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Everything posted by DerangedHermit

  1. DerangedHermit

    A Poster with Promise

    KFC fucking sucks, Bob Patterson.
  2. DerangedHermit

    The Commercial Thread

    I also hate the Joe Millionaire and American Idol parodies that a NYC radio station did, featuring none other than Todd Pettengill
  3. DerangedHermit

    Gang Wars Officially Over

    More like a Super Machine Gun~!
  4. DerangedHermit

    Explain This To Me

    There are some crowds that just shit on anything that's given to them - Nassau Coliseum comes to mind.
  5. DerangedHermit

    Gang Wars Officially Over

    I think you confused shotguns with your mother, little fella. Oh come on, "your mama" jokes are so old... I think he confused "shotgun" with his father.
  6. DerangedHermit

    I've done it.

    Hey, I like that Jim Carrey guy. SMOKING! .......SMOKING! .......SMOKING!
  7. DerangedHermit

    Benoit Must Be Stopped

    Or how HHH got dead "silence"
  8. DerangedHermit


    Shut up, pantywaist. /I kid, I kid
  9. DerangedHermit

    Kurt Kobain

    Where's CWM when you need him? Or is CWM = Innerpunkness?
  10. DerangedHermit

    O.J Hart:The Truth

    Next you'll tell me there's no Santa Claus
  11. DerangedHermit

    The OAO Raw Thread for 06/14/04

    I mean, if she asked for knee pads, I would understand, but elbow pads?
  12. DerangedHermit

    The OAO Raw Thread for 06/14/04

    "Sign it on the naked girl's BUTT."
  13. DerangedHermit

    The OAO Raw Thread for 06/14/04

    May Lita give birth to a hand, and may that hand strangle her.
  14. DerangedHermit

    The OAO Raw Thread for 06/14/04

    Trying to get HHH & HBK to have a truce.
  15. DerangedHermit

    The OAO Raw Thread for 06/14/04

    Pillmanize his neck!
  16. DerangedHermit

    O.J Hart:The Truth

    *yawns* I'd care if it was like two years ago.
  17. DerangedHermit


    But it brought out jerkass homophobe DerangedHermit, which is a minus.
  18. DerangedHermit

    Gang Warz!

    Rick Steiner?
  19. DerangedHermit

    What's the deal with airline food?

    Shut the fuck up, Jerry.
  20. DerangedHermit

    Bradshaw To Be Fired?

    55. There is no 55
  21. DerangedHermit

    This WHOLE operation stinks...I quit the Gang Warz

    No...I don't knooooooooooooow what sarcasm is!
  22. I quit. This started out good and then I became bitter. Gang Warz suck now. I'm out of the war, bitch.
  23. DerangedHermit

    The Gheyng Warz

    Yeah...I'm going into TSM rehab...and when I come out, I'll be a better poster!
  24. DerangedHermit

    This WHOLE operation stinks...I quit the Gang Warz

    Yeah...you don't suck.