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Everything posted by caboose

  1. caboose

    We're all going to die?

    I guess now is the time for me to invest in a winter clothing company then.
  2. caboose

    Quick WWE survey

    1) The WWE product is better now than it was one year ago: True. 2) The WWE product is better now than it was three years ago: False. 3) The WWE product is better now than it is five years ago: False. 4) I believe the in-ring product has improved in the last three years. False. 5) I believe the storylines/feuds/angles have improved in the last three years. False. 6) I wish WCW and ECW were still in existence. HELL YES. 7) The WWE will have no real competition in the next five years: True. 8) It was smart for the WWE to go to a "less is more" in ring style: False. 9) I believe the RAW brand is superior to Smackdown: Well DUH!. 10) If I could convince Vince Macmahon to push one guy on either roster to the moon, it would be: RAW: Shelton Benjamin SmackDown!: Rene Dupree
  3. caboose

    Putting on weight.

    Jesus, how fat was Choken One then before he got banned?
  4. caboose

    English Football

    Alan Shearer's masterplan for full control of Newcastle United stepped up a gear today with the firing of Bobby Robson from the position of manager. Rumour has it Robson was sat on former Newacastle united player, Rober Lee's shoulders at a surprise party when club captain Shearer suddenly gave Robson the thumbs down and Lee nailed an electric drop.
  5. caboose

    AngleSlam Feedback!

    Sorry to all for me not clarifying whether or not I was going to be commentating or not. Hoff Pmed me at WDI, but I only just got the PM twenty minutes ago, due to my pop-up blocker blocking the PM pop-up and me not noticing the "1 new message" thing at the top. It was weird for me to commentate on some matches and not others and I apologise again for me not being on the ball. It was nice that there was finally a PPV in England for me and Eskimo.
  6. caboose

    BOOKING for the 8/26 show from Ann Arbor

    No Caboose again please folks.
  7. caboose

    Happy Birthday Caboose

    I love you too Alf. Thanks Zack.
  8. caboose

    English Football

    Newcastle made a "cheeky as Stacy Kiebler" £20m bid for Wayne Rooney. If Freddy Sheepard thinks he can keep the fans happy by making futile bids or approaches for star players, he should go and buy Spurs.
  9. caboose

    English Football

    Two on the trot for Derby, but Newcastle are falling apart at the seams. Newcastle have Norwich mid-week and I'm not even 10% confident of a result.
  10. caboose

    TSM Official Fantasy Football League

    I had 56 points last week, and scored 30 points this week. But a whole slew of transfers has cost me 28 points!
  11. caboose

    VU games to make "Scarface" game...

    Its basically going to have to out do Vice City to stand a chance.
  12. caboose

    TSM Official Fantasy Football League

    With Woodgate off to Real Madrid (DAMMIT!), I've had to bring in Spur's Naybet as his replacement in my defence.
  13. caboose

    Metallica Live '04

    I saw them on my birthday last year, and they still had it. Earlier I'd read somehwere that some shitty emo band had played beneath them at a festival and the Emo band claimed Metallica had forgotten how to play the classics. Absolute rubbish. Master of Puppets, Welcome Home, Sandman, One, Seek & Destroy, Four Horseman and Nothing Else Matters were all faultless. They were absolutely amazing.
  14. caboose

    English Football

    I really felt for Kieron Dyer tonight. But if everything's true then he deserved it. Its not Robson stopping him from being in the England side, its his inconsistency and generally uninterested performances like tonight's. Still in my fantasy side though. The match was a good work out ahead of Austria. Finally my calls for Shaun Wright-Phillips have been answered and he didn't let anyone down, especially his old man.
  15. caboose

    TSM Official Fantasy Football League

    What team are you? After Sunday I'm joint 16th now as well on 56 points.
  16. caboose

    World Wildlife Fund for Nature...

    Don't forget the now WWFFN contemplated trying to stop Vince from using WWE almost as soon as it was implemented.
  17. caboose

    PPV names wanted

    Your right about almost every one of them. Looking back I don't know what I was doing when I came up with them. Actually I think I was drinking and looking through my mp3 list... Megalomania (Muse) Fade to Black & No Remorse (Metallica) My Way (Limp) School of Hardknocks (POD) Downfall (Trust Company)
  18. caboose

    Eddie Guerrero DVD details

  19. caboose

    Rate songs on albums.

    Faith No More - Angel Dust Land Of Sunshine 8 Caffiene 7 Midlife Crisis 9 R.V. 8 Smaller And Smaller 8 Everything's Ruined 10 Malpractice 7 Kindergarten 7 Be Aggressive 7 A Small Victory 9 Crack Hitler 8 Jizzlobber 8 Midnight Cowboy 7 Easy 7
  20. caboose

    TSM Official Fantasy Football League

    Top Ten after One day... UKFF Overall August 1 Chrystal Palace Chris Brown 54 2 Andrew's Devils Andrew D 50 3 Tottenham Jobsters David McGuinness 49 4 Stoney's Cronies Robin Stone 47 5 Oxen Athletic Brian Yule 45 6 ashi's owls paul ashcroft 43 7 Larger Than Life FC Luke Gibbard 42 8 D Generates Brett Redmayne 41 8 Fear The Drogba Fc Andrew Dutton 41 8 Team Evil Utd Rish Saujani 41 WHOO!
  21. caboose

    PPV names wanted

    I am the man at this. I came up with most of the original and currently used names. ::Switches off arrogance mode:: Criticisms: Total Annihilation - Connotes guns not wrestling. Global Warfare - Again, too much emphasis on weaponary. Demolition Derby - Suggests Cars. Champions of the Ring (It was a King of the Ring like PPV every year) - Hackneyed. Ring Wars - Passable. Street Brawl - * Independence Day - Not really apllicable to a wrestlig fed. Summer Heat - Dull. Rage in the Cage - * The Ultimate Brawl - * The Last Battle - * A Night to Remember - The Best of the lot. * = All suggest one match is big and not the whole show. Deadly Games is a good'un I think it should stick. As for the September show, how about... "OAOAST Showdown!" "OAOAST Point Of No Return" (Actually this one sucks) "OAOAST Megolamania" "OAOAST Blood On The Mat" "OAOAST Ashes To Ashes" BRING THIS ONE BACK! "OAOAST The Burning" "OAOAST Fade To Black" "OAOAST Heavan & Hell" "OAOAST No Remorse" "OAOAST Never Say Never" "OAOAST My Way" "OAOAST School Of Hardknocks" (As opposed to School's Out) "OAOAST Downfall"
  22. caboose

    English Football

    Great result for Derby! Nice one George against your old club. Newcastle got screwed today. Hasselbaink clearly handled it in to give Boro their second. Words cannot express how happy I am that the footie is back!
  23. caboose

    English Football

    ITS BACK! May the world be at peace now. God bless the Premiership, Soccer Saturday on Sky and most importantly... ...BBC MATCH OF THE FUCKING DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  24. caboose

    English Football

    I think Benitez is smart. Owen ahs not developed as a player in a long time. He's exactly the same player as he was in 1998. He might learn some stuff at Real to combat better defenders which will help England I guess. And a better relationship with Beckham will also benfit England.
  25. caboose

    booking for next weeks show

    Can some one edit this into the first post?... CABOOSE WILL NOT BE AVAILIBLE FOR COMMENTARY AFTER THE FIRST SEGMENT I'll explain it with my contribution to the show. If some of you also add in lines from Cole or Coach pointing out my absence in an apologetic way then I would be thankful.