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Everything posted by caboose

  1. caboose

    Is there anything similar to KaZaA Lite?

  2. caboose

    Is there anything similar to KaZaA Lite?

    If I install Kazaa Lite K++ or Kazaa Lite Ressurection will it finish or continue downloads that are unfinished from my regular Kazaa?
  3. caboose


    Zsasz brings the correct English~!
  4. caboose

    Euro 2004

    Motson has been useless, the guy on ITV used to annoy me during Champion's league football but at Euro 2004 he's been surprisingly good. Here's and idea, a Dream Live Football presenting team... Studio: Gary Linekar or Des Lynam. And three of... Alan Hansen, Peter Reid, Ian Wright, Terry Venables, Andy Townsend (and his truck!), Robbie Earle, Peter Schmeical, Barry Venison or anyone else. Commentator: John Motson, Barry Davies or Clyve Tydlesley. Pundit: Joe Royal, Bobby Robson or anyone else.
  5. Fight Club The Godfather Taxi Driver The Godfather Part II
  6. caboose

    Euro 2004

    Holland through on Penalties for the first time in their history. Game wasn't bad, and Sweden were unlucky to hit the post and the crossbar in extra time. So its... Portugal Vs. Holland Greece Vs. Czech Republic/Denmark
  7. caboose

    Half way through the year...

    That's why he's no longer really a mod. OAOAST mods don't count to me in this...but if you notice he's no longer a global mod because he did nothing. I forgot he got stripped of his MOD powers. I'll amend my vote...
  8. caboose

    Half way through the year...

    Best Poster: No one. Worst Poster: Choken One. Funniest Poster: Piss. Most Intelligent Poster: Caboose. Stupidest Poster: RVDMARK4:20. Best Gimmick: No memorable gimmicks recently. Best Troll: Isn't that an oxymoron? The Next Person Who Should Be Banned: CWM. The Person most deserving to be made a mod: Agnes. Best Mod: Loss. Worst Mod: Dames, I mean jesus the guy is never here. Fruity Pebbles Or Fruit Loops: Fruity Loops.
  9. caboose

    English Football

    Shut up about Helder Postiga! I'm still in mourning...
  10. caboose

    Overall Top 10 Posters

  11. caboose

    Overall Top 10 Posters

    Didn't stop him from beating ME, yes ME in the Poster tournament,
  12. caboose

    Euro 2004

    My Greek mate has just rang me and he is going ballistic. I'm pleased for Greece, the French had yet to play like France and are now out. The Czech's do look the team to beat now but once again I repeat the fact that Holland have improved with every game. Portugal will also now be buoyed to win on home soil after yesterday.
  13. caboose

    Review of Flair's book

    War Games '92, Great American Bash 90, Several of the Rude encounters, practically the entire Vader series...
  14. caboose

    Euro 2004

    How long have you been waiting to throw that in my face?
  15. caboose

    Review of Flair's book

    Yet another stunning contribution from RVDMARK! As for the Flair/Foley debate, I can see both sides. I can see where Flair is coming from about Foley being untalented, not to say Foley is untalented, because clearly he isn't. At the same time Foley is simply sticking two fingers up at Flair for doubting him much like I'm sure Austin has done on numerous times to Bischoff. At the end of the day, this is a disagreement that pride wont allow a chance to settle.
  16. caboose

    Spider-Man India

    That is hella cool. My mum was born in Mumbai (Bombay) and will get a kick out of this, especially as she enjoyed the first Spider-man film.
  17. caboose

    Board Wars

  18. caboose

    Board Wars

    I wish I had been Lando...
  19. caboose

    Euro 2004

    That just plain sucked. I can't believe England have such bad luck with panalties. The referee was a blonde goatee bitch that robbed us. Granted Portugal played better but who fucking cares!? England should be in the Semi-Finals. Why oh why did Eriksson not bring on Dyer or Cole when we were 1-0 up, to put some spark back in the side? He sat back and we got punished. I honestly believed England would meet France in the final on some kind of revenge mission but the ref has fucked that up. That has pretty much killed my interest for the tournament. Maybe I'll keep an eye on the Czechs, but otherwise I couldn't give a shit anymore. And whoever that poster was that wanted to see more of Helder Postiga is a cunt. EDIT: DCMAXIMO I FUCKING HATE YOU AND POSTIGA. (not actually hate you, but damn you anyway). ------------------------------------------------------------- My England tournament scores: David James - Didn't provide the best of confidence for the defence, was not assertive enough at set-pieces but was not a complete mess: 6. G. Neville - Gave everything in defence and when allowed forward was a threat: 8. Sol Campbell - The best defender in the tournament bar none. Should have flown home with a Championship Medal: 10. John Terry - Absolutely solid at the back in open play and a threat at corners. However should have been more reliable defending set pieces: 7.5. Ashley Cole - Proved he can defend. Wasn't given as much time to go forward as we would of liked and gave away a couple of silly free-kicks: 7.5. Ledley King - For the France game and his bit against Croatia, he was simply unflappable: 8. David Beckham - Never got going, two costly penalty misses and no goals. Usual threat with his corners and free-kicks, but almost nothing in open play. Should have done better being back with Gary Neville: 4. Steven Gerrard - Came in and out of games, niggling fouls but driving when forward. Should have been better: 6. Frank Lampard - 3 goals, good going forward and in the tackle, but like Gerrard tended to disappear sometimes: 8. Paul Scholes - Broke his drought and confidence returned but often looked tired. Should not have been asked to play on the left hand side. Again dodgy tackling showed itself: 7. Michael Owen - Got better and better as the tournament progressed. Finally got his goal but got poor to no service from Beckham. Basis of a good partnership with Rooney: 7.5. Wayne Rooney - What I can say that hasn't been said already? The injury was just pure bad luck: 10. Darius Vassell: Again like Owen, the service just wasn't there. Looked dangerous at times but mostly ineffective: 6. Emile Heskey: One appearance, one costly mistake: 1 (just for winning one or two headers against France). Owen Hargreaves - Sometimes looked useful, other times looks lost: 5. Phillip Neville: Didn't put a foot wrong, but was often the wrong sub when a more attacking minded player would have done better: 5. Kieron Dyer - Not enough time to impress: 5.
  20. caboose

    And in a shocking development

    Now as much as I like The Rock (Avatar and all) that would completely make all challengers previous to the belt look like shit.
  21. caboose

    One thing you like...

  22. caboose

    Euro 2004

    Has anyoen read about the Portugese press calling young Wayne, 'McRooney'? I finid it funny, because he is of course an ex-amatuer boxer and probably one of the most well-conditioned players in the entire tournament.
  23. I'll never forget that, I spat cherry coke all over my monitor.
  24. The peak also came around the time of Guy Stokes trailing off and just before Metal Ed took off briefly.
  25. caboose

    Euro 2004

    Rooney - 4 Van Nistelrooy - 4 Larsson - 4 Zidane - 3 Baros - 3 Tomasson - 3