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Live Free or Battlenuts

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Everything posted by Live Free or Battlenuts

  1. Live Free or Battlenuts

    The future of WWE.

    It's forever gonna be a question if guys like Morrison/Ziggler/Kidd can get over the size difference. They're relatively small compared to the Taker/Batista/HHH's of the WWE, and those are the people that are gonna have to elevate them. Being able to overcome the size difference is gonna take some really good booking I'm not sure they're capable of. Matt Hardy's been around forever but if he's in a match with Kane he's automatically the underdog. It's not easy to make the smaller guys look like a big enough threat to hang with the larger ME.
  2. Live Free or Battlenuts


    See that's the point. It's not isolation, because YOU HAVEN'T LEFT. I still get my MMA news from the same places I got it before, but welcome to a month ago. This isn't about venting, this is trying to explain that spreading the notion of this board being "dead" because you all left is hilarious on numerous levels, the most obvious one being that you guys are still coming here. What's worse is the attempt to run from that original point to you "humoring me" and just 'playing along'. Playing doesn't take as much effort as you're exerting. I'm sorry did you not hear about the war? We won America, and the rights to the language. The perks were making it terribly confusing for other people to learn and removing all the useless e's and u's you guys had added for some reason. By the way, we go with z's now in our 'izes'. What kind of history are they teaching you over there.... Says the man trying to convince me I'm isolated because everyone left. Forgetting the fact that you, for some reason, didn't post for about a week after it all went down, and even possibly 4-5 times tops until this thread, all the hypocrisy and retardation is making opening my eyes a repeated let down. And we come right back to the crux of it all. I'm not going for "credibility" on this here message board, or the "image" of an "edgy poster". It's for the same reason I've put those words in quotations, because this is a MESSAGE BOARD. A fictional land of discussion that doesn't mean shit. And the people who 'left' we're the people that couldn't grasp that. They needed to pull friendship and meaning from it, tossing meaningless awards back and forth at eachother in an attempt to validate themselves. It led to nothing but xenophobia and a rash of asinine inside jokes that did nothing but turn everyone new off. To suggest this board is worse off because of them 'leaving' is stupid, and should be treated as such. I get it, you think I'm just a big mean bully who needs to be put in his place, and you're the man to do it. But I'm just a man with a point, and you don't bring shit to the table. So ditch the fantasy, go pick up a history book to get caught up on what we talked about before, and just make some quick short post about how I'm gay that symbolizes how you've decided this wasn't even worth it. I'll be nice and play along for ya.
  3. Live Free or Battlenuts

    The future of WWE.

    DiBiase seems to be the only for sure on who they're at least going to try and push to that level. Punk might have a chance if the WWE really drives hard at kids in the future, they obviously like the guy a lot and the straight edge thing is a big reason. In the next 2-4 years don't expect anyone other than Cena/Orton/Batista/Edge and possibly Jericho depending on how long this deal is, to be you're top tier guys. HHH will probably be more in 'legends' type role once his body starts breaking down, Taker will probably be retired, I can't see HBK continuing full time. Maybe Matt Hardy will get a better chance just for being around so long, but I don't see guys like Knox/Kozlov/Swagger getting anywhere higher on the card then where you'd find Kane right now. Interchangeable in main events but not people you want captaining the ship.
  4. Live Free or Battlenuts

    How to swear in Chinese

    Did a glare catch the picture?
  5. Live Free or Battlenuts


    And this is where it all goes wrong for you. I could find somewhere between 4000-10000 'quote change' posts from the history of this board, it's one of the "major league boarders" favorite means of posting without adding anything to discussion(which is seemingly your favorite game). When cleverly mocking an entire group of people you have to be able to communicate with those people. I was just speaking the language of the folk I was addressing, but when you wanted to pull out the dictionary to have it start doing your work for you, it seemed necessary to show you how silly it is when we can all fall back on it. Regardless, it's just poor form to make fun of someone for them making fun of you and you being too stupid to realize it. Going from essential jibberish to extensively trying to explain yourself seems a little heavier than humoring. Especially for someone who finds thinking to be such a challenge. And yet I was so hopeful something would be. What are you waiting on now? If it's finding a point in what you're trying to say, I hope you brought a chair. Oh we all know that's not gonna happen. If you don't tell a retard he's retarded, he'd never know. Even then, good luck. No, limited to you and someone who thought the Jazz would sweep the Lakers. It's still a toss up as to who's more retarded though, so at least you can achieve something. I'm flattered, and the more I think about it I can see how this was all one big excuse to spend time with me... but no. Sorry. So it's pity that's making you stay, not pm's? Now I'm confused, I thought you were humoring me, not debating? Don't let it all fall apart at the end, it was one of the prettiest piles of shit I've ever seen. See, this flip-flopping on whether you see this as a real debate/discussion or something you're doing to pass time is just sloppy. Pick something and stick with it, at least then you'd have a chance at not seeming like you unfortunately stumbled into an argument with someone who, shockingly knows how to spell argument, and now find yourself in scramble mode to pull purpose out of coming to a board you left, to spend 5 pages going back and forth with a stupid person you don't care about. And zhang you make me regret the fact that I can read more and more each day. Last time I ever be nice to you.
  6. Live Free or Battlenuts

    Its 1 am Central and 25 guests are here...

    80% of them were people who "left" but didn't want to ruin that illusion by actually logging in. Guaranteed.
  7. Live Free or Battlenuts

    How to swear in Chinese

    Just imagine the little, ugly, cowboy children. Face like a mr. potato head made out of old hamburger meat and the bloodshot eyes of a person staring directly at the sun. I'm picturing a Dick Tracy villain....
  8. Live Free or Battlenuts


    I got half way through those before I realized they were supposed to be insults. And yet someone so 'next-level' couldn't see the sarcasm in 'killing it' and 'long walks on the beach'? Just doesn't fit the profile. See, when you piece it all together, from the original horrible quote edit, to the 14 that followed, to your sudden change of heart and attempt at changing intelligence, it just doesn't come off like someone waiting for a pm. Comes off more like someone who had no idea what they were trying to accomplish at any point, and just ended up being my bitch. I appreciate the effort, but when you come to a thread with no real point, at some point it's gonna become obvious. Take this moment of reflection and realize that although you may of been told you can play with the big boys, you were told by a bunch of little children who've never actually played with big boys. Feel free to make that into something about me being gay, yeah it'd be lame, but lame's a step up for you, and at this point I'm starting to feel bad...
  9. Live Free or Battlenuts

    When I was a child, my father

    Ah ok I guess that kind of makes sense. It's amazing we share the same philosophy but after 9/11 Indian people probably denied even having a flag. It's like the exact opposite mentality sadly. Ya learn somethin' new every day.
  10. Live Free or Battlenuts

    When I was a child, my father

    Is it some underlying sense of guilt or something? Is it kind of like flying the confederate flag in the north-east US? I never knew about this.
  11. Live Free or Battlenuts

    When I was a child, my father

    Weird. You guys should be allowed to wave whatever flag you once owned. It's a lot of flags yeah, but it's a celebration!
  12. Live Free or Battlenuts

    When I was a child, my father

    It's all about martyred catholic priests. I believe there's three different St Valentines, but all died for the sake of love or something like that. It really should be called "Women like Shit" Day.
  13. Live Free or Battlenuts

    When I was a child, my father

    Is that like St. Valentines day, without the massacre?
  14. Live Free or Battlenuts

    When I was a child, my father

    Live Free or Battlenuts, objet petit a, Neil-o-Mac, chuck415, The Electrifyer, Jingus, .The Franchise., Darth Pipes, jericho4life, BruteSquad_BRODY, treble, whonowthen, ViciousFish, aural angel dust, 10 Pounds There ya go. The excitement of being counted drew 4 more. And 10 Pounds of what?! Who are you 10 pounds, and do old british people always tell you you're 'money'?
  15. Live Free or Battlenuts

    When I was a child, my father

    Live Free or Battlenuts, BruteSquad_BRODY, Jingus, chuck415, Dupin, 10 Pounds, hitman82, AntiLeaf33, Will Scarlet, Jaxxson Mayhem On the dot.
  16. Live Free or Battlenuts

    How to swear in Chinese

    He looks like he's selling flag memorabilia. Look he even has one tucked in his back.
  17. Live Free or Battlenuts

    MLB April 19-25

    Yeah that's was a real rollercoaster of emotions for Melky. Love him, hate him, love him again. I'll excuse any amount of strike outs in a game if the end result is a walk off shot.
  18. Live Free or Battlenuts


    What'd you think I'd bring the computer with me? I'd like to call you something other than a retard, but you make it impossible. I'm not into wasting my creativity on labeling. I simply call it as it is. But do tell us King Cucaracha, forgetting that people can read for a second, what have you accomplished in this thread? It sure as hell isn't convincing me you're intelligent. That ship sailed after "idiot says you was an guy".
  19. Live Free or Battlenuts


    So at this point you're admitting we'd be better served with Uncle John's Bathroom Reader? Thanks, I'm gonna go take a shit and read trivia. It'll be just like posting in this thread.
  20. Live Free or Battlenuts


    That would be silly after claiming gif posting is lamer than penis jokes, and probably leave the assertion that I've 'added nothing to this thread' nothing more than the opinion of a hypocrite. Not to say it is, because clearly.... it is not. <insert montage of King adding nothing to this thread here>
  21. Live Free or Battlenuts


    I'm not sure I can top the hilarity of watching someone walking into plate glass over and over again, and since you're giving us the forum version of that display, I'd rather sit back, watch my baseball, and enjoy the embodiment of mother nature's brutal sense of humor. My goal was to let you know you're an idiot, I'm 3 pages past done and way more into my cereal. See now that's three things, don't try it at home though I'd hate to see you somehow kill yourself with a spoon.
  22. Live Free or Battlenuts


    TV... next to... computer.... this looks.... easy. I know it's a struggle for you to post something intelligent or useful, but some of us find it easy, and can do it while doing other things. I'm not gonna hold myself to my 8th grade english teacher's standard for the sake of an idiot though.
  23. Live Free or Battlenuts

    MLB April 19-25

    Yeah that's excusable for 2 seasons tops, but someone needs to tell him he has an option to not swing. I wasn't paying attention to CC's pitch count but he shouldn't be out there for the 6th. I don't exactly have more confidence in Phil Coke, but he'd given up 4-5 earned and 7 hits, and wasn't blowing anyone away. No reason he shouldn't pack it in at that point gratefully and hope for something better next time out.
  24. Live Free or Battlenuts


    I'm sorry but when you keep falling back on this pseudo-game playing theme, I really can't be bothered to try. There's a Yankee game on, and I'm not sure I have the time to point out how silly it is to be talking about descending into gif posting two posts before you break out pictures of Obama to make a point. Oh look at that, I do.
  25. Live Free or Battlenuts


    Yeah, I think the uncle in Jack should of over-shadowed his longing to be with Kate. It's ok to be glad to have her there, but when she says "don't ever ask me again" through tears like a mother who just drowned her baby, he should really be a little more inquisitive. And I think the Claire thing is a result of scheduling. She's not available for this season so they have to work around her as best they can. I think if they highlight the fact that they haven't been there that long and are still more concerned about whatever this situation actually is, and why they're there, it won't be that hard to swallow her not wondering what happened. It's of course gonna happen at some point, I'm guessing it's more likely Claire finds Kate and wants to know where the baby is, then Kate going out of her way to find Claire.