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Everything posted by DerangedHermit

  1. DerangedHermit

    Time To Do the Happy Dance!

    However, Generalissimo Franco is STILL dead. Or if you want a Simpsons reference... He was transferred to a better hospital, where he has been upgraded to alive.
  2. DerangedHermit

    Time To Do the Happy Dance!

    I can't park a car there...I'd have to walk a bajillion miles...
  3. DerangedHermit

    Disturbing movies

    I'm surprised no one said Gigli yet. /booooo
  4. DerangedHermit

    Time To Do the Happy Dance!

    Hopefully, Sharon does the same... Ah, who am I kidding? There will NEVER be peace there.
  5. DerangedHermit

    Close graphics and testing.

    shouldn't that be..... ou
  6. Or Eminem? /Dem or Rep, it's always fun ragging on Barron Bah. I like Bob. He's a good kid. Even if he may or may not be Canadian. -=Mike Even if he is/isn't from Westchester County
  7. Or Eminem? /Dem or Rep, it's always fun ragging on Barron
  8. DerangedHermit

    Tonight's South Park...

    Cartman with the knife - awesome dying and crapping - awesome
  9. I heard that the current two-woman WU update cast was much, much funnier. -=Mike And they were right for not choosing Seth Meyers for WU
  10. You wouldn't want to cuddle, would you? Because that might seem a little gay. And you wouldn't slap somebody if they didn't know who the head writer for SNL was in 1983, would you? -=Mike Or if they didn't know who Yvonne Hudson and Dan Vitale were Are you making those names up? *prepares for angry backlash* -=Mike You don't know that Yvonne Hudson and Dan Vitale were both members of the SNL cast/featured player during the early 80s when Lorne wasn't producing the show??? God Mike- I thought you were intelligent *evil eyes* Dan Vitale was in 1985-86, Lorne's first season back DH 1, Bob 0
  11. Wow, we are so off topic. I, for one, blame Canada
  12. and a lot of TV shows. I believe quite a bit of Smallville is done near Vancouver
  13. Didn't he want to move to France? I didn't think someone from Massapequa would have no balls.
  14. You wouldn't want to cuddle, would you? Because that might seem a little gay. And you wouldn't slap somebody if they didn't know who the head writer for SNL was in 1983, would you? -=Mike Or if they didn't know who Yvonne Hudson and Dan Vitale were
  15. Shoulda put a smiley..... /I wanna try poutine
  16. Are you hitting on us?
  17. OMG YOUR A DIRTY HIPPY BABYEATER FAG LOL I'd move to Canada 'cause I love cooler weather...
  18. But somehow Bob Barron can get in there pretty fast... I keed I keed, he's a student, that's totally different
  19. DerangedHermit

    One Day Left by Michael Moore

    Mikey Moore's (who I believe should have stopped after Canadian Bacon) unusually quiet...is he drowning his sorrow in a 12-pack of Coke and a package of pixy stix....Goddamnit, I don't want to see him on a sugar high
  20. DerangedHermit

    11 States ban gay marriage

    That's why the Democrats lost...they didn't put forward the effort. I mean, they could've chosen Wesley Clark (how do you criticize the capabilities of a general?), Dean, anybody but Kerry. I really don't think they should have Hillary in 2K8, either. She's too ripe for criticism, and the Repubs will most likely run a more moderate candidate. The Republicans HATED welfare. Loathed it with a passion. I cannot name a SINGLE conservative who ever blamed the voters for electing the Dems who passed it. They ALWAYS blamed the Dems, alone. Sure....but you'll blame the people on welfare.
  21. DerangedHermit

    11 States ban gay marriage

    Thank you... I can replace it with African-Americans, and others would crucify me
  22. DerangedHermit

    11 States ban gay marriage

    That's why the Democrats lost...they didn't put forward the effort. I mean, they could've chosen Wesley Clark (how do you criticize the capabilities of a general?), Dean, anybody but Kerry. I really don't think they should have Hillary in 2K8, either. She's too ripe for criticism, and the Repubs will most likely run a more moderate candidate.
  23. DerangedHermit

    11 States ban gay marriage

    Be that as it may, that argument in and of itself can't be used to justify a constitutional amendment banning gay marriage. There has to be some justification besides "the Bible tells us it should not be thus." Yeah, it's subjectivism. Just because you believe something doesn't make it true. I can believe that pi is exactly 3, but that doesn't mean it's true. It's also an appeal to majority. Just because 75% of people say they like something, doesn't exactly prove it's true. Nor does it prove it's false. It's just not an argument that should support a conclusion.
  24. DerangedHermit

    WWE Release Gail Kim, Nidia, and Chuck Palumbo

    I wouldn't have expected Gail Kim....she was on Raw Monday