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Everything posted by caboose

  1. caboose

    Booking for the 7/22 HD~!

    We'll find out why nothing was mentioned of Caboose's stalker...
  2. Probably because a lot of wrestlers who would have said it, (Triple H, Rocky, Angle and whatnot) have wrestled Flair.
  3. Robert De Niro Pacino-Brando was CLOSE.
  4. caboose

    Birds in the Hotel's Blog

    So you admit to having a reference point for such a pain?
  5. caboose

    Birds in the Hotel's Blog

    Are you in as much pain as that which your thread causes to its readers?
  6. If this thread is made a CLASSIC, then clearly there is no standard for the Classic folder.
  7. Unfortunately, Pillman died in October of 1997. By the way, Loss is now my favourite WWE Folder poster. Hero to us all.
  8. caboose

    Alcoholic Beverage you drink

    I go across the bar doing shots. The last time I did it, I drank water from an electric kettle believing it to have only been on for 20 seconds. I couldn't taste for a week.
  9. Kevin Nash as an American Football player? He'd be better off being Little Bow Wow's stunt double in "Like Mike".
  10. caboose

    Best Movie Tournament Semi-Finals

    The Godfather The Godfather Part II
  11. Kevin Spacey beating Clint Eastwood is the biggest pile of bullshit in any of these tournaments ever. But I shouldn't be surprised considering this same board voted three Tarantino films as four of the best ever.
  12. Robert De Niro Al Pacino
  13. caboose

    Bruno in the wwe?

    Then don't fucking post in this thread. Idiot. As for Bruno, good for him. His hatred for Vince shouldn't be allowed to cause his legacy to be forgotten.
  14. caboose

    WWE Superstar out a year

    I mark for Test. Now I cry...
  15. caboose

    Sell me your soul

    MPGurl is not your type, she's female.
  16. caboose

    Sell me your soul

    I'll give you my Soul if you ban two of the following... CWM, AlfDogg, FrigidSoul, Dames or MPGurl.
  17. caboose

    Randy Orton

    See the working of a body part doesn't always have to be part of the finish. At least I don't believe it should have to be. Clearly Orton spent the whole match working Jericho's arm as a means to beat Jericho, but with Batista's interference, another route for victory presented itself, and Orton took it. You could even look at Orton's working of the arm as him trying to cut the crowd out from behind Jericho. But of course the arm working instead acts as a way to get the hot crowd even more into Jericho's comebacks. I fought it was a fine match.
  18. caboose

    Favorite Guns N Roses song?

    I'd have to go for Novemeber Rain for two reasons: A) I grew up watching MTV & MTV2 and B) I love the needlessness of 75% of the song.
  19. caboose

    If Triple H is Lex Luthor,

    Zing! I'd agree with Rocky being Triple H's Superman if this comparison has to be made.
  20. Robert De Niro Clint Eastwood Al Pacino Marlon Brando What the fuck is up with the overly stupid love for Freeman and Spacey? Even Norton should not have progressed this far as a great an actor as he is. Did I miss something?
  21. caboose

    Cool/Historic Stuff You've Seen Live

    SummerSlam 1992 - Bulldog Vs. Bret (IC) Wembley Stadium! Wrestlemania XX - Revenge Of The Vanilla Midgets
  22. Robert De Niro Gregory Peck William H. Macy Clint Eastwood Al Pacino Marlon Brando Harrison Ford Gary Oldman
  23. caboose

    Big Gold belt question

    Which eagle belt though? The one Stone Cold won at WM14 or the one used from Survivor Series 98 to Wrestlemania X8?
  24. caboose

    TSM Chat Moments

    Ain't nothing wrong with that.