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Posts posted by johnson316cane

  1. Undertaker refused to fight "his brother" Kane for the longest time as well. Kane kept calling him out and calling him out. IIRC, he even beat the shit out of 'Taker on a RAW in late 1997, and he stood there and took it. I don't remember what it was that finally made Undertaker agree to the match at Wrestlemania 14 though.


    I didn't even think about it from reading the spoilers, but I seriously doubt Show has ever gotten a win over Cena until now. Good for him! Now if Punk could get a win over Jericho, we'd be all set.


    Punk's beaten Jericho.


    Kane locked Taker in a casket and set him on fire. Taker didn't take it well.


    A better analogy would be Jericho finally getting that pesky win over Triple H. As far as I can remember, he's only got that one fast count "win" for the WWF title that he promptly gave right back later in the show.

  2. Let's give them points!




    Jericho - 5

    Christian - 4

    Edge - 3

    Matt - 2

    Jeff - 1




    Jericho - 5

    Edge - 4

    Jeff - 3

    Christian - 2

    Matt - 1




    Jeff - 5

    Edge - 4

    Jericho - 3

    Christian - 2

    Matt - 1




    Jeff - 5

    Jericho - 4

    Christian - 3

    Edge - 2

    Matt - 1


    Good Looks:


    Christian - 5

    Jericho - 4

    Jeff - 3

    Edge - 2

    Matt - 1




    Jericho - 21

    Jeff - 17

    Christian - 16

    Edge - 15

    Matt - 6


    Wow, a 1 for looks for Matt Hardy. Is that you Paul London?


  3. Some good match-ups there. I wouldn't mind seeing R-Truth/Cena, Henry/Show, Punk/MVP, HBK/Orton, and Hardy/Edge.


    R-Truth/Cena would probably be a pretty crappy match but if done right, might make for an interesting angle. Have R-Truth call Cena out for losing his edge and being kid friendly, having everything handed to him while R-Truth came up on the streets for real, etc.


  4. Matt Hardy's most recent WWE Universe blog entry:


    Good Job Theodore Long-Glad To See You Listened..

    Thursday, February 12, 2009, 07:42 PM EST [General]


    Good job Teddy Long-I'm glad to see you listened to the smartest man in wrestling, Matt Hardy. After I correctly called you out for being a bad General Manager, you finally did something right. After I pointed out to the world your managerial flaws and mistakes, you finally took a step in the right direction with ECW this week. My sources told me that the Sci-Fi network was absolutely furious I was no longer the flagship of their primary television show. ECW was in jeopardy of being canceled if Teddy Long didn't attempt to fill the monstrous void I left in the ECW roster. To fill this enormous void, Theodore Long brought in Christian, Tyson Kidd, and has Evan Bourne on the way back. It was a good start to filling my void, although it'll take more than these three to do it. So to all of you who enjoyed ECW this week, you have me to thank me for it.


    Speaking of Christian, we have a very long and storied history together. Christian was a recipient of my star-making abilities back in the first ever tag team ladder match. Christian was also smart not to stick his nose into my business with Jeff. I could see how he would be tempted to upon resigning with the WWE, but fortunately he was smarter than that. It's also funny how alot of the "internet journalist" and "internet fans" thought Christian might be somehow associated with me and my master plan. Nope. Never has been. There's never been any changes in my plans, there's never been a "B" plan, and Christian hasn't ever been factored in at any time. If Christian did happen to become ignorant enough to interfere with me and my plans, he might find a "Black Cloud" above his head.


    You know, the same kind of "Black Cloud" that took away everything from some "Hooligan" that used to be employed by the WWE. And these are facts-it's someone I got hired after allowing him to have a great match with me on Velocity, and then by going to bat to management for him. It's someone who wrestled his most famous and self-confessed "favorite" WWE match in a contest that I was in and totally engineered and manufactured. And then he became bitter because he attempted to follow in my footsteps, and couldn't measure up as a man in any way-and I mean in any way. Just another example of what happens when you attempt to cross Matt Hardy, I ALWAYS win in the end. Not only am I "The Starmaker", I'm also a "Startaker." Enjoy your pathetic life, you're welcome.


    The Black Cloud


    "Cold Blood" Matt Hardy


    Wow, is Matt Hardy really calling himself "Cold Blood"? That's beyond retarded. That sounds like one of those failed nicknames they tried to stick Steve Austin with before he came up with Stone Cold. He should just call himself Ace Dagger or Baron Von Freeze and get it over with.

  5. If the Gooker Awards existed before the year 2000, which would be your list of dubious winners? Naturally, the award for 1990 would be out of the question since that was the very year that the Gooker itself was born! Otherwise, I would've picked the Team Challenge Series (also known as the "final nail in the coffin for the AWA) or the Black Scorpion angle.


    I've complied my own pre-2000 Gooker list in the mean time:

    1991: Turncoat Sargent Slaughter - The best way to gain heel heat for a wrestler is to exploit the real life Persian Gulf War (good one, Vince)! The runner up would be WCW (or Jim Herd to be more exact) firing Ric Flair and the subsequent Great American Bash PPV ("We want Flair!").


    1992: The Papa Shango-Ultimate Warrior feud complete with Jim Hellwig puking on national television. If not that, then the "Spin the Wheel, Make the Deal" saga involving Sting and Jake Roberts.


    1993: I'm torn between WrestleMania IX (it has to get some consideration since it's WWF/E's biggest show of the year, traditionally), the Shockmaster, and WCW's mini-movies (the so called "Unholy Trinity").


    1994: The Undertaker's "resurrection" at the Royal Rumble and the Undertaker vs. Underfaker match at SummerSlam.


    1995: The Dunegon of Doom-Hulk Hogan feud (it's not hot)


    1996: A toss up between the Brian Pillman-Steve Austin gun incident and the Fake Diesal and Razor Ramon angle.


    1997: Even though it hasn't been inducted yet, I'll add the screwy finish at Starrcade involving Sting, Hogan and Bret Hart. The Shawn Michaels "loses his smile" angle (in which he faked an injury so that he wouldn't have to drop the title back to Bret Hart) would be second.


    1998: Ultimate Warrior, the WCW Years


    1999: The Fingerpoke of Doom


    How about Ric Flair throwing coffee in people's faces and him and Arn Anderson winning matches by hitting them with Woman's/Elizabeth's high heel shoes? Worst heel tactics...ever. Also, Lawler's feud with Jake the Snake was pretty bad. Jake's whole "born again" thing was awful in my opinion.

  6. Just watching The History Of The WWE Championship for the first time, on disc one, on nearly every single Hogan win, Jesse Ventura, without fail, tells us he'd love to get back in there and beat Hogan up. I know it's just Jesse being Jesse, but he says it during several matches, it's awesome.


    Agreed. I love going back and hearing Jesse, while appearing to be a heel, basically giving pseudo-shoot comments on Hogan throughout his match commentaries.


    His rants and commentary during the Hogan/Macho match and Hogan’s pose-fest at the end of WM5 are legendary. I remember he said something like, “This dude makes me sick! Makes me wanna come out of retirement, step in there and take this dude out!” He kept calling him Lust Hogan for wanting Elizabeth. Classic.


  7. Yeah, I don't think scaling back the graphic nature of the programming is a bad thing at all.


    What graphic nature? The wwe hasn't been close to graphic in a long time... And How does an adult wrestling fan possibly enjoy a product that is catering to children? The more pg it gets, the worse it is. I don't want to return to the early 90s or 80s...the only difference right now is they don't have cartoon characters but I honestly wouldn't be surprised if that's where they are going before too long.


    I don't get it really. One of the most successful periods they ever had along with the most successful characters they ever had were when the wwe didn't cater to children and the characters were more colorful/realistic. I'm not saying they have to go back to naked women on tv or wrestlers playing porn stars but I find it absurd and insulting that they go from one extreme to the other...whatever happened to the middle ground? Like no blood? Are you fucking kidding me? This is fucking professional wrestling for gods sake. It's no wonder why I find more enjoyment out of watching 25 year old nwa videos on youtube than i do about anything the wwe is doing today.


    I selfishly hope this experiment fails miserably.


    You know what I find a little absurd about the no blood thing? It’s more irresponsible to not show blood in my opinion. You’re basically telling kids to go ahead and whack your friend in the head with a steel chair or throw him into a table because there’s no consequences. I would think that a little kid would be a little more hesitant to perform a GTS on someone in his backyard or punt him in the head if he knew he was going to split the other person’s head open like an overripe cantaloupe.


    Fascinating point. I never thought of that and don't think I've ever heard someone mention it before. The irony of that possibly being true is hilarious.


    The whole thing reminded me of this one scene in The Simpsons where they go to Itchy and Scratchy Land:


    Marge: Such a violent motif.

    Guard: [laughs] There's no need to murmur, ma'am. Here at Itchy and Scratchy Land we're just as concerned about violence as you are. That's why we're always careful to show the consequences of deadly mayhem so that we may educate as well as horrify.

    Marge: When do you show the consequences? On TV that mouse pulled out that cat's lungs and played them like a bagpipe, but in the next scene the cat was breathing comfortably.

    Guard: Just like in real life…… Hey, look over there! (runs away)


  8. Yeah, I don't think scaling back the graphic nature of the programming is a bad thing at all.


    What graphic nature? The wwe hasn't been close to graphic in a long time... And How does an adult wrestling fan possibly enjoy a product that is catering to children? The more pg it gets, the worse it is. I don't want to return to the early 90s or 80s...the only difference right now is they don't have cartoon characters but I honestly wouldn't be surprised if that's where they are going before too long.


    I don't get it really. One of the most successful periods they ever had along with the most successful characters they ever had were when the wwe didn't cater to children and the characters were more colorful/realistic. I'm not saying they have to go back to naked women on tv or wrestlers playing porn stars but I find it absurd and insulting that they go from one extreme to the other...whatever happened to the middle ground? Like no blood? Are you fucking kidding me? This is fucking professional wrestling for gods sake. It's no wonder why I find more enjoyment out of watching 25 year old nwa videos on youtube than i do about anything the wwe is doing today.


    I selfishly hope this experiment fails miserably.


    You know what I find a little absurd about the no blood thing? It’s more irresponsible to not show blood in my opinion. You’re basically telling kids to go ahead and whack your friend in the head with a steel chair or throw him into a table because there’s no consequences. I would think that a little kid would be a little more hesitant to perform a GTS on someone in his backyard or punt him in the head if he knew he was going to split the other person’s head open like an overripe cantaloupe.


  9. Lex Luger's piledriver finisher used to be called the Attitude Adjuster.


    Not to be a smart ass, but i don't recall this


    I'm probably wrong


    It was called the 'Attitude Adjustment.' He used it to beat Ron Simmons at Halloween Havoc '91. I was bummed. :(


    Also, Mickey Rourke will not be at WrestleMania 25. Working with WWE does not work wonders for your career, and it just occurred to him.


    He also used it to beat Windham for the belt at GAB 91. Harley Race came to the ring and screamed, “Now is the time!” and Lex piledrove Windham for the win.

  10. I always thought Yokozuna's Bonzai Drop was killer as a kid. I don't think anyone ever kicked out of that did they?


    Not that I can recall. People would move out of the way before Yoko hit it, but if he connected, nobody ever kicked out that I can remember. I don't remember anyone ever kicking out of Goldberg's jackhammer either.

  11. Or they could do a shocking bait and switch, show a challenger for one of the belts knocked out in their locker room, have the GM panic that they don't have their show's main event, and then bam Mr. Money in the Bank saves the day and wins the title.


    That’s actually a pretty good way for a babyface to use the MITB shot without looking like a cheap opportunist (ie CM Punk’s win). I wouldn’t do it at WM but at another ppv though.


  12. They need to be careful how to book this. I'm convinced this is still going to happen, but they need to be careful. With Big Show-Mayweather, it worked to their advantage since ultimately Big Show came over with the Universe considering it looked like the only way Mayweather could win was have his handlers help and it became 6 on 1. Jericho is going to continue to push the issue right up until the night after the Oscars and then Rourke comes out as Randy the Ram to put a stop to it.


    Also, they did have Mayweather’s handlers basically try to punk out midway through the match and take him to the back to avoid a worse beating. And Mayweather did have to knock Big Show out with brass knuckles.

  13. Regarding the focus of the Ace Crusher/Cutter, I've heard conflicting statements. I think the RKO/original Ace Crusher versions are facebusters through and through. Orton flies forward and you can see the the receiver land face-first on the mat. Ditto Johnny Ace. However, Austin's Stone Cold Stunner/Whipwreck's Whippersnapper are definitely focusing on the jaw/throat, and I'd say DDP's Diamond Cutter/Bubba Ray Dudley's Bubba Cutter/most Ace Crusher variations are all about the throat, specifically the larynx. The Stunner and the Cutter all end with the receiver's throat on either the shoulder or bicep of the attacker, their face not touching the mat. The moves are usually sold as such, with the neck being the primary focal point of the attack. Thus, I would definitely say that the RKO hits the face, whereas the Stunner and the Cutter nail the throat.


    Sound like a good reasoning?


    Sounds like good logic to me. I remember when Austin first started using the stunner and the person taking the move always sold it like it was damaging the throat (Mero at King of the Ring 06 is a good example). Afterwards it became more of a “knockout” move where the force of the person’s jaw hitting Austin’s shoulder jarred their head and neck enough to keep them down for the 3 count. I always think of the RKO as more of a “face into the mat” kind of move as well, while Page’s Diamond Cutter put people out due to the force of Page snapping the person’s neck downward.

  14. 2. Let's play the "What if" card. What if Marc Mero wasn't plagued with consistant injury problems through out his WWF stint? Would he have reached similar heights as the men he had joined WWF alongside; Mankind and Mick Foley (remember Mero was perhaps the most hyped of the three when they entered the company in the first part of '96)? Would he have maintained the mid-card position he had in late '96/early '97?


    Am I seriously the first person that noticed this?


    Next thing you’re gonna try and tell me is that Cactus Jack and Dude Love are the same person. No way.

  15. I just loved the nWo voiceover guy saying "Loser" at random times during that pay-per-view. And I loved how Eric Bischoff and Ted DiBiase called it the "Loser Detector" or something like that.


    (Bischoff is talking.)


    nWo Voiceover Guy: "Loser."


    Bischoff: "Thank you."


    Actually, come to think of it, the nWo voiceover guy was one of the few good things about that pay-per-view.


    It's too bad the matches on Souled Out sucked b/c I kind of enjoyed the anarchic atmosphere of the ppv. It was so different than what WCW was normally presenting at that point. I remember being pretty hyped up for the Syxx/Eddy ladder match and being very disappointed with how the match came off. It was funny to see the two whitest of white guys, Hugh Morrus and Big Bubba, fight in a MEXICAN Death Match that ended with Bubba running him over with a motorcycle. The name of that match and the finish were both so out there and goofy that I'm thinking that whole thing had to be a rib on someone.
