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Everything posted by DerangedHermit

  1. DerangedHermit

    The Other "Ban Mike and KKK" thread

    Umm...I'm going to have to go with no on that one big boy. I'm a bigger boy. *pushes her head down*
  2. DerangedHermit

    Henry to Return soon...

    Is CNN reputable?
  3. DerangedHermit

    MLB Game Chatter

    Well, sometimes things happen. They were playing a team that scores alot and facing a pretty decent pitcher. It would be unfair, for me, a non baseball player to find fault in the way they played the game tonight. I can imagine him saying this with lots of twitching and facial tics.
  4. DerangedHermit

    Acclaim Dies

  5. DerangedHermit

    Acclaim Dies

    I'm going to sing the Jim Ross Nah Nah Goodbye Song in honor of Acclaim.
  6. DerangedHermit

    MLB Game Chatter

    Did someone lobotomize him?
  7. DerangedHermit

    The Other "Ban Mike and KKK" thread

    I claim Avril_Lavigne as part of me. Suck it, bitch.
  8. DerangedHermit

    MLB Game Chatter

    I guess AS would rather have Contreras back, huh?
  9. DerangedHermit

    MLB Game Chatter

    If I were Anglesault, I wouldn't be Anglesault right now.
  10. DerangedHermit

    MLB Game Chatter

    Dooble post.
  11. DerangedHermit

    MLB Game Chatter

    R.I.P. Anglesault - 1977-2004
  12. DerangedHermit

    My school is closing down...

    Southampton off of Windmill Lane and N. Main St.
  13. DerangedHermit

    MLB Game Chatter

    Can I complain about the Mets? Listen what Cameron and Floyd say: and and Zambrano's on the DL, Benson has a tired arm.......AAAAAAAAAAH!
  14. DerangedHermit

    My school is closing down...

    I had work...really didn't have a choice. Where do you work? I worked at the Waldbaum's on Jagger La. until last week as a summer job (the only reason I went out there was the decent travel pay and provided transportation), but now that I'm back at school, I quit it and am currently setting up an interview for a job in East Setauket where I'd make a shitload more (close to double).
  15. DerangedHermit

    Austin and Page: A Reality Show???

    Only if someone filled Page's bed with cookies. But he would only be in Saran Wrap. And naked DDP is not a good DDP.
  16. DerangedHermit

    New "Classic Superstars" Action Figures

    Does Tito come with a head of lettuce? [/heenan]
  17. DerangedHermit

    Can someone give me a run down on..

    I believe it's Unforgiven and Fully Loaded.
  18. DerangedHermit

    My school is closing down...

    I had work...really didn't have a choice.
  19. DerangedHermit

    What has wrestling taught you?

    I've also learned that Dick Slater and Bob Orton will go to their graves because of Ric Flair.
  20. DerangedHermit

    Hey Loss...

    I should take your fucking signature away, Zsasz. You don't deserve it now.
  21. DerangedHermit

    The OAO Raw Thread for 08/30/04

    That's an awesome picture.
  22. DerangedHermit

    Hey Loss...

  23. DerangedHermit

    The Nation

    ...and Randy Savage will challenge Hogan to a charity wrestling event on the same day and proceed to make another shitty "Be A Man, Hulk"-type rap song since he didn't show up at the event to face Savage. and it will be a ladder match as well credit:Da Meltz No, it's a triple threat match with the ladder, remember? who's the third man?? It has to be Mable. No, it's going to be Owen Hart. Then he'll be revealed as the higher power. actually it's the Undertaker making a return to the original "Deadman" gimmick. It can't be Owen, he'll be in the corner of Bret, who's taking on Kurt Angle. And then Bret will give a farewell speech after he beats Angle.
  24. DerangedHermit

    Did Incandenza live through the night?

    Kylie has him in her dungeon.
  25. DerangedHermit

    The Nation

    ...and Randy Savage will challenge Hogan to a charity wrestling event on the same day and proceed to make another shitty "Be A Man, Hulk"-type rap song since he didn't show up at the event to face Savage. and it will be a ladder match as well credit:Da Meltz No, it's a triple threat match with the ladder, remember? who's the third man?? It has to be Mable. No, it's going to be Owen Hart. Then he'll be revealed as the higher power.