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Everything posted by caboose

  1. caboose

    Feedback for the 2/19 HD

    ::As CWM inflates himself, Caboose pulls up. CWM looks at Caboose who stands next to the air pump. Caboose pulls the pipe out of the pump. CWM looks at the end of the pipe and then at the TV screen. CWM holds up a sign that reads 'Those are the breaks'. CWM flies about violently like a baloon when letting pressured air out. Caboose: Meep, meep::
  2. caboose

    Can I do commentary?

    CWM, I had hoped you would remember the true Old-School ways. ::Caboose sells the old-school::
  3. caboose


    I think it would be WINS EPICALLY.
  4. caboose

    The One and Only Calvin Szechstein Thread!

    ::Caboose squirms and squirms in the Sharpshooter trying to reach the ropes...::
  5. caboose

    Feedback for the 2/19 HD

    ::CWM sees Caboose getting ever speedily closer. CWM glances at the trip wire and smile evily. Caboose is shown getting even closer. CWM rubs his hands anticpating success. Caboose runs through the wire and by CWM leaving but a ploom of dust. CWM waits for the dust to clear and sees Caboose gone and no anvil. CWM looks at the wire and then looks up at the Anvil. CWM cautiously flicks the wire with his foot. Nothing happens. CWM flicks the wire again. Nothing happens. In frustration of failing again, CWM delibrately kicks the wire. CWM heras a falling sound coming from above and looks up. CWM sees the really big anvil falling. CWM turns to the screen with the really big anvil's shadow getting larger and larger. CWM holds up a sign that reads 'Ouch'. The really big anvil lands on CWM. Caboose appears next to the really big anvil. Caboose: Meep, meep. Caboose runs off::
  6. caboose

    The One and Only Calvin Szechstein Thread!

    ....KICK OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Caboose throws the shoulder up at the last possible moment! The Montreal fans almost riot at the two count in absolute support for their native toothless idiot CWM. Both men slowly pick themselves up and slowly start to exchange big right hands...::
  7. caboose

    Feedback for the 2/19 HD

    ::Caboose is seen running about really fast in the background as CWM plots::
  8. caboose

    Can I do commentary?

    ::Picks up CWM and signals for the Powerbomb...::
  9. caboose


    ::Caboose no-sells the ribs and engages in an EPIC encounter of EPIC propprtions. An absolute EPIC. Caboose wins::
  10. caboose

    Can I do commentary?

    ::Caboose counters with a drop-toe-hold to CWM onto a CONVENIENTLY PLACED CHAIR~!
  11. caboose

    Can I do commentary?

    Thats even better. ::Marks some more::
  12. caboose

    Can I do commentary?

    ::Caboose marks for the violence::
  13. caboose

    Can I do commentary?

    ::Blades and gets 1.9 Muta::
  14. caboose

    Feedback for the 2/19 HD

    ::Caboose uses No-Sell Play #48, 'The Road Runner no-sell'! CWM waits for the dust to clear, only to find no Caboose. Caboose: Meep, Meep. CWM turns around to see Caboose standing behind him on the edge of a cliff! Caboose points at the ground. CWM looks down and sees nothing but a 500ft drop to the valley floor. CWM looks back up at Caboose. Caboose: Meep. Meep. CWM turns to the screen and holds up a sign that reads 'This is gonna hurt'. CWM falls. Caboose shoots off into the distance::
  15. caboose

    The One and Only Calvin Szechstein Thread!

    ::Has to run 300 yards across the arena floor to try and pin CWM... ...By the time he gets their Caboose can grab only a two-count:: MONTREAL: TWWWWOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
  16. caboose

    Can I do commentary?

    Stve Buschemi: Define irony,... Nicholas Cage: ... Steve Buschemi: A plane load of convicts dancing to a track made famous by a band that died in an air crash. Nicholas Cage: ...
  17. caboose


    ::Caboose disappears for five minutes...:: 5 minutes later... ::Caboose returns with taped ribs and a more unforgiving demanour::
  18. caboose

    Can I do commentary?

    ::Caboose rolls out of the way, and CWM crashes through the glass ceiling!::
  19. caboose

    The One and Only Calvin Szechstein Thread!

    ::Joins in celebration of CWM's 13,000th post by stunnering him again::
  20. caboose

    Feedback for the 2/19 HD

    ::Just to make sure BPP doesn't swicth the TV back on, Caboose blows it and the factory that produces the DVD's up::
  21. caboose


    ::Caboose cracks the back of his head hard and is taken away by the EMT's::
  22. caboose


    ::Loses respect for CWM because of cowering::
  23. caboose

    The One and Only Calvin Szechstein Thread!

    ::Grabs CWM's foot, spins him around and delivers a Stunner::
  24. caboose

    Feedback for the 2/19 HD

    ::Caboose turns the TV off::