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Everything posted by caboose

  1. ::Seizes control of OC Local Port Authorities::
  2. caboose

    What are you listening to right now?

    Aphex Twin - 'Windowlicker'
  3. caboose

    What is the evolutionary purpose of

    When my dad was having his wisdom teeth removed, the dentist cracked one and only pulled half of it out. My dad got up, hit his now former dentist in the face, and walked to the local hospital.
  4. caboose

    ***** Albums in Your Collection

    Metallica - 'Master Of Puppets' Fugees - 'The Score' Pearl Jam - 'Ten' Muse - 'Showbiz'
  5. caboose

    Best entrnace music ever....

    Ricky Steamboat circa WWF 1987 also had an awesome theme.
  6. I was there in the crowd and was screaming "TAP YOU MOTHERFUCKER TAP!" at the top of my voice, the people in the seats around me were half distracted by me and kept glancing as I lost control. Definately up there for me. WCW Starrcade 1997, all day and prior to Hogan-Sting, I had an uncotrollable feeling of anticipation in my stomach, even when it all went wrong, I still lost it completely. Austin-Rocky, WrestleMania 17. I was at the time a MASSIVE Rocky mark, and everytime Rocky kicked out of everything, I went apeshit. Finally when Austin won, I was pissed off beyond all belief, and punch a hole in my wardrobe door.
  7. caboose

    What are you listening to right now?

    Foreign Beggars - Glacial
  8. caboose

    Best entrnace music ever....

    My Top Ten... 1 Triple H (Motorhead) 2 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin 3 Goldberg (WCW '98) 4 Christian (At Last You're On Your Own...) 5 Chris Benoit (Current) 6 Sting (Crow) 7 Ted Dibiase (From Anthology) 8 D-generation X 9 D-Lo Brown (Real Deal) 10 Ric Flair (Also Sprach Zarathustra) They all complimented the wrestler's perfectly.
  9. caboose

    Musicians selling-out

    I'd say St. Anger is anything but sell-outish, its just really bad.
  10. caboose

    Smackdown: Shut Your Mouth question

    I thinks R1 or something.
  11. caboose

    Ridiculous Lies...

    I didn't know CWM was an England supporter.
  12. caboose

    English Football

    I can't believe Shearer just missed a penalty!
  13. caboose

    the Return of the Weazel!

    Heenan would completey over shadow Cole and Tazz. And you can't stick him on Raw, he'd just make Lawler look like a complete chump.
  14. caboose

    Euro 2004

    Just like Club football where I support my home town and a random club for a equally random reason. I have a second international side I root for... ...It's Spain, and they are my tip to finally realise they're potential. Spain would have been playing in the World Cup final against Brazil two years back if it wasn't for the obvious dodgy refereeing that was biased to South Korea.
  15. caboose

    Musicians selling-out

    With Metallica, they kind of sold-out for the Black Album, then went off in a random direction ever since. I wouldn't say Load, Reload, St. Anger etc are sell-out records, more albums of a band that musically progressed in a totally unexpected manner.
  16. caboose

    Musicians selling-out

    Say what you will about Limp Bizkit: They sucked, they sold-out, Fred Durst is a cock, backward caps are gay etc... but they were the best thing to come out of a genre (nu-metal) that is now universally despised. They may not be everyone's cup of tea, but they still released an album that is fun to listen to every so often ('Signifcant Other'). I'm sure I'll be ridiculed, but to be fair, I don't give a fuck.
  17. ::The Killer Tomatoes destroy all Orange County Rehab clinics. The locals are now all doomed...::
  18. caboose

    Here's something amusing

    I'm a diseased foot worshipper who loves to control Samurais. Samurais are cool.
  19. ::Invades Orange County with his army of Killer Tomatoes::
  20. caboose

    British Festival Chat

    To make up for the lack of festivals in my summer plans this year, i'm going to spend a week in Amsterdam and sit in my back garden the rest of the time drinking beer while listening to FNM.
  21. caboose

    The Dames Has Returned!

    Love or fear?
  22. caboose

    The Dames Has Returned!

    For whatever reason I found this odd. Maybe because I'm lazy and would mentally break down if I didn't have a bed.
  23. caboose

    Is the board being messed with?

    Yep, I noticed that too. Has Dames in fact returned to destroy this place?
  24. caboose

    English Football

    Yeah my bad. This week has been a bit blurry. Well last night sucked. Without Jenas, Dyer, Woodgate and Bellamy it was always going to be tough. (Excuses out of the way). But fair play to Marseille they were good. That turn by Drogba deserved to win the match on its own. I guss it's all about 4th place now...