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Live Free or Battlenuts

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Everything posted by Live Free or Battlenuts

  1. Live Free or Battlenuts


    Wait I thought we were doing sports analogies? I didn't say you have a tiny penis, it was the part of the analogy that was supposed to convey you not being the most capable of people. And if we're declaring thread over due to lameness, that would of been the retarded quote fest from pages back. But since King is at least trying now, don't go ruining it.
  2. Live Free or Battlenuts


    It's more like after the game standing in different showers, one full with the pride of victory, the other one dejectedly looking downward, lamenting his tiny penis.
  3. Live Free or Battlenuts

    MLB April 19-25

    It's really depressing to see your team tied at 7-7 when they're out-hitting the opponent 15-6. Bases loaded, no outs, and by the end of it no runs. Craptastic.
  4. Live Free or Battlenuts


    Why would a pitcher waste a 98 mph fastball on a little-leaguer with one person in the stands? I'm not making music here, I'm shining a flashlight on idiots. That requires one tune, and it's not hard to play.
  5. Live Free or Battlenuts


    True, but it's supposed to be a suspenseful show and of course is gonna follow the same generic formula most TV shows like it do. LOST is all about the big moment before the commercial break, so even if you consider it lazy at least it's a trait of the show. And my main complaint was not giving the moment Hurley realized they were building the hatch that brought their plane there a little more importance. Clearly they only did it to get across the idea of them considering the possibilities of changing what happened, but they made it seem more about the numbers than the fact that Hurley was looking at an opportunity to stop their plane from ever crashing.
  6. Live Free or Battlenuts


    I'll try but when you keep acting like a retard, you leave me few options. Whether I enjoy sand between my toes or not, "long walks on the beach" is a hilariously over-used attempt at conveying personality without actually doing so, and when it's used in our modern world, it's usually used in a sarcastic manner. Unless of course they just invented personal ads where you come from, in which case you can just forget all that. And how does something run it's course without being useful in the first place?
  7. Live Free or Battlenuts


    So then why the over-analyzing of something you misinterpreted in the first place? Do you really think 'long walks on the beach' wasn't a sarcastic enough phrase to begin a theme of sarcasm? Are you actually living under a rock like a cockroach? After not even being able to change a quote, it's a shame to see you waste what was surely a blackout-inducing moment of intelligence.
  8. Live Free or Battlenuts


    Whenever he did discover he was his father, he didn't care enough to do anything about it or share it with anyone until that point. Him learning about his father isn't the important part, it's what he comes to do with that information. He wasn't telling us, he was telling Hurley, and it's not a stretch to assume he had internalized the discovery until then. Clip show tonight, supposed to give us a different view of the Oceanic 6, whatever the hell that means. I don't mind the breather considering the last 3 episodes look destined to be some of the heaviest we've seen.
  9. Live Free or Battlenuts


    No it can be sarcastically used when making fun of retards too. Sadly, the sarcasm is usually lost on retards. See.
  10. Live Free or Battlenuts


    therealtsm.com TONS AND TONS of discussion there. Just, overflowing really.
  11. Live Free or Battlenuts


    He's a sharp, young, right-hander who enjoys long walks on the beach and killing it. He really likes talking to people who play pretend, like 'let's pretend this guy isn't making me his bitch'. Also, sushi.
  12. Live Free or Battlenuts


    Yeah let's go with Attack of the Clones. 909 I don't really see the point of having that quoted. You're really ruining the illusion of you leaving. My favorite Battlenuts moment was my last dozen posts. Shooting fish in a barrel can be fun. Posting over and over doesn't drive home the "we don't care" point very well though. Just sloppy really.
  13. Live Free or Battlenuts


    You're right, Attack of the Clones is becoming a much more suitable name. And yes, using a Family Guy joke that got old on the show is beyond epic fail. Borrowing someone else's tired material? From TV no less? God you guys suck.
  14. Live Free or Battlenuts


    Can we rename this thread 'King Cucaracha and TheFranchise Present Epic Fail'?
  15. Live Free or Battlenuts


    So, you don't actually know what a circle jerk is? There's fighting over here because some of the people who "left" don't know what that word means. Also, the name of this forum is NHB, which I'm pretty sure doesn't stand for Nice Habits and Ballyhoo. You know what turns off new posters? Having a group of shitheads in charge who constantly belittle anyone new. Instead of PMing a mod because some young kid with a computer who decided he wanted to find people to talk wrestling with made a silly thread, let's post 8 times about why he's so stupid and run through 4 inside jokes before it gets taken care of. There's KKK forums out there that are less xenophobic. That's the spirit.
  16. Live Free or Battlenuts


    Wait, wait, I didn't have the losing sound from 'the price is right' queued up. Best I could do on short notice http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ytCEuuW2_A
  17. Live Free or Battlenuts


    Hey look another person who left this shithole to never return! We all know you can't leave someone butthurt without a dick, but thanks for trying. I have no reason to moan about not being able to get to the new board, which is why I haven't. Actually, I've been repeating the fact that the new board is simply the pile of shit that left this forum, and the constant talk about how this place is "dead" or "dying" is retarded. And if you're sad about not being able to get to a message board. Go fucking kill yourself right now before I have children. Oh and PS, you guys don't just want me, you love me.
  18. Live Free or Battlenuts

    MLB April 19-25

    Well, hasn't slowed down today. Suzuki, Matsui and Cabrera went deep. I really won't care as long as we're hitting most of them.
  19. Live Free or Battlenuts


    This thread was made 21 days ago? And who left, the people currently viewing this thread, or the ones posting in it?
  20. Live Free or Battlenuts


    Brody with the rarely seen but always exciting "negating-your-first-post-with-your-second-post-double-post"! The man's got so much talent he has to keep it in his pants.
  21. Live Free or Battlenuts


    Fair enough, dumb people can type too... Really now. Calling people out on shit compared to making a new forum? When you say 'big deal', the word big isn't describing the size of the deal spectrum. The guy pointing out you're an idiot. Close, have posted here for a long time, never really left. I'm not trying to convince everyone of anything, obviously a lot of stupid people are still here and trying to convince stupid people is like trying to fuck a belly button. I just don't like the ridiculous idea that because a group of complete bitches and their friends took off that this place is somehow worse off, and whenever someone brings it up, I'm gonna discuss it. Because this is a discussion forum. Not some fucking tree-house in the backyard made for 10 wrestling fans to circle jerk. This place will forever be better without the constant blow-fests that were exclusive to some of the worst posters I've ever seen.
  22. Live Free or Battlenuts


  23. Live Free or Battlenuts


    Be afraid children... be very afraid.
  24. Live Free or Battlenuts


    Major League Boarders??!? Do you guys have a official pink t-shirt with FAGGOT in bright letters on it? And like I said, there's no difference between a person and the crabs on their taint. You guys all followed the bitches who couldn't stand being at a board they no longer controlled. If this board means anything other than a place to shit idea's to you, just go kill yourself now. I can't even begin to imagine what kind of horrible life a person has to lead to grow such an attachment to a message board.
  25. Live Free or Battlenuts


    That's a wonderful excuse. Usually people who swerved to get away from a car crash don't turn around to partake in it.