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Everything posted by DerangedHermit

  1. DerangedHermit

    OAO Fuck Scooter Thread

    Yeah...fuck him! He's in the HOF while Mex and Gil aren't?
  2. DerangedHermit

    Worst Uniforms of All Time

    Yeah, I'm sorry. That's just fucking wrong.
  3. DerangedHermit

    This Week In Baseball

    You aren't just now finding this out, are you? That was one trade I was ecstatic to see happen because it got Wags the hell out of the Central. I've known. Go back in the archives of posts and you'll find my praise of the deal. But its one thing to read up on a pitcher, and another to see it in person. In Philly we're used to seeing Jose Mesa. He'd come in. Throw the ball. Maybe its a strike, maybe not. If we were lucky, he wouldn't blow it and the Phillies would win. Wagner comes in, no nonsense. 100 fucking MPH. And STRIKES. The fans aren't watching Wagner. They're watching the scoreboard to see if its 100 MPH, or merely 99. The opposing batters don't have a damn chance. I love it. That why I like Braden Looper as the Mets' closer now. No nonsense. It definetely beats Benitez and Franco. Now for the rest of that horrific bullpen.
  4. DerangedHermit

    Seed Of Chucky

    However, they started screaming in pain and horror when Chucky appeared on WCW programming.
  5. DerangedHermit

    Kurt Not Dead According to WWE

    And he tears his quad every day!
  6. DerangedHermit

    Kurt Not Dead According to WWE

    Vince is in the ring when Zombie Kurt comes out Kurt: MUUUUUUST Eaaaaaat braiiiiiiiiiins....*checks Vince's head*...Noooooooo braiiiiins...must eaaaaaat braiiiins...
  7. DerangedHermit

    Best Simpsons Episode

    Thankfully Fox 5 in NY has been showing a lot of good episodes lately as the've been going through Season 4. Got to see a lot of classics (Duffless, Itchy and Scratchy Movie (Mmmm...soylent green), Mr. Plow, Marge vs. the Monorail (mono...D'OH!), Last Exit to Springfield)
  8. DerangedHermit

    Kurt Not Dead According to WWE

    Well how else are they going to explain the magical pool of blood he laid in? Probably from the Grade 3 Concussion. They DID say it was the most severe. Course, I'd trust a true medical opinion more. I'd trust Dr. Nick more.
  9. DerangedHermit

    Judgment Day 2004 Promo Poster Inside

    Souls will cry? I'm pretty sure whoever will face the Undertaker will cry.
  10. DerangedHermit

    Secret Message at PETCO

    What's their next plan? Call up the ticket office, giggle, and hang up? Its seriously juvenile. They'll ask for I.P. Freeley, Hugh Jass or Eura Snotball.
  11. Holly's more offensive, seeing as though he is BORING (at least since about 2001). Bradshaw's actually somewhat entertaining now.
  12. Shouldn't you be doing RAW now? The workrate has vanished on Smackdown.
  13. DerangedHermit

    Oh Good Lord.

    Mr. Crabs = ???
  14. DerangedHermit

    Oh Good Lord.

    At least you're not a Cards fan. THEY took Roger Cedeno. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
  15. DerangedHermit

    Oh Good Lord.

    Why you gotta hate on Rey Ordonez? If you were a Met fan, you'd probably hate him too.
  16. DerangedHermit

    Oh Good Lord.

    Or a pitcher who needs to push an old man to look "masculine." And come on, ya know at least one of those 3 Yanks are gay (probably Giambi or "Jetes" --- yeth Mithter Thteinbrenner, I've been a baaad boy)
  17. DerangedHermit

    Oh Good Lord.

    I'm denying he's gay. He's bi.
  18. DerangedHermit

    Oh Good Lord.

    Ok...Piazza may be gay...and A-Rod, Jeter and Giambi are...but Yankee and Mets fans alike can agree who else is gay.
  19. DerangedHermit

    NJ wants an MLB team

    Move the Expos to Joisey and the Mets to Suffolk County. And get rid of the Yankees! /just kidding
  20. DerangedHermit

    So, uhm, Kurt's dead.

    It's not a horse, it's a broom!
  21. DerangedHermit

    Oh Good Lord.

    Piazza never looked like a gay Roger Clemens He didn't? He never looked like Clemens
  22. DerangedHermit

    Oh Good Lord.

    Piazza never looked like a gay Roger Clemens or the offsprings of the Rock and a Muppet "Ohmigawsh, look at that sexy hunk Jorge Posada!" "But he's straight!"
  23. DerangedHermit

    Oh Good Lord.

    Psst... Met fans aren't in the best position to say that. Yankees 3 (A-Rod, Jeter, Giambi) Mets 1 (possibly Piazza, but he's engaged----to a woman---now) Thuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh Yankees wiiiiiiiin...THHUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUH YANKEES WIN!
  24. DerangedHermit

    Oh Good Lord.

    Other "enhancements": A "gay-dar" in which those who radiate high amount of gayium will radiate with a hot pink glow (Giambi, A-Rod and Jeter are expected to test off the chart) All other players will ask "When will He return?" when Johnny Damon is not at bat/has an injury Graphical updates on Steinbrenner's mood and pulse When the Braves play: running counts on how many times Leo Mazzone rocks and Bobby Cox gets thrown out When the Mets play: individual bullpen pitcher probabilities of blowing the game A "Cedenometer": measures relative suckiness of a player to Roger Cedeno (a .000 is the best player ever, .100 is a HOF, .500 is average, .9 is Rey Ordonez, 1 is Roger Cedeno) --- a "Rojasmeter" is available for pitchers
  25. DerangedHermit

    So, uhm, Kurt's dead.

    You know Kurt will be back next week with only a itty-bitty Yu-Gi-Oh bandaid on his head.