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Everything posted by caboose

  1. caboose

    Cure for cancer/Cure for AIDS

    Cancer first. But AIDS if I want to save the Africans.
  2. caboose

    Flex your metal muscle with a game of

    Jesus Anal Penetration
  3. caboose

    Flex your metal muscle with a game of

    Human Bloodfest. I feel dirty and need a shower.
  4. caboose

    Its Alfdogg's birthday!

    I was hoping to make one of those AlfDogg you are my friend websites, but I couldn't be bothered. Happy Birthday Alf.
  5. caboose

    Flex your metal muscle with a game of

    Faith No More P.S Celtic Frost and Anal Cunt have already been used)
  6. I'm surprised no one has identified The Rock as over rated. By no means am I saying he is useless. His timing is great, as his ability to engage fans into a match. WrestleMania X8 and Summerslam 2002 are great examples of his ability to shift his work mid-match. However, Rocky's execution of moves is often terrible. Whether it's his "Sharpshooter", missing Hogan completely with the People's Elbow in the aforementioned match from WM X8 or his terrible Leg Whips and sloppy Samoan Drops. He also has this terrible tendency to go back to the well with the punches. I know punches have become a huge part of the modern WWE style, thanks in large part to Rocky's greatest rival, Austin, but Rocky uses them far too much. Rocky's selling also has a frequent nature of no-sell or oversell. He does get it right some times, but you can see where Angle might have picked up the bad influence of poor selling. Oh yeah, his blading is amongst the worst as well.
  7. My 'infamous internal sarcasm measurement machine' (IISMM) just exploded.
  8. caboose

    Euro 2004

    Stick a fork in its done. Greece pull off the biggest upset in modern International football and walk off with the European Championship, simultaneously breaking the collective heart of Portugal and sending the whole of Greece in mass hysteria. But perhaps best of all (for Anorak anyway) is that Theo Zagorakis, the man most famed for 40 yard strikes against Manchester United when Leicester have conceded six, lifts the trophy as captain, as he sets a new Greek Appearance record of 95 caps.
  9. caboose

    OAOAST Title Histories

    If I remember correctly and I think I do, it was not that I had a foot under the rope, I in fact had my shoulder up, and Zack actually lost... And another thing... Could I get an edit to say Naz Mistry in fact held the Tag Titles with Green Mist after GN went missing. Because Naz did, and I need to stroke his ego...
  10. caboose

    Review of Flair's book

    I reported this in the Flair Review book already so as to not create a new thread, but I guess it doesn't matter...
  11. caboose

    July - LTP: This Ain't Oz

  12. caboose

    Review of Flair's book

    I guess its not just Foley marks who are getting their knickers in a twist.
  13. caboose

    The Next Film Legends

    McGregor doesn't want to be famous. He has admitted as such in interviews. He took the Star Wars thing because he's been a fan all his life and his uncle was in the original. McGregor will do what he wants. I respect that.
  14. caboose

    The Next Film Legends

    I'd agree with Norton. As long as we are nominating Legends from the 70's-80's, how about Clint Eastwood? For me he's a lock, many great films and just as many great performances. He is a different type of actor as well, his face does everything while other actors may use their body more. Currently, I could see Brad Pitt as I've said, with the right roles become a thorough legend. James Woods could have been great too, but he's never got given BIG roles. Too many 'manic' roles. If it wasn't for his horrible late 90's to now run, Harrison Ford should have been massive. Tommy Lee Jones is another guy who delivers performance after performance but is remembered purely for MIB and the US Marshall series.
  15. caboose

    What's religion are you (or should you be)?

    I'm actually a Hindu, yet Hinduism scored in my lower half. 1. Neo-Pagan (100%) 2. Unitarian Universalism (95%) 3. Mainline to Liberal Christian Protestants (92%) 4. Liberal Quakers (91%) 5. Mahayana Buddhism (88%) 6. New Age (82%) 7. Theravada Buddhism (80%) 8. Reform Judaism (73%) 9. Jainism (72%) 10. Secular Humanism (71%) 11. Bahá'í Faith (68%) 12. Orthodox Quaker (64%) 13. Sikhism (62%) 14. Taoism (62%) 15. New Thought (59%) 16. Hinduism (56%) 17. Christian Science (Church of Christ, Scientist) (55%) 18. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) (52%) 19. Scientology (52%) 20. Mainline to Conservative Christian/Protestant (48%) 21. Orthodox Judaism (46%) 22. Nontheist (42%) 23. Jehovah's Witness (39%) 24. Islam (37%) 25. Seventh Day Adventist (33%) 26. Eastern Orthodox (22%) 27. Roman Catholic (22%)
  16. caboose

    Marlon Brando, Dead at 80

    Pacino? De Niro? I'm willing to bet if Pitt played a few more serious roles, he'd forge a legacy. But thats for another discussion. Channel 4 here in England devoted the first 15 minutes of its News bulletin at 7pm to Brando, and it had Richard Attenborough almost wetting himself over Brando's ability. He'll be missed.
  17. caboose

    Moredecai back to OVW...

    Thats a good point. Granted the fans weren't reacting, but if he's pulled off air so quickly then the fans are going to instinctively not care when he returns or another new wrestler with such a gimmicked character, simply because they know it won't last long.
  18. caboose

    A first time ever in the UK

    It'll be in two of Manchester, Birmingham or Sheffield.
  19. caboose

    Uh, any chance for some rugby discussion?

    Rugby has died a horrible death amongst casual fans in England since the World Cup ended. Discuss.
  20. caboose

    Moredecai back to OVW...

    Yeah because firing the World and Tag Champions is going to be productive.
  21. caboose

    Happy Birthday Lindsay Lohan...

    You like them do you? We are the home of baked goods.
  22. caboose

    Sony to launch its own "I-Pod"

    Sony did this before with VHS and Beta. I guess they don't learn.
  23. caboose

    Marlon Brando, Dead at 80

    RIP Godfather.
  24. caboose

    Happy Birthday Lindsay Lohan...

    She's been legal in England for two years, so big whoop.