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Everything posted by DerangedHermit

  1. DerangedHermit

    Tis teh end of an ERA~!

    MrZasz is the male Yuna. +1 So true. +1
  2. DerangedHermit

    The NFL Playoff Graveyard

    Broncos, we hardly knew ye.
  3. DerangedHermit

    I Hate When People...

    "Hey, I think I'm 1998 Edge." ".............. .............."
  4. DerangedHermit

    Funny site about Hosses

    What ever happened to Power Kangers? Uhh......Rico Revolto destroyed the site and their powers?
  5. This gimmick gets the banhammer.
  6. DerangedHermit

    The Agnes Era Begins!

    Undertaker's "not feeling" the Agnes Era.
  7. DerangedHermit

    The Agnes Era Begins!

    are all supporters of the Deranged Hermit era. And with Regal, you get a free Barron!
  8. DerangedHermit

    Great idea for Y2J at Rumble

    I think so. See Randy Savage at RR '92. I believe the official Royal Rumble rulebook states "One cannot eliminate oneself in the battle royal unless for storyline purposes" I believe the ruling on being eliminated by those that have already been eliminated has similar wording. I thought that it was "one cannot eliminate oneself in the Royal Rumble unless it is an odd numbered year"?
  9. DerangedHermit

    I would like to smoke a bowl with...

    Wayne Gretzky. You KNOW that would be hilarious.
  10. DerangedHermit

    The NFL Playoff Graveyard

    In the spirit of Beavis and Butthead... "Here lies Hasselback, he never scored"
  11. DerangedHermit

    The Rules of Hardcore Discussion

    I don't think it's just you.
  12. DerangedHermit

    I choose You Squirtle!

    He just wants to catch you, that's all, Inc.
  13. DerangedHermit

    I choose You Squirtle!

    I think the actress who played Kim had a nude scene in Pursuit of Happiness
  14. DerangedHermit

    I choose You Squirtle!

    Especially the Green Ranger. Wasn't the Green Ranger EEEEEEEEEEEEEVIL? he started banging Kimberly, negating his evilness And then Kim left and he started banging Kat.
  15. DerangedHermit

    I choose You Squirtle!

    He was evil and then he turned good. Then his powers were taken away and he became the White Ranger. Then those powers were destroyed and he became the Red Zeo and Turbo Ranger.
  16. DerangedHermit

    The Agnes Era Begins!

    Haha, I got Geocities and Angelfire!
  17. DerangedHermit

    The Agnes Era Begins!

    Supports the Deranged Hermit Era. So that means Kimberly switches sides since Tommy supports the Deranged Hermit Era. Dragonzord will eat part of a building to support the Deranged Hermit Era.
  18. DerangedHermit

    I choose You Squirtle!

    Especially the Green Ranger.
  19. DerangedHermit

    I choose You Squirtle!

    Meh, I choose Bulbasaur.
  20. DerangedHermit

    The Agnes Era Begins!

    He's still alive and supporting the Deranged Hermit Era.
  21. DerangedHermit

    Don't Copy That Floppy!

    (to the tune of the Nick Arcade song) Copyrights, shouldn't be Broken because that is bad! ...I still think the bonus round was rigged. Of course they were. And how stupid were the people playing the games? (I remember there was a challenge for Sonic 2 to get 25 rings in 30 seconds in Emerald Hill Zone Act 1 -- the dumb person didn't get 25 -- even my dog could get 25 rings)
  22. DerangedHermit

    Great idea for Y2J at Rumble

    I think so. See Randy Savage at RR '92.
  23. DerangedHermit

    The Agnes Era Begins!

    Mr. Wizard supports the Deranged Hermit Era.
  24. DerangedHermit

    The Agnes Era Begins!

    Also, most of the American Gladiators support the Deranged Hermit Era. http://www.pmpnetwork.com/photos8/American...rsCastPhoto.jpg