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  1. Mannis

    Verne Gagne suspected in death investigation

    Why are you trying to make light of, and minimize, Benoit murdering his family? Over the years we made all kind of character assassinations and assumptions about guys like HBK, Nash, Hall, HHH, ext... Because they looked our for themselves and didnt play "fair" with anointed internet favorites. Benoit murders his son and wife and its like "so". Yes he was a great wrestler ---- BUT DAMN. As far as Verne goes, this story is super random. Dont know what to make of it. Getting old sucks. You dont know what the hell you're doing at a certain point. But he was really, really good at it. Much of TSM can forgive brutal, premeditated woman/child murder because of that, why can't you? Yeah, I know. Its really fucked up to me, because I remember how for years posters would call guys like Hogan and Nash "pieces of shit" and claim that they were horrible human beings because they played "politics". Hell, to this day the will still go in on those guys like that. But confronted with true evil, they want to shrug their shoulders because being a great wrestler and having a legion of marks should apparently trump all --- even murdering your own child and wife in cold blood. That's really creepy if you ask me. Dude killed his seven year old son and he has youtube tributes talking about RIP Benoit and we miss you?????? Thats cult status, homie. People need to get their moral compasses in check. Apparently, to these people, playing politics is a worse crime them murder. It's kind of sad and scary that, if Benoit were alive today, these people would shake his hand and ask for an autograph but would spit in the face of Nash and Hogan and call them "a piece of shit".
  2. Mannis

    Verne Gagne suspected in death investigation

    Well, some of these people might be taking into account whether Benoit was in his right mind when it happened. Yes, being a devotee may bias some people towards saying "Well he OBVIOUSLY was sick," but it's not something to completely overlook. My god, stop defending Benoit. Comparing these two situations is ridiculous. Benoit had a history of abusing Nancy. Benoit was perfectly fine, even wrestling days before the murderers. He left notes and text saying that he planned to do it. Comparing that to an 80 year old wrestler suffering from memory loss and a severe mental disease is ridiculous. Benoit never showed any signs of this alleged mental disease. The guy is a cold-blooded killer who tied up his family, beat them, tortured them and then put bibles near their bodies. Gagne allegedly shoved someone to the ground while suffering from a disease. HUGE difference. I just find it amusing that people will rip Hulk Hogan, or Kevin Nash or Ultimate Warrior or whoever, call them horrible human beings and say they lost all respect for them, but they will "forgive" or defend Benoit after he murdered his family. That is pretty sick.