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Everything posted by DerangedHermit

  1. DerangedHermit

    The OAO Armageddon PPV Thread- 12/14/03

    Except for the clusterfuck ME, the rest was actually decent. Thumbs in the middle.
  2. DerangedHermit

    The OAO Armageddon PPV Thread- 12/14/03

    That match was a huge steaming pile 'o' suck.
  3. DerangedHermit

    The OAO Armageddon PPV Thread- 12/14/03

  4. DerangedHermit

    The OAO Armageddon PPV Thread- 12/14/03

    Cheapass announcers tables. Why don't they use something stronger?
  5. DerangedHermit

    The OAO Armageddon PPV Thread- 12/14/03

    Hehe, it is about the ugliest ( and funniest) thing I've ever seen. And for only 3.98, it's worth it I had an Ultimate Warrior sipper cup about 12 years ago. Hehe, I'm getting The Rock sipper cup because it was part of a deal at Shopzone that you'd get a t-shirt, cup, and a stuffed brahma bull for 15 bucks. And you wanted the stuffed Brahma bull the most, right?
  6. DerangedHermit

    The Official MLB Offseason Topic

  7. DerangedHermit

    The OAO Armageddon PPV Thread- 12/14/03

    Uhhhh...is everybody +1ing?
  8. DerangedHermit

    The OAO Armageddon PPV Thread- 12/14/03

    Smaffles Q. Goirg is unswayed.
  9. DerangedHermit

    The OAO Armageddon PPV Thread- 12/14/03

    *Ernie sees sipper cup* Ernie: BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAH! *Ernie takes a swig and sees sipper cup* Ernie: BWAHAAHAHAhAHAhahAHaha! SPPPPPPPPPPIT!
  10. DerangedHermit

    Who is RoyalBlue?

    That would be cool...
  11. DerangedHermit

    The OAO Armageddon PPV Thread- 12/14/03

    Ric Flair -- the REAL World Tag Team Champion~!
  12. DerangedHermit

    The OAO Armageddon PPV Thread- 12/14/03

    Oh crap. Bye bye Maven!
  13. DerangedHermit

    The OAO Armageddon PPV Thread- 12/14/03

    That was cool.
  14. DerangedHermit

    The OAO Armageddon PPV Thread- 12/14/03

    Nice DDT...
  15. DerangedHermit

    The OAO Armageddon PPV Thread- 12/14/03

    Ahhhhhh.....the eyes!
  16. DerangedHermit

    The OAO Armageddon PPV Thread- 12/14/03

    He's like the Looney Tunes Tazmanian Devil
  17. DerangedHermit

    The OAO Armageddon PPV Thread- 12/14/03

    Seaford sucks.
  18. DerangedHermit

    The OAO Armageddon PPV Thread- 12/14/03

    That match had no right being that decent
  19. DerangedHermit

    The OAO Armageddon PPV Thread- 12/14/03

    Or thrice?
  20. DerangedHermit

    The OAO Armageddon PPV Thread- 12/14/03

    I like Teddy's suit....
  21. DerangedHermit

    The OAO Armageddon PPV Thread- 12/14/03

    The worst? "...in His jealousy." *sound of HHH's voice*
  22. DerangedHermit

    The OAO Armageddon PPV Thread- 12/14/03

    The Book's curtain jerking.
  23. DerangedHermit

    Who is RoyalBlue?

    I'm starting to think that "Who is RoyalBlue?" will end up being like "Who raised the briefcase?" or "Who drove the Hummer?".
  24. DerangedHermit


    Me too.
  25. DerangedHermit

    Chuck Woolery and...
