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Everything posted by johnson316cane

  1. johnson316cane

    WCW facts, tidbits, and stuff people forgot

    I loved that they had a voice over saying, "American Male...loser" at random intervals during Scotty Riggs' entrance at the first nWo Souled Out ppv.
  2. johnson316cane

    WCW facts, tidbits, and stuff people forgot

    Well the Beverly Brothers had a pretty good gimmick in theory (for the early 90’s anyway) as rich, stuck up brothers from Shaker Heights. I just don’t recall them getting much mic time to get it over.
  3. johnson316cane

    WWE Raw - January 19, 2009

    He doesn’t have anger management issues. He just hears voices in his head, they council him and they understand.
  4. johnson316cane

    Most Unique Wrestling Entrances

    Flair’s entrance at Chi-Town Rumble where he had like 40 women come out to a trumpets and line the aisle. Then Flair entered. Find it on youtube, one of the grandest entrances ever. I always used to love The Road Warriors coming out to Iron Man and pounding the ever loving piss out of jobbers before the music even went off. New Jack’s entrance was also unique in that Natural Born Killers played during the entire match. And this list isn’t complete with mentioning The Sandman’s entrance at One Night Stand.
  5. johnson316cane

    Finish Him!

    Why is it Sweet Chin Music is more "deadly" than a regular Superkick, or Jake Roberts' DDT/Raven's Evenflow/Dreamer's DDT more effective than a regular DDT? This point can be made about any move that is used as a finisher. I always liked to think that the logic behind that is that the reason those moves are finishers for those guys and not for others is that because they practice them and know the proper technique to delivering the move. For instance, lots of guys use a ddt but do it pretty sloppily (Rock’s floatover ddt that he botched sometimes) thus it didn’t knock the opponent out. However, since it was Raven’s favorite hold, he practiced it more and executed it better, therefore making it more effective. That’d be a pretty good kayfabe explanation anyway.
  6. johnson316cane

    WWE General Discussion - January 2009

    How exactly are they going to de-push her? Make her appear dumber in her storylines (but I thought we had something special Randy!) ? Job her out to better female wrestlers who should be beating her anyway? Make her date Test again? Randy Orton could take a shit in her purse...... I wonder if he trashed their hotel room after he was done banging her.
  7. johnson316cane

    WWE General Discussion - January 2009

    How exactly are they going to de-push her? Make her appear dumber in her storylines (but I thought we had something special Randy!) ? Job her out to better female wrestlers who should be beating her anyway? Make her date Test again?
  8. johnson316cane

    WCW facts, tidbits, and stuff people forgot

    Yep. They also used to be the Destruction Crew in the AWA. The AWA also loaned them out to WCW for a brief period and they worked under masks as The Minnesota Wrecking Crew II.
  9. johnson316cane

    Let's Talk About: The NWO

    I think that was just to give a kayfabe explanation of how the nWo was getting their money to recruit new members, more than anything. Even though they couldn't call him "The Million Dollar Man", they were hinting that he was bank rolling the operation. Also, wasn’t he supposed to be DDP’s mysterious benefactor; giving DDP money to entice him to join the nWo?
  10. johnson316cane

    Tough Talk with TSM: David Flair

    From what I’ve read, he actually wanted to stay off camera and learn in the Power Plant but WCW wanted him out there to use in angles. I’m sure didn’t object to strenuously as I can imagine he probably got paid a lot more to be on camera than being in a gym getting yelled at by The Sarge.
  11. johnson316cane

    Finish Him!

    I dunno...I kinda doubt El Dandy ever knocked anyone out with a punch... WCW announcers always did tout El Dandy’s punch as being one of the best in the sport. He never used it as a finisher (I believe he used a La Majistral style roll-up he called the Dandy Roll or something) but the announcers would always note when he hit his big punch. My favorite El Dandy moment was when Flair and Anderson were bribing him to lose to David Flair back in 99. Flair’s bribe was hilarious, saying something like, “steak every night, stay on this side of the border, permanently.” Then during the match, El Dandy got pissed at David for something and knocked the piss out of him which prompted AA to spinebuster him so that David could get a cheap win via the figure four.
  12. johnson316cane

    Cuts are a comin!

    I just got around to watching this. It's the Rikishi vs. Val cage match from Fully Loaded a long time ago.....1999 maybe? 2000? It's actually a respectable **3/4-*** affair and the splash spot is worth watching the match for. Recommended. Fully Loaded 2000. That was a damn good card. Jericho and Angle got buried when they needed big wins but the Last Man Standing Match b/t Y2J and HHH was excellent as was Rock and Benoit. I remember that Rikishi vs. Val cage match. Tazz came out and hit Rikishi with a camera or something to stop him from getting out of the cage after the splash.
  13. johnson316cane

    TSM Talks (to the voices in their head): The Legacy

    They should get Jim Johnston to write a knock-off version of it for Mike Knox. Seems like he's going for Brody's look with the wildman beard.
  14. johnson316cane

    Cuts are a comin!

    "I'm all grown up -- NOW!" If she was this inept at business related tasks, its amazing that she was kept for so long. Don't you know one of the fundamentals of business? You rise to the level of your incompetence.
  15. johnson316cane

    TSM Talks (to the voices in their head): The Legacy

    The Legacy definitely needs better theme music ala Evolution. Is Motorhead only allowed to do theme music when Triple H is involved?
  16. johnson316cane

    Potential WWE "Big Surprises"

  17. johnson316cane

    Let's Talk About: The NWO

    I've kinda wondered how they would've booked the end of Starrcade had the whole Montreal thing not gone down. Bret Hart was a goner from WWE after Survivor Series, regardless of how his match with Shawn Michaels plays out, but let's say things between Hart and the WWE end amicably. This changes a number of things: 1. WCW likely never gets the idea for the false finish in the Hogan-Sting match with the 'fast' count. 2. There isn't nearly the sense of urgency to rush Bret Hart onto WCW TV, forcing him into the Hogan-Sting match where he didn't really fit and wasn't needed. They probably still would have royally screwed up Hart's run with the company, but the booking for the Starrcade main event absolutely would've been different. And there's pretty much no possible way they could've booked a Sting victory any worse in that situation... right? Totally agree with that point. I think they would’ve gone with the scenario that everyone wanted to see which was Sting destroying Hogan. Then again, it was WCW so who knows. Also, if that match goes differently and Sting does indeed dominate Hogan and controls the belt for a while, what would that have done to Goldberg’s big push in hindsight? Does Sting take Hogan’s place in that match in the Georgia Dome against Goldberg or does Goldberg’s push to the belt get delayed while Sting fights off the nWo throughout the year?
  18. johnson316cane

    WWE General Discussion - January 2009

    http://www.ericbischoff.com/blog.asp?Path=...mp;MaxListings= Bischoff usually has plenty to say on his blog. Wonder if he has a second book in the works. And Bischoff was just some shitty announcer who got lucky that Ted Turner basically gave him a blank check which allowed him to sign everyone under the sun. Who's he to criticize anyone? The one good idea he had was ripped off from Japan.
  19. johnson316cane

    ECW - January 6, 2009

    Did he stop using the Blue Thunder b/c it was too similar to the thing Cena does to set up the 5 Knuckle Shuffle?
  20. johnson316cane

    The 25th Anniversary of WrestleMania Thread

    My guess is that they’re calling this the “biggest Wrestlemania ever” and trying to make it appear more special than the others is that it’s the 25th one, the Silver Anniversary so to speak. JBL/HBK’s storyline should blow off on a big stage like that but I’d rather see a big epic match like Taker/HBK. I don’t care about the Texas tie-in, Taker/HBK just has more of a big time feel to it than JBL/HBK, regardless of storyline.
  21. johnson316cane

    Let's talk about: Randy Orton's face run

    It didn’t help that they did hackneyed crap like actually have him jump out of a birthday cake to attack Triple H. Like the one poster above said, he didn’t actually do anything to warrant being a face. He got his ass kicked by his heel friends b/c he wouldn’t give up the belt and continued acting like a douche afterwards (RKOing the faces, spitting in Triple H’s face).
  22. johnson316cane

    OaO WWE Raw - January 5, 2009

    I liked Manu's oh so manly sunglasses that he had in his afro.
  23. johnson316cane

    The 25th Anniversary of WrestleMania Thread

    How about Miz/Morrison in some sort of celebrity tag team angle? It's perfect for both guys' gimmicks. They don't have to wrestle celebrities or anything, just go the Trump/McMahon route where they call out and piss off some celebrity and said celebrity gets a tag team to represent them.
  24. johnson316cane

    The 25th Anniversary of WrestleMania Thread

    Every TNA babyface is shit on the mic. THEY ALL TALK LIKE THIS or They just bitch, moan, complain, whine, etc. Joe says, "you see" before he gets to a lot of his talking points. Very annoying.
  25. johnson316cane

    WWE General Discussion - January 2009

    Burke's Outer Limits elbow was pretty awesome.