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Everything posted by caboose

  1. So long Nash, don't tear your quad on the way out.
  2. caboose

    The Royal Blue

    ::Heads towards Cleveland while trying to put the fire on his ass out::
  3. caboose

    The 2003 Smark Awards~!

    I wouldn't vote myself for every award. Just most of them.
  4. caboose

    The Royal Blue

    ::Is struck by rock and suffers amnesia::
  5. caboose

    The Royal Blue

    ::Dances his dance of destruction::
  6. caboose

    The 2003 Smark Awards~!

    Dammit. Come on CWM, just for me?
  7. caboose

    Marijuana Lounge

    Has anyone had sex while completely stoned? If I remember correctly, and I have to be honest, it has been a long time (d'oh!), it's fucking amazing.
  8. caboose

    The 2003 Smark Awards~!

    Is it too late to vote? You may or may not have already mentioned the voting deadline, but I'm too lazy to notice.
  9. caboose

    What do YOU think?

    KoRn should just go away and reconcile with their parents.
  10. caboose

    What do YOU think?

    You should keep one eye on the toilet seat as you take a piss.
  11. caboose

    What are you listening to right now?

    Bonnie Tyler - Hold Out For A Hero
  12. caboose

    CWM is now responsible for a life.

    A cross breed of CWM and MArio.
  13. caboose

    CWM is now responsible for a life.

    Maybe, when Armageddon comes.
  14. caboose

    The 2003 Smark Awards~!

    Come one Inc, you know you loved it really.
  15. caboose

    What are you listening to right now?

    Led Zeppelin - What Is & Should Never Be
  16. caboose

    English Football

    Forget her. She'd just choke anyway. Please share. Damn my need to live vicariously is getting scary.
  17. caboose

    Ah Pizza Hut!

    I only just noticed him today.
  18. caboose

    Ah Pizza Hut!

    Worst. Return. Ever.
  19. caboose

    Announcement: Food & Shopping Merged

    Yeah I saw that. I think a quarter of my posts on the board are in those threads, so it was a good call. Is there some kind of facility where threads over, say a year old or whatever, get deleted?
  20. caboose

    Why is Beer good for you?

    If you sing a song or play an instrument, you'll get more donations...
  21. caboose

    Marijuana Lounge

    My stomach churned and I had that feeling of holy shit something great was going down. Kinda like the feeling I had before Hogan-Rock at WM18. Also watch any wrestling while stoned. Bad wrestling becomes funny and entertaining, while good wrestling becomes awesome. I recommend Rock-Jericho from No Mercy 2001 and any TLC match. Everything just becomes *THAT* much better.
  22. caboose

    Announcement: Food & Shopping Merged

    Any other plans for scaling down bandwidth?
  23. caboose

    Marijuana Lounge

    I saw all three Lord Of The Rings films absolutely muntered. Subsequently I love every film. I've found that watching films, especially comedies while stoned heighten the experience massively. I recommend it to everyone. I remember marking out like an 8 year old at WM6 for the battle of Helms Deep...
  24. caboose

    What are you listening to right now?

    Pearl Jam - 'Rear View Mirror'
  25. caboose

    The person above you thread!

    ^TSM's Crazy Uncle