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Live Free or Battlenuts

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Everything posted by Live Free or Battlenuts

  1. Live Free or Battlenuts

    The OaO Raw Thread for 4/27/09

    It was pretty stupid after the Miz segment. The smarter move would of been having him show up to the building on the titantron so we at least no he wasn't there. Then have him stagger through the curtain after the count out just to gloat, grab a mic and say 'he'll be back sooner than later to kick ass and chew gum' or something equally lame. I agree after some of the things we've seen Cena do it wasn't a surprise to see him the next night. Ruins any awesomeness of getting chokeslammed into a fucking spotlight complete with explosion special effects, but still. He's fucking Cena, at this point his character is most closely comparable to superman.
  2. Live Free or Battlenuts

    100 Posts of Solitude

    It's amazing how you don't need certain sections when everyone agrees with each other.
  3. Live Free or Battlenuts

    Matt Young

    PM them, don't post about it. I'm sure if the PM is short and too the point it won't be ignored. And if it is, Matt stop fucking ignoring PM's and do yer job!
  4. Live Free or Battlenuts

    100 Posts of Solitude

    LuckyLopez, when people go to that site, what do they see? They have to make a decision on you, before you can make a decision on their forum. In the world of internet discussion, that is as elitist as it gets. The position that the forum is beyond judgment from someone who wants to check it out before actually signing up is as arrogant as it gets. That isn't a message board looking for healthy, diverse discussion. That's some gay kid's tree house. I understand you think because you're there, they aren't elitist, but is a boss who hires a black man simply because of affirmative action really not a racist? It's not much different.
  5. Live Free or Battlenuts

    Stomping in My Air Force Ones

    Seriously, the people in charge of Air Force One don't have enough common sense to realize flying a jet above ground zero might be a bad idea? Next up, a flight over Obama's home state Hawaii!... in a japanese fighter plane...
  6. Live Free or Battlenuts

    NBA Offseason chatter

    ^Ouch. That really drives the point home. I can't believe the Jazz lost. With Okur! Clearly no one told them the Lakers suck.
  7. Live Free or Battlenuts

    Matt Young

    If it makes you feel better I've been here around as long as you have. Maybe a little longer. If it makes you feel worse, I'm actually a set of forks tied to strings that connect to a timer which randomly releases them and brings them back up. Amazingly, the end result was words that appeared to belong to someone who doesn't like bullshit.
  8. Live Free or Battlenuts

    The OaO Raw Thread for 4/27/09

    Orton and Legacy must destroy MVP. I like the guy but to get them over he needs to be bleeding by the end of the night.
  9. Live Free or Battlenuts

    The OaO Raw Thread for 4/27/09

    Good promo by MVP. Smart, to the point, gettin' the crowd into it.
  10. Live Free or Battlenuts

    The OaO Raw Thread for 4/27/09

    Well that was unexpected. I'd of guessed Punk. Ooooh feud with Dibiase.
  11. Live Free or Battlenuts

    The OaO Raw Thread for 4/27/09

    I wonder if they practice that slow, synchronized walk together before the show. Something hilarious to me about imagining them slowly walking on treadmills in front a mirror to get it right.
  12. Live Free or Battlenuts

    Matt Young

    I'm the Ghost of Christmas Past. Actually no, a Keebler elf. Scratch that, Batman's personal trainer. Which one will help you feel better? I'm the guy who made that post above yours. When any other answer is relevant let me know.
  13. Live Free or Battlenuts

    The OaO Raw Thread for 4/27/09

    Tonight should be interesting. It's more of an official reset than the post Mania Raw these days, and it's always fun to see what new shit they plan on doing, regardless of how bad most of it will end up being.
  14. Live Free or Battlenuts

    Matt Young

    I'm flattered I'm somehow responsible for that. Biggest compliment I've gotten in a while. And when you say I don't add anything to the discussion, it's hard to take it seriously. What the hell have you added here? Aside from word poo? Telling someone to shut the fuck up? On a message board? If that's not the definition of useless, I don't know what is. I'd ask if you've tried covering your ears, but knowing you, I'm sure you have... If I'm so obviously wrong, point it out. I use reason, I reply to what you say and illustrate where I disagree, and then most importantly, why. If you say I'm wrong and I don't believe so, I'm going to debate it. That's what this place is for. Not one opinion and 34098734 people agreeing. The problem really is you can't seem to manage anything intelligent, from not understanding how a misleading tease is a bad idea in business, to telling someone to shut the fuck up because they don't know what they're talking about, of course, without actually saying what that something they don't know is. And guess what, you just posted, because of me. I'd call that adding to the discussion. So I'd like to complain. There is this guy named Scroby, and he fucking sucks. He says shit with no explanation without providing any reason and then to make it worse, accuses perfectly reasonable people of doing exactly what he's doing. Can we put a warning sign under his name that says "whiny bitch"? Thanks for the opportunity bud.
  15. Live Free or Battlenuts

    Its 1 am Central and 25 guests are here...

    Zhang, you look like the daughter Woody Allen had with his daughter, only more... Woody Allen like. Go choke on rice. This thread is about encouraging people to sign up and post, I'm simply displaying the freedoms at this wonderful place. Kind of like showing you how something works on an infomercial. I don't plan on cutting cans with this set of knives, but it's good to know I can.... Also, Dandy is a fucking tool.
  16. Live Free or Battlenuts

    Matt Young

    If only there was an option to have majority mandated changes. We vote on it, it happens. Would be wonderfully democratic and make Mike officially useless, rather than practically useless.
  17. Live Free or Battlenuts

    Halloween 2

    ^The man speaks the truth. Where the Wild things Are was one of the best trailers I've ever seen, and at least 5-6 people said something about how "bad the costumes look". That immediate reaction devoid of any understanding of the movies intent is something you get with every movie. I think in this case, knowing what he did with H1, the man should get the benefit of the doubt. You can't say what he ripped off and what he didn't from the trailer though, that's a little ridiculous.
  18. Live Free or Battlenuts

    NBA Offseason chatter

    I never understood that trade and Detroit really should be kicking themselves. In what world is Iverson as valuable as Billups? Definitely not the world of anyone trying to make and be successful in the playoffs. The Magic/Sixers series is way closer than I would of thought. Not exactly pretty basketball but damn competitive.
  19. Live Free or Battlenuts

    Matt Young

    A thread that has gone off topic being closed is censorship? Damn you guys had that one all backwards. Scroby, can you add something to any discussion anywhere? Are you actively trying to redefine uselessness? We need another janitor, YKRG and TheFranchise are both here enough. I'd suggest Dandy because he's here so much, but I don't want people thinking we're some forum for alternative lifestyles.
  20. Live Free or Battlenuts

    Its 1 am Central and 25 guests are here...

    How is it with less posters you seem to suck even more? Went from a piece of shit in a pile to a piece of shit on our pretty lawn. But yeah, thanks Dandy. Without guys like you who do research before they post, I don't know where TSM would be.
  21. Live Free or Battlenuts

    NBA Offseason chatter

    That was really fun to watch. After the Celts were up by 5 in the first OT, I figure the game was over for sure, they had the momentum after Allen's shot and that was it. How wrong I was.
  22. Live Free or Battlenuts

    Matt Young

    Let's rename the position to Janitor and hold a contest to see who has the coolest jumpsuit.
  23. Live Free or Battlenuts

    Pictures I Like

    I've always wanted to play video games while drifting in and out of consciousness!
  24. Live Free or Battlenuts

    WWE General Discussion - April 2009

    The tease started as one, everyone figured it was going to be Taz from his blog post, suddenly a day later it's two world champions and the one that was really hyped ended up being Lashley. That's not exactly hard to figure out. You don't imply a high level competitor when it's a high level competitor from a decade or two ago who has no plans on ever wrestling. They're running a wrestling federation, people are watching it to see wrestling. When you tease a former world champion coming in, they should probably NOT be retired. I can't believe we're this far into discussing how it's not a good idea to tease a "former world champion" coming in when the guys retired. A smarter idea if you want to make it a surprise, would be establishing what his role is before revealing who he is. That way expectations are already set. Kind of like having Joe talk to someone behind a curtain....
  25. Live Free or Battlenuts

    MLB April 19-25

    Cano still looking good, 4 rbi's, got us up 6-0 going into the 5th. If he can be this consistent for a full season he's gonna put up some sick numbers.