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Everything posted by caboose

  1. caboose

    The One and Only Calvin Szechstein Thread!

    ::...Caboose arrives at TSS' old family home. It remains a pile of ashes since CWM's original act of arson almost two years ago. Caboose asks a neighbour for a forwarding address and sets off...::
  2. caboose

    The One and Only Calvin Szechstein Thread!

    ::....Caboose gives up and tries to find TSS' family instead...:: I KNOW YOU LOVE THEM!
  3. caboose

    Top 10 Wrestlemania Matches

    1) Rocky/Austin WM17 2) Savage/Steamboat WM3 3) Savage/Flair WM8 4) Savage/Warrior WM7 5) Austin/Bret WM13 6) HBK/Razor WM10 7) HBK/Jericho WM19 8) Hogan/Rocky WM18 (Not as wrestling, but as an Epic Meeting) 9) Edge & Christian/Hardy'z/Dudley'z WM16 10) Austin/HBK WM14
  4. caboose

    The One and Only Calvin Szechstein Thread!

    ::...Caboose ties up CWM's family and pours petrol in a circle around them...::
  5. caboose

    The One and Only Calvin Szechstein Thread!

    ::Breaks into CWM family home...::
  6. I admit that was Hogan screwing him, but it doesn't take away from the fact that he had numerous World Title reigns. Up until that point, Starrcade 97 was the most built Main Event in wrestling's modern era. It had an 18 month build. It would be the defining moment of Sting's career as well as WCW's biggest PPV ever. Enter Hogan, and the rest is history.
  7. Sting may have had title reigns, but explain Starrcade 97 to me.
  8. caboose

    Fuck Valentine's Day

    Well my Valentines day got really weird once I was too tanked up to do anything constructive. I'll explain the weirdness of my day later, but for now I'll give a thumbs upto Valentines day simply because I was too out of it to notice it go by. (That should probably be my approach every year).
  9. caboose

    The One and Only Calvin Szechstein Thread!

    You sir, have crossed a line. You will suffer my vengeance...
  10. Sting and Steamboat come to mind. Both funnily enough by Hogan.
  11. caboose

    Goodbye, New York.

    Good luck Dames.
  12. caboose

    *Another* Benoit Question

    Benoit has now moved from Smackdown to RAW, back to Smackdown and again now to RAW. Surely that makes him the most traded wrestler?
  13. caboose

    Fuck Valentine's Day

    I decided to ignore Valentines day and consume mushrooms instead. They are brewing right now. Oh yeah, fuck valentines day.
  14. caboose

    U.S again denied Olympic berth by Mexicans

    You are correct young Chave. All players have to be Under-23 except three.
  15. caboose

    Are you a Sensei?

    I am the Unofficial British Tony Hawk's 2 Champion.
  16. caboose

    The One and Only Calvin Szechstein Thread!

    ::In their attempt to overthrow CWM, Caboose and FrigidSoul introduce the LIMITED EDITION NES ROBOT OF AUTONOMOUS PLAY!::
  17. caboose

    The One and Only Calvin Szechstein Thread!

    ::Caboose challenges FirgidSoul to a game of Duck Hunt!::
  18. caboose

    The fighting game character tourney 2k4

    Ken Masters (Street Fighter) M. Bison (Street Fighter) Ryu (Street Fighter) Terry Bogard (Fatal Fury
  19. caboose

    Brutus Beefcake bust

    I guess Hogan doesn't take care of his buddies arter they retire.
  20. caboose

    The One and Only Calvin Szechstein Thread!

    I own a Porsche? Cool, in which case, stupid fucking ducks! ::Proceeds to play Duck Hunt on the old NES.:: And also, its good to see Alf's honesty about his Diesal-esque drawing abilities.
  21. caboose

    BifEverchad wins!!

    Mole still doesn't get it does he?
  22. caboose

    English Football

    My dad's a HUGE Forest fan and never forgets to tell me at least twice a year about Forest winning the Euorpean Cup back-to-back and goign on some kind of 42 game unbeaten record. The problem with the fans you talk about are similar to my all time hated football fans, Liverpool fans. Yeah, I even hate them more than Man Utd fans. Liverpool fans live in the past and are far to pessimistic about their current side. They fail to realise they don't deserve to be associated with Arsenal, Man Utd and Chelsea. When Liverpool lose their fans bitch like little girls, and when Liverpool win, the fans think its the long awaited (yet never to happen) big turnaround.
  23. caboose

    The One and Only Calvin Szechstein Thread!

  24. caboose

    English Football

    Not English football but... I find it highly suspicious that Tunisia got a last minute penalty against Nigeria in the African Nations Semi-Final.