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Everything posted by caboose

  1. caboose

    Euro 2004

    I think Holland are finding thir form as every match goes. With Van Nistelrooy on fire, Davids starting to kick into high gear and the rest getting their act together, Holland could easily beat Sweden, get past one of England-Portugal and reach the final.
  2. caboose

    The OAO Showdown: Legends of Wrestling Thread!

    IGN has issues with any wrestling game thats not Smackdown anyway. So I wouldn't pay much attention. If AP says its good, thats worth a rent from me.
  3. I know he is the man, but somewhere in my head BIGlargehuge = BIGpoppapopick
  4. caboose

    Share the last dream you had

    I murderd some internet geek I met on the bus called Dave who wouldn't shut up about a guy called Tim. Really? I was playing football (soccer) at the park and broke my leg. That was last night.
  5. caboose

    Euro 2004

    My Predictions: England 2-0. France 3-0. Holland 2-1. Czech Rpublic 3-0. That would leave... England Vs. Holland and France Vs. Czech Republic. Then again I said Italy and Spain would make it ahead of Denmark and Portugal. (I'm so glad I filled out one of those Free Magazone Wall Charts. Its helped me plot almost every possible match)
  6. caboose


    Yeah masked wrestlers, unless Foley, Demolition Kane or foreign wrestlers are again short lived gimmicks. Even in the case of Foley everyone new who he was underneath. Shaving has a point but I'm not too sure.
  7. I don't want to be associated with Big. I used to mistake him for BPP back in the day.
  8. ::Chairshots CWM for making Caboose that "Useless Biggs"::
  9. caboose

    PPVs to be PPV in UK from 2005

    I know its not a direct issue but its not even like they've got any huge British wrestlers for us to get all patriotic about and get behind. Regal is cool and all, but lets not for a second think he's close to Bulldog levels where they could sell a whole show of his back, when the rest of the card is crap.
  10. caboose

    The Untouchables

    Yeah 'The Untouchables' is one of my favourites as well. Strangely enough, two Kevin Costner films are among my favourites, 'Field Of Dreams' being the other. Strangely enough I was listening to 'Smooth Criminal' while typing this.
  11. caboose


    The only problem with Eugene is it will be the only character Nick Dinsmore can portray again. Especially if it has some legs and last six more months.
  12. caboose

    PPVs to be PPV in UK from 2005

    The Royal Rumble and Wrestlemania are the only two I will but regardless of what the card. The rest will be judged on individual merit, so just like GAB this week, I wont be buying any Smackdown PPV's in the forseeable future. I'm surprised Sky went for this as well, I reckon it'll be dropped soon after.
  13. 1)Austin vs Rock-WM 17 (24-7) 5)Bret vs Owen-WM 10 (30-1) 42)Bret vs Bulldog-Summerslam '92 (17-14) (IT IS NOT AN UPSET!) 7)HHH vs HBK vs Benoit-WM 20 (23-8) Well seeing as I was there at MSG for the Triple Threat I've picked it ahead of Bret/Austin. This may have been on match quality but I prefer the triple threat.
  14. caboose

    Euro 2004

    England 2-0. Rooney and Owen. The Portugese have got nothing if England play half decent.
  15. caboose

    Board Wars

    I was hoping I wasn't going to be Luke's bum best mate. Oh well, at least I got a talking part and went out in a blaze of glory. Or crap piloting, which ever way you look at it.
  16. caboose

    Board Wars

    Crosses fingers to be 'Wedge'.
  17. caboose

    Board Wars

    May I say, GOLD.
  18. caboose

    Board Wars

    I demand an individual role thats not a storm trooper.
  19. caboose

    Private Messages...

    They're gone. It was telling me I had 2 unsent PMs, 7 in my inbox, and 2 in my sent items. I found that I did indeed have two unsent PMs from over a year ago. I deleted them and I was back at nine. But when I went to the inbox and sent items, there was nothing there. I wasn't tracking anything so no go there either. I just hit the 'Empty PM folders' option and it flushed them out whatever they were.
  20. caboose

    Private Messages...

    I've just emptied my PM inbox and sent items, but its telling me I've still got 9 PM's left. Why? I'm just curious as to why this is happening...
  21. caboose

    What's more addictive?

    Tetris. I've lost months to that game in single sittings. Well not literally, but I might as well of.
  22. caboose

    Private Messages...

    Now on my controls it says I have used eleven messages, while my inbox/sent items says I've used nine. But I still have not used any. I'm not really bothered, but I thought I'd report it nonetheless.
  23. caboose

    Euro 2004

    Yep, haven't been on yet today, thanks for the heads up.
  24. caboose

    GAB Wallpaper

    That is fucking wicked.
  25. Between these two eras was TSM's strongest time.