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Big Green

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Everything posted by Big Green

  1. Big Green

    Jericho and Kelly Kelly

    Somehow I doubt that married men let 22 year old girls grind on them. That picture was pretty damning, if you ask me.
  2. Big Green

    Jericho and Kelly Kelly

    I think that it's especially shitty that he's leaving his wife and 3 kids to hook up with a 22 year old.
  3. Big Green

    Jericho and Kelly Kelly

    Haven't Jericho and his wife been together for well over a decade? Kelly must be AMAZING in bed to be able to break up the Jerichos. Here's a face shot so we can say without a shadow of doubt that it's them: Stay classy Chris, stay classy
  4. Big Green

    Jericho and Kelly Kelly

    Jericho and Kelly have been an open secret for a while now. I'm only mentioning it, because they're not hiding it anymore and it's likely going to come out soon anyway. If you don't believe it, fine. We might be inclined to at least find it credible if you would cite the source of this information. Check out the message board on chrisjericho.com. There are a bunch of pictures of them together at a party for one of Kelly's friends in the last couple pages of the "Chris Jericho is hot thread." Yeah, that looks kind of bad. Apparently, the friend that uploaded them to MySpace said that she had put up pics of "Barbie and her bf" For shame Y2J, you have a wife and 3 kids!
  5. Big Green

    Jericho and Kelly Kelly

    Test, Batista, Jericho.............She'll screw any WWE Superstar, big and small!
  6. Big Green

    TSM Call to Action Campaign 2009

    He was funny on the mic, but in no way should he have been World Champion for ten months, or been pushed so hard right after turning heel. The hate was totally warranted, some of those matches were awful Honestly though, in-ring talent is secondary to mic skills in terms of being a successful World Champion. JBL wasn't Jackie Gayda level bad, he was carryable and he got good heat from the audience. In terms of JBL being pushed hard, I agree. However, I'll say that after a couple of months, he was well over enough to be WWE Champion. More JBL goodness:
  7. Big Green

    TSM Call to Action Campaign 2009

    JBL is fucking awesome
  8. Big Green

    Let's Talk About...Roddy Piper's WCW stint

    Did anything ever come of the "Raven is really a spoiled rich kid who idolized Piper" angle? I remember the angle but I can't remember if ANYTHING came of it.
  9. Big Green


    She expects someone to pay $100 a year to see her naked? C'mon Shelly!
  10. I hate that this is what booking a wrestling show has become. Fucking Hollywood. What are you referring to specifically? My guess is scripting things out word for word. Where as any television show needs a script/format sheet for production purposes, scripting out promos and such on a wrestling show has not been for the best. It's fine to layout what a promo needs to talk about, but writing out line for line, word for word is too much. I mean look at it this way: The "Austin 3:16" line was not scripted or thought of in a booking meeting. As a result, Austin's good interview skills allowed him to come up with a line that turned him white hot. ^ This.. and that wrestling has become a sitcom, essentially. I hate that Vince feels he needs "writers" and all of that crap. It's too Hollywood, IMO. I mean, c'mon: producers? They're fucking Road Agents! Honestly, a script is needed when you consider how many people are involved in the production of an episode of RAW. We have to remember that wrestling is a very different animal than it was even 20 years ago. It's now on prime time television so Vince has certain standards that he has to meet so it's totally understandable that he'd have a detailed script. When you have a prime time show, it's important that you have everyone on the same page and as much as we may hate it, a script does a good job of doing that.
  11. Big Green

    Oldest Book You've Ever Found

    This is inspired by a research project that I'm doing in which I happened upon a book published in 1890. The interesting part to me is how long it appears to have been in the College library. I see a clear due date stamp for October 17, 1935 inside and an old school due date card with dates from the 1930s on it. Then it randomly jumps ahead 40 years to some dude in the 70s checking it out.
  12. He says this happened with NBC in 1986, he laughed at the guy, and told him what he wanted to do and he won Wonder what Jake did when he appeared on RAW a couple of years ago.
  13. It'd be a safe bet to say that Triple H probably had influence in how his promo went down. On the others, it wouldn't surprise if some other guys had influence in the scripting of their promos. I was actually surprised (somewhat) to see promos scripted so tightly. I didn't catch RAW on Monday so I didn't get to see how closely the script was followed. To DrVenkman: Ballyhoo is on the first page of the actual script portion of the packet.
  14. I hate that this is what booking a wrestling show has become. Fucking Hollywood. What are you referring to specifically? My guess is scripting things out word for word. Where as any television show needs a script/format sheet for production purposes, scripting out promos and such on a wrestling show has not been for the best. It's fine to layout what a promo needs to talk about, but writing out line for line, word for word is too much. I mean look at it this way: The "Austin 3:16" line was not scripted or thought of in a booking meeting. As a result, Austin's good interview skills allowed him to come up with a line that turned him white hot. How tightly scripted are the promos and by whom are they scripted? It wouldn't shock me if the script exists solely for production purposes and wrestlers aren't expected to stick TIGHTLY to the script but are instead given some creative freedom. I mean, think about it, in-ring promos are in front of a live audience and wrestlers do often make comments towards the audience based on their reaction. It also wouldn't shock me if some talent had input into what their characters are given to say. I just don't think that pro wrestlers are expected to know the script verbatim, it probably just exists to give the production staff an idea of what's going on. In the example of Jake Roberts, I'm sure that he'd have some influence and would probably be able to determine what the script says for his character.
  15. Big Green

    TSM Call to Action Campaign 2009

    So, I'm going to go ahead and say it...... Am I the only one who actually liked JBL's title reign? I loved his character and found him to be an incredible villain. Maybe he was given the belt too early but it seems weird to quit watching because of his reign. On that note, I'd recommend you find JBL's promo from ONS 2005 then look for some other JBL promo goodness.
  16. One thing that stood out to though was the lack of detail that some of the backstage stuff had. HBK didn't have word for word but instead had more like bullet points to hit while Edge had a quote that he had to hit.
  17. Did anybody else notice how DJ Gabriel and Tyson Kidd were listed as RAW developmental talents on the last page? I'm assuming that's either a mistake or they're coming to RAW soon. EDIT- Kidman and Norman Smiley are trainers in FCW? That's somehow awesome.
  18. Big Green

    Recent birth announcements

    So, is it just me or did Brian get off incredibly lucky here?
  19. Big Green

    Great Unsolved Crimes or Events

    Can't believe this one hasn't been posted Incredibly freaky. Dead at 17, no apparent cause of death and some mysterious shit happening between his disappearance and the discovery of the body.
  20. Big Green

    13 year old Father.

    Can that room be in the UK? That kid scares me
  21. Big Green

    Worst Presidential Candidates

    I actually wonder what a Cuomo Administration would've looked like and how it would've differed from Clinton. I don't know enough about Cuomo to even speculate on that.
  22. Big Green

    Worst Presidential Candidates

    Al Gore should've been the 88 nom, he could've beat Bush Of course, Tsongas should've just run in 88. We need to get a Big Green in the Big White House.
  23. Big Green

    Worst Presidential Candidates

    http://abcnews.go.com/Business/Economy/Sto...5547&page=1 This lawyer is really, really, really fucking stupid. Her working less is probably a favor to her clients. Here's a funny "rich people hate paying taxes" story. I remember when I volunteered for the Obama campaign, I had to register people to vote. The problem with this was that I had to essentially walk groups of people to town hall to register because New Hampshire state law says that you MUST register to vote in the presence of certain town officials. Because of the extended amount of time that I had to spend with these people, I was subjected to some of the most inane ramblings ever including one girl who was pissed that her parents had to pay $100,000 of their $1,000,000 per year income in taxes. Her reasoning was that her successful parents shouldn't have to subsidize poor people. I'm not familiar with the tax code but I would've assumed that they would've had to pay MORE in taxes than that. Fiscal conservatives (with money) are hilarious to talk to. They're convinced that the government is socialist because of welfare programs and that everyone could be as successful as they are, if they just weren't so damn lazy. (Luckily, our campus isn't like that for the most part. We went like 85-15 for Obama.)
  24. Big Green

    WWE General Discussion - March 2009

    I blame that bison headed bastard, Carl DeMarco.
  25. Big Green

    Worst Presidential Candidates

    So even here, you present two different definitions: where a country is only socialist if the state owns everything, and where the state owns the majority of industries. Excluding that owning industry is only part of the socialist paradigm, of course. I'm not trying to prove you wrong, I'm just defending my own definition and trying to explain why I use it and am not all that excited to go beyond it. In modern society, a country IS socialist is a majority of industries are owned. I would argue that there are no textbook socialist countries out there though, just as there are no textbook capitalist countries out there.