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Everything posted by stormy
Drunk drivers who are brought into my ER...Drunk as Skunks with no feeling or regard when they have caused accidents and people hurt because of there work...Like the night a father came in with his legs smashed from the waiste when a 16yr old drunk rounded the corner and slammed to the father who was putting stuff in his trunk. His kids watched it happen on there grand parents front steps....Oh when it comes to MADD I am a solid supporter....
Fla. Doctor Investigated in Badly Botched Abortion
stormy replied to milliondollarchamp's topic in Current Events
I wonder if the woman even had an ultra sound done....Maybe thats why she went to unlicensed place. Medical personnel would have definatly cautioned her that she is over half way into her pregnancy...Atleast here in Texas a counselor would have advised her to go ahead and have the baby and if she didn't want the child given her information to the Edna Gladney or one of the adoption centers...I don't know sounds she went to what some of the medical profession refers to as a butcher. They will do anything for the money of it.... Is clearly a sad case . Unless they can prove her mental defective she likely could go to jail over it....There are so many unanswered questions here...and really makes me ill just to think about it -
The US Economy and Current Financial Crisis
stormy replied to Cheech Tremendous's topic in Current Events
Well there is another child missing in Florida this morning. Between that and this stimulus package your missing a lot . Bunch of Senators came on a while ago and reached an agreement with Congress that there going to vote on. They sure don't seem all that happy so they had to give up too.. But what ever is wrong with Florida alway losing there kids...This one is a little 5yr old cute thing. -
The US Economy and Current Financial Crisis
stormy replied to Cheech Tremendous's topic in Current Events
Well turn on MSNBC................ -
Fla. Doctor Investigated in Badly Botched Abortion
stormy replied to milliondollarchamp's topic in Current Events
Okay I am medical professional.....Not a Dr but even I know if she was charged 1,200.00 for an abortion she went to the wrong place. For that price she could have gone to an OB Gyn specialist ...Yet they claim that person didn't even have a medical license...The whole thing is kind of weird.... -
See that has always been with the senate with a couple of other things. When the house sends them a bill they find something wrong with it so they will have more say then the house does...Well this time they did the same thing they re wrote the bill with all there crap in it while this time it went back to the House the house doesn't like what the Senate wanted so its back to to close doors...There's going to have to be some compromising somewhere....Nancy passed thru a while ago and the press asked her how it was going and she said "They have made a little progress on some small things so far but wouldn't say what more....Thats why its not really over just yet.... Thats why I asked if you knew how the senate works. I am not a child.....Seen it too many times...
The US Economy and Current Financial Crisis
stormy replied to Cheech Tremendous's topic in Current Events
Hey NoCal Mike.........Take that post you just made and cut and paste it to your congressman and Senators... Its 3 exactly what they need to hear and read....and more like them... -
Well right now its the Democrats that won't buy the Senate proposal....They said just a while ago there all back behind close doors to hash things out for the second day in a roll...So as I said to you from the start ...........It ain't over till its over...
The US Economy and Current Financial Crisis
stormy replied to Cheech Tremendous's topic in Current Events
Well like I said it isn't over till its over....Just saw on TV that both house and senate are back in behind close doors over this. They said there ae like 11Democrats who won't go with the Senate version...So it ain't over till its over....Now is the time to get the emails going to to the congress and senators and tell them to get the Darn Tax credits out of there...What good will tax credits be worth when people are losing jobs right and left...There were two GOP senators on this morning one from Tenn and not sure where the other one was...They seem to grab on to that darn thing Bush started that anyone wanting to buy a house should be able to buy one...So now there defaulting on there loans and he says they need to fix that .....Thats what McCain hollered all thru the campaign about buying up those bad loans????? Now why should my taxes and your taxes pay for there bull.... Worry about Tax credits after the people are back to work. No pay checks why even worry bout tax credits for the rich guys.... -
Christian's Re-debut in WWE has occurred!
stormy replied to Thanks for the Fish's topic in The WWE Folder
Wow Christian is back...I guess I have to start watching ECW again does make some sense tho Teddy Long and Christian always had a great repor with Teddy Long. Move over Swagger (who not especially fond of anyway) Christian wants the belt. Welcome home Chrisitian -
Bush knew he would beat the odds and stay in the white house for the second term. Why? Because look at history we were solidly into his little war in the middle of the east. It takes a heck of a lot to change horses in mid stream as my grandfather use to say...People have a tendency to stay with the president during the war as long as he is eligable to use the second term because they think he knows whats going on... Only exception to that was Gerald Ford..He was the only president to actually be elected. When he pardon Nixon was the downfall of his political carrear for the most part...Then there were those who said he never should have let the Viet Nam draft avaders come home without charges....Ford did it figuring the country needed to heal but the die hards didn't agree and that was when he lost the election to Jimmy Carter...and he wasn't the man either That when Regan came in and for the most part he was one of the popular ones...
Fla. Doctor Investigated in Badly Botched Abortion
stormy replied to milliondollarchamp's topic in Current Events
Thats a tough one to call...I mean 23wks abortion..Comeon are you telling me she didn't know her body well enough to know something was wrong.When the baby came out alive and she put it in the trash yes definatly murder. She could have taken the baby to any fire station or hospital and left the baby and not even give her name..called the Safe haven law.... Now if she did even have an abortion and they missed it she should have definatly gone to the Dr or back to the clinic and had an ultra sound done to see what was up...She could try to bring a law suit for mal practice but even that don't even see where she would have a case. I mean she should have known something was wrong when she would have gained weight as the pregnancy progressed.... I am with 2GOLD on this one I would think she needs a mental evaluation.... -
Do you not know how the Senate works...Actually thats the only thing I don't really care for but am trying to see change. He is trying these bi partism stuff. Right now the Republicans are trying to get the darn tax breaks that McCain was pushing for in the Election. Yea I will agree he should tell the Republicans to kiss off when the bill passed the house he should have just let them gripe and moan ...Like I said its not over yet...But instead of you sitting here and moaning about it send a darn email to your congress and senators and tell them what you have to say about the subject. An yes I already have...I don't live my life on message boards....The internet is good for many things then sit and complain to each other let your senators and congress and say how you feel... Oh On Bush, I didn't vote on either election for him because I knew he wasn't worth anything 8yrs ago...The guy filed personal bankrupsy in Midland even before that and went running home to Daddy and Bush Sr got him into politics. So what did the crazy bunch did they gave him the world to run and now he screwed that up too..Only reason the GOP got him into the white house so he could sell the war. So the fat cats could make money off of it...Haliburton for one. Don't believe me wait till they run a document for Iraq and see that big Plant that they have built over there in the cover of the way. Where do you think Chaney came into the VP...He resigned (supposidly) to be Bush's VP to keep an eye on him...Just like when Congress talked about ending the war Chaney was called to a closed door luncheon with the GOP was Bush invited NOPE he wasn't there...GOP wasn't ready for the war to end yet...Chaney and them discussed to keep it all going and the word FEAR has kept it long... Bottom line they let Bush go for 8yrs to make a mess of things now look where we are now. If McCain had gotten in the war would be on for indefinatly if not there would have been somewhere else....Its going to take more then less then a month to get passed what things left....
The US Economy and Current Financial Crisis
stormy replied to Cheech Tremendous's topic in Current Events
I would say it hasn't been signed yet.....Senate sent it back to the House and there a voice to and she is already griping about that...Real problem they have a an bunch of Republican Senators who have been in the Senate for years. They need to get swept out the door to retirement...Right now they need Jobs for people and I mean real jobs not part time jobs in fast food they need Industry jobs with some benifits. That would take care of a big deal of the Health Care. Right now and for the last several years about all there has been are partime jobs with no benifits no one has been going anywhere....Education in all levels need it. Have a cousin who just had to take one heck of a pay cut just in order to keep her job...Dallas as big a school system they got what 70,000 money cut the other day...Some teachers got laid off and other teachers with tenur who are getting down graded to teaching 2nd grade when there use to teaching more detailed classes...Nancy P said a little while ago Congress is going to look at it again and she has the votes this time around so will see what happens. I mean they passed there first bill with straight Democratic vote without any darn Republicans -
Hey give him a chance he hasn't even been in there a month yet...He is trying to clean up Republican garbage that Bush left around behind....I tried to tell you people about that guy years ago and no one would listen so look what was left for Obama to clean up the mess...
The US Economy and Current Financial Crisis
stormy replied to Cheech Tremendous's topic in Current Events
Nancy was just on don't think she is really done with it yet. She was talking about finding more for the Education deal..Its like a friend of ours said last night Tax credits for what....Till they get the people the jobs first then they can play with Tax credits. Without jobs the Tax credits are actually useless for anyone but the big money people -
Actually thus far Obama has been on the ball everysince he was sworn in....He was on a while ago and got to make an announcement to the Florida crowd that Senate passed the stimulus package this afternoon. Now it goes back to the house to see what or if they will pass this one or say "Hey nope we don't like it we want something else"....I mean Obama has got to be given a chance. I was at Walmart in the check out the other day and they had the time Magazine Inaugaration book. I picked it up and put it on the top of my basket and I look around and this old guy in front of me in the check out is glaring holes thru me...I mean right thru me . I don't know if beacuse I am a caucassion woman buying the book or what but he made me nervous. Cashier saw him and she had her hand on the phone said she was about to call someone...He only had a couple of things so she hurried up and rang the guy out and moved him on....I mean comeon yes I'm a Texan and yea its a Republican state but still I have a right to buy what I want...Clerk and I had a laugh about it when we were checking out....I really really want Obama to make good for the country if nothing more then to shut down some of skeptics so I can say Ha Ha
Only wrestling I really watched this summer was some of the stuff from the Olympics one night. When really sit down and watch it can really tell the difference.
Wrestling is more scripted then actually fake. There are still times when injuries etc happen but for the most point there accidents...I think I was like 6 when my grandfather explained it out that sometimes aren't all ways the way they seem. Now when I was a freshman in college I took Sociology and my professor was a HUGE Wrestling fan....He even had it on the list for term paper. I thought oh gee I have watched it for years I can get an easy 100 ....A lady that went to Will Rogers Coliseum on a weekly basis had gone to school with Fritz Von Erich/aka Jack Adkisson....She gave me his address and said for me to write to him he might send me some stuff for my research on my paper...I thought well okay what can I lose. My Mom and I had just gotten back from the store and my Dad was on the phone he said it was for me....It was a person to person call from Jack Adkisson...He invited me to spend the day at the Sportatorium I had to walk a class to do it but wasn't about to pass up....I only thought I knew about Wrestling by the end of the day I knew a whole lot more...
Sort of figure this to all get swept under the rug and we probably won't hear another word about it.....One yes the couple was arrested but they were left without charges...and just read a piece I think on Epicenter...That they don't believe that Jericho will be punished either....So there really isn't going to be much of a law suit for anyone. Actually the whole thing seems to be a he said she said. Jericho is hollering self defense...and there saying that he used racial slurs about the South Korean. This will all be blown over by the time it gets down here to Texas at Wrestlemania....2months and they will be looking for something else to spread over the internet...
They just finished up the service for Caylee this afternoon...Mom spent that time with her defense team. While she could have listened to and watched the service she didn't even ask to do so .....They said she never sent flowers or anything not even a message to be read at the service...She is one cold Witch