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Everything posted by caboose

  1. caboose

    Things that seemingly everyone hated

    Test: Hardcore Champion.
  2. No offense taken, but my statement was in reference to PRL completely fucking up my character in the commentary. I mean its not a big deal, but it makes no sense for me to be screaming that Popick should not tap out.
  3. I do not like Popick/Joseph. I know you were around when I was in my feud with Popick/Joseph and retired him, but clearly you were not paying attention... From the 14th April edition of HeldDown!: Caboose the character would never, I repeat NEVER ever say the above without first unzipping his flies and pissing on all that is the Caboose character and a lot of fundamentals that the OAOAST is based on, No.1 namely being 'Hate Popick for he is wrong'. Please address this in any further segments or matches you write involving the Caboose character commentating on the actions of Stephen 'Popick' Joseph.
  4. PRL sucks. That is all. This message was brought to you by CWM/Mascot Enterprises.
  5. That is one of the points I use against comics which relates to modern cynicism and the loss of belief in the supernatural.
  6. Yeah that falls under the part where I discuss the mediums by myths and comic book super heroes are broadcasted.
  7. caboose

    New Limp Bizkit Song/Video--"The Truth".

    HA! DOUBLE HA! TRIPLE HA Sounds like "Sheep" by Pink Floyd but shitty And you were expecting anything more from MTV?
  8. In other news: Sales of Kleenex go up 5%.
  9. caboose

    WWE hiring staff writer

    Yep, I'm missing the two years experience as well.
  10. caboose

    New Limp Bizkit Song/Video--"The Truth".

    Three questions, and keep in mind I will always have a soft spot for Limp Bizkit: A) Was that filmed at a fancy dress party where Limp Bizkit have gone as Rage Against the Machine? B) Has Durst retracted his previous statement about how great 'sending soldiers to Iraq to kick ass' was? C) Am I only one who thinks the bass is the best part of that entire video?
  11. caboose

    Favorite Old Man Flair Moment . . .

    Knee Dropping the can of beer. It inspired me to break Easter eggs that way.
  12. caboose

    The decline of former Hardcore Champions

    34 have left, 19 remain. I don't see the big deal, not a lot of the 34 cut would really be any use right now.
  13. caboose

    Spears announces she's knocked up

    Unless you have one of those Pregnant women fetishes.
  14. caboose

    A gimmick created by Agent of Oblivion

    Really? I thought it was relegation that did.
  15. caboose

    Matt Hardy released

    Me thinks Matt turned down a feud with Edge and was canned for it.
  16. caboose

    Matt Hardy released

    http://www.wwe.com/inside/news/20050411_rhynohardy.jsp Cheers. That is all sorts of fucked up. Hardy Boyz reunion in TNA anyone?
  17. caboose

    Matt Hardy released

    Just looked on WWE.com and couldn't find that anywhere, link please?
  18. caboose

    WWE Fires Paul Bearer

    I've actually always wanted to see Kane get that win over Taker, but a sixth or seventh Kane-Taker feud would be death.
  19. caboose

    Anglemania IV Feedback Thread

    Do you lose your 'Screech' Badge in the Saved By The Bell Scouts?
  20. caboose

    The One and Only Axel Thread

    His dance partner would have to be The Gobbledy Gooker Wrong Mascot, Popick's dance partner should ONLY ever be the one and only... ...SCHAEFFER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  21. caboose

    Matches where the crowd was 50/50

    Rocky-Austin and Jericho-Michaels WM19
  22. caboose

    Shelton Benjamin

    Lesnar was bringing the goodness before he walked. No Way Out 2004 being one example.
  23. caboose

    Anglemania IV Feedback Thread

    Reply to my PM Eskimo Dan!
  24. caboose

    Happy Birthday CWM

    You forgot to say Happy Birthday to David Akeroyd's Biggest Fan! Happy Birthday to the lot of you but CWM should stop lying about his age. He's not 22 he's really 32.