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Everything posted by DerangedHermit

  1. DerangedHermit

    What the hell?

    They're in the mail. Fucking UPS, losing my packages.
  2. DerangedHermit

    What the hell?

    Jesus Christ, just when my mother was cleared of all her breast cancer, bad news hits my family with a double whammy. My grandpa's nursing home called to tell us that he is sick (gangrenous toe, his legs are turning blue, and he's not eating), and when my mom tried to call my grandma about him, she answered the phone and told us she fell on the floor and couldn't get up. It looks like she might have fractured her hip. I can't fucking believe it.
  3. DerangedHermit

    What the hell?

    Update: My dad called 911 for my grandma, and she does indeed have a broken hip. She's on morphine, and her reply to that was: "Will that interfere with the cocaine?" She's going to have hip replacement surgery, and will be back home in about a month. As for my grandpa, he's being put on hospice care. Surgery to help the leg would probably end up killing him. My grandma is at peace with what's happened (with her and Grandpa), which really surprised the hell out of me. He's lived a long life (88 years), and survived two cancers (colon and prostate).
  4. DerangedHermit

    Frigid Evaluations

    I wish I could get that milky consistency of butter. Too bad I have to yank myself to do that.
  5. DerangedHermit

    Frigid Evaluations

    This thread won't be alive when you are evaluated Was that supposed to be funny? Because it wasn't. You could say the same thing about most of your posts.
  6. DerangedHermit

    Frigid Evaluations

    This thread won't be alive when you are evaluated
  7. DerangedHermit


    I know someone like that! er... +1 EDIT: Wait, this is HD. ...+0
  8. DerangedHermit

    Frigid Evaluations

    EDIT: Maybe I need to fucking READ. I'm such a dumbass.
  9. DerangedHermit

    The Taming of the Cockstrider

    That's it. I'm stealing that.
  10. DerangedHermit

    What the hell?

    That was the first thing that came to mind for us too. At least she took the news about my grandpa well (surprisingly). He only developed this particular leg problem sometime Monday (or later? I'm not quite sure). He was fine on Sunday, as my grandma and dad visited him then. He has always had leg problems like this, as he is wheelchair-bound, but it was only recently that he took a turn for the worse.
  11. DerangedHermit

    Tickle IQ Test

    That's horseshit.
  12. DerangedHermit

    Favorite TV Show openings

    I kinda like Dino Thunder's better. Matter of taste, I suppose. Dino Thunder's is better than Ninja Storm. Although the best ones were the MMPR ones and Zeo. BTW, Dino Thunder is kicking so much ass this year (Tommy, Trent = evil White Ranger, possessed by the White Dino Gem powers, Mesogog/Anton Mercer) Let me get back on topic: Simpsons (especially with the extended couch scenes in one of the eps this season and the chorus line couch scene) Futurama Unsolved Mysteries Quantum Leap
  13. DerangedHermit

    OAO Raw Reaction/Analysis Thread

    And John Heidenreich will have a nickname now: John "Third" Heidenreich.
  14. DerangedHermit

    High-Pitch Noise

    They're not dead? You didn't do your job then! Go back and do it right!
  15. DerangedHermit

    This Week In Baseball

    Typical Yankee fan posting twice
  16. DerangedHermit

    This Week In Baseball

    alkeiper = my friend
  17. DerangedHermit

    This Week In Baseball

    Could it be the steroids?
  18. DerangedHermit

    The One and Only Backlash 2004 Thread

    Nah... he'll fingerpoke of doom himself. He's not THAT suicidal!
  19. DerangedHermit

    The One and Only Backlash 2004 Thread

    Mmmmm.....unexplained bacon talk. All this bacon talk is making me hungry. And the movie Canadian Bacon ruled. Somebody calling me? Mmmmm....C-Bacon......
  20. DerangedHermit

    The One and Only Backlash 2004 Thread

    Mmmmm.....unexplained bacon talk. All this bacon talk is making me hungry. And the movie Canadian Bacon ruled. It was the only good thing Michael Moore has ever done AT ALL.
  21. DerangedHermit

    The One and Only Backlash 2004 Thread

    Shuuuuut uuuuuuuuuup.
  22. DerangedHermit

    This Week In Baseball

    Damn Mets can't even win any of the 3 games against the Bucs...although the Pirates' Jack and Craig Wilson are scaring me (especially Craig -- major leaguers don't have long flowing blond hair)
  23. DerangedHermit

    The One and Only Backlash 2004 Thread

    Looks like you're spending tonight on the couch. ..... .....Canadians do use couches, right? I don't know about that crazy country sometimes..... I think it's called something else there...why do they call Kraft Macaroni and Cheese Kraft Dinner?
  24. DerangedHermit

    The One and Only Backlash 2004 Thread

    Shelton Benjamin. Done correctly, that could be an AWESOME feud.
  25. DerangedHermit

    One And Only Beg For A Backlash Webcast Pass Threa

    That's because you suck. Anyways, I'd like to add my name to the begging whore list.