Billy and Chuck theme the night after WM25), but now that he's dropped the Miss Wrestlemania crown to Vickie, hopefully that's over with.


    You forgot the Hoglog. It was basically like the Eye of the Hurricane but with a legdrop instead. Also, he used the Cobra Clutch and a Swinging Cobra Clutch Slam when he was in ECW.

  4. It's great how dumbass people say Taz being promoted as 'a former World Chamion" is fine and make sense, when in reailty it is one of the more stupid fucking moves ever. I guess people really need that ref job in TNA, because Socal Indies aren't paying enough.


    Why is it stupid? Taz was ECW champion back when it meant something and he did win the world tag team titles with Spike Dudley. Taz isn’t the first person that a promotion has hyped as a world champion b/c they won the world tag team titles.

  5. Even the full back tattoo has gotten cliche in WWE. Everyone from Brock, to Batista, to fucking Santino has a full-back tattoo. Orton has that tribal shit that was cool for about 2 weeks in the early 2000's, but at least he got some sleeves made. Someone needs to get some pants tattooed to set them apart from the rest.


    Don't forget Kennedy, which looks especially idiotic on him.


    Yeah, Kennedy also has that stupid clown/jester tattoo on his arm.

  6. He'll never be taken seriously with that tramp stamp and going by the WWE's track record someone like Christian or Cena will just point it out and make fun of him and thus he will never get over. Maybe if he did moonsaults maybe


    He'd definitely have to wear a shirt or some sort of singlet that covers that up. Although knowing WWE, they'll make it part of his

    gimmick. I can see it now: "The Tramp Stamped Titan" or "The Slag Tagged Smasher"


  7. My favorite Madden/Stevie exchange came during an AWOL/Bam Bam match after Wall hit the heart punch.


    Madden: A shot in the heart, AND THE WALL IS TO BLAME!

    Stevie: Madden, you give wrestling a bad name.

    Madden: (muttering) I didn't think you'd get the Bon Jovi reference.


    I always found Stevie Ray to be pretty funny on commentary. “Suckas gots to know!”

  8. Nah, Daniels definitely belongs in the main event. He's pretty much the only young face they have that has enough charisma to be able to really get over with the crowd. He just needs to cut off that stupid mustache.


    Young face? Dude is almost 38. I guess he's young compared to Booker T, Angle and Nash but it's not like he's some newbie.

  9. Besides Sting, who all did Missy Hyatt fuck?


    Just off the top of my head -


    John Tatum

    Eddie Gilbert (They were married)

    Road Warrior Hawk (Not sure about this, but for some reason I'm thinking she did)


    I believe she confirmed Road Warrior Hawk in a shoot interview. They were apparently dating for a while


  10. OK, a question.


    When Goldberg beat Hogan for the title on Nitro at the Georgia Dome in 98', was the crowd piped in?


    I've heard WCW was notorious for this, but it was seriously the hottest crowd I've ever heard in wrestling.


    If anyone has other examples, please post. It gives me goosebumps.

    50000 people in Goldberg's home town going nuts for what should have been a PPV match.... I was there personally, it was definitely not piped in.


    and as far as piping in crowd noise is concerned, the only time that I know for a 100% fact they they did it was during Goldberg's entrance in the smaller venues they'd run for TV up north where he didn't get much of a pop.


    I believe they also piped in his chants for Starrcade 1998 (the one where he lost to Nash), but I could be wrong.


    I'm pretty certain they didn't. I was there and the crowd went nuts for both him and Nash. It was such a boring undercard and everyone pretty much had the life sucked out of them when Bischoff pinned Flair, that the crowd was waiting for anything to wake them up.

  11. I've heard people throw around the theory that the sexual abuse by his mom never actually happened, and is just all in Vince's mind. I don't know why he would buy her a $3 million tennis court for her nursing home, if she was abusive, and that's quite inconsisent behaviour if we believe Vince's story.


    When the Savage issue is brought up, people often note it's not about what happened, if anything, between Stephanie and Savage; it's about what Vince thinks happened, and he's convinced himself it did. Maybe this is similar. He claims his stepdad beat the crap out of him and his mother, and an irate Vince would love to have risen to the defense of his beloved mother (the same one he claims was abusive btw) and killed the man if he had ever got the chance. Did that really happen or is this just part of Vince's story about the self made billionaire who came out of a trailer park, and rose above shitty parenting, to become a success?


    Sounds like a job for Dets. Benson and Stabler.


  12. Helmsley was allowed another spot in the tournament because he was not properly instructed prior to his match with Ahmed Johnson the previous week that he could be eliminated via disqualification and thus threatened the WWF with legal action; Vader was originally in this spot, but sustained a broken nose after his No Holds Barred match with Ken Shamrock at In Your House: A Cold Day in Hell on May 11. This gave Helmsley the opportunity to fill in the vacant space and face Crush. Vader fought Ahmed on the May 26 episode of Raw for his spot, but lost.

    Isn't that IYH: Cold Day in Hell match the one where you can hear Vader telling the ref to tell shamrock to ease up and not be so stiff?


    Yep, that’s the one. Then when Shamrock kept stiffing him, Vader just unloaded on him with a brutal right hand. They went home pretty much right after that. I was at that event, wasn’t half bad live. The Taker/Stone Cold match was really good as was Vader/Shamrock. Ahmed Johnson's gauntlet challenge against the Nation was pretty interesting as well. Matches weren't good but the crowd was pretty into the final match of it b/c if Ahmed beat Farooq then the Nation would've disbanded. The rest was pretty forgettable though but we did get to see a Rock/Mankind match and I got to chant Die Rocky Die.


  13. Part of a new Bret interview


    Vince knew that he was going to screw me from the time I came back after my little hiatus after Wrestlemania 12. I think Vince set it in motion so that he could drop the bomb on me at any time. He was just going to do it when the time was right for him, and that's what he did. He lowered the boom on me when I didn't expect it, and the whole thing turned into what it did. But I was just trying to draw money for him. People always say that Vince didn't have any choice, but it's totally not true. According to my contract back then, I had to wrestle 280 days a year for Vince McMahon. By the time I wrestled Shawn at Survivor Series that year where they screwed me out of the title, I had already worked something like 310 shows. I didn't even need to be there. I could've just told Vince that I already did my dates according to my contract. I could've told him to just take his belt and shove it and walk out. But I was a professional and I was giving him everything I could. I really didn't even have a problem losing the belt, but Shawn didn't have any respect for me and I didn't have any respect for him.


    I call shananigans on that, as Bret had wrestled for less than a year at that point, and had spent like 2 months or so on the D/L with his knee injury.


    Did his contract specify that he actually had to wrestle or just appear? If it was just appearances, I can see the 310 number b/c I think he was on every RAW during the time his knee was hurt if only to just do interviews with the rest of the Harts. Plus autograph signings and stuff like that may be factored in. If it’s actual wrestling appearances, then I have a hard time thinking he could miss two months and fulfill 310 dates.

  14. I don’t know where the Mulkeys are now but I remember their lone win on WCW Saturday Night vs. The Executioners (or some other generic masked team). I loved the interview afterwards where the Executioners are going nuts after getting beat and making excuses and David Crockett goes, “ya got beat! What else is there to say?” Someone has to put that on the youtube thread.

  15. I heard about it. He came off as a decent advocate for legalization according to my roommate.


    EDIT-I'm watching Jericho/Michaels from WM XIX and King, of course, drops a "vintage Shawn Michaels". This line has definitely been around for a while, so what caused this recent online backlash? Is it just due to Michael Cole's crappiness enveloping every word he says?


    I think it’s because Cole overuses the phrase. You might have caught JR or King using it once every few shows or something but it’s a Michael Cole staple and annoying one at that. Kinda like when King got really bad with shouting “puppies”.

  16. Did The Honky Tonk Man ever win a title defense by pinning his opponent or were they all DQ / count-out finishes?


    I vaguely recall him beating mid-level guys by using the ropes or hitting them with Jimmy Hart’s megaphone. I can’t remember him beating anyone but jobbers with his Shake, Rattle and Roll finisher though.
