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Live Free or Battlenuts

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Everything posted by Live Free or Battlenuts

  1. Live Free or Battlenuts


    Good threads zhang, good threads. There's nothing to save, because it's a wrestling forum. Remember, you retards thinking otherwise was how this all started. There's no denying this place will forever be better WITHOUT a group of faggots who openly refer to themselves as a clique. But there's nothing to save. All those forums and threads are still here. What confuses me is.... if therealtsm is such epic greatness, why do you all come back here to browse?
  2. Live Free or Battlenuts

    When I was a child, my father

    More clever than anything you've said and no, I'm still confused by the box with moving pictures. That's why I repeated it with confusion.
  3. Live Free or Battlenuts

    We Are Doing Movies (Pic)

    Post history Jingus. This is one of his best posts so far.
  4. Live Free or Battlenuts

    Comments that which don't warrant a thread

    Um.... That should explain the second half of your post. I'm too busy "insulting" you because you've yet to actually define that one sentence. He's a blogger who's gotten a ton of exposure as a result, so please, what is his place, when was he removed, how did she put him back? Maybe starting the answers with those questions would help? Call an old teacher and ask for help if you must. Forget trying to tell me how a gay guy with pink hair who's done nothing but talk shit on a website is a bully or how a girl shut him up when he hasn't been quiet since. Just three questions, very simple. Jingus, beauty pageants are like the 240823th gayest thing ever discussed here.
  5. Live Free or Battlenuts

    Find pictures of Amy Winehouse that aren't disgusting.

    So it is the plague....
  6. Live Free or Battlenuts

    Comments that which don't warrant a thread

    Saying things don't make them true. When you keep saying the same thing without backing it up, it becomes the literary version of shit. Useless and potentially harmful. How did she put him in his place? Please, just actually try and explain that one phrase. What is his place, when was he removed from it, and in what way did she put him in that place again. It's easy to do if you're not just saying shit to get a reaction.
  7. Live Free or Battlenuts

    TNA Lockdown 2009

    Foley is the ultimate rubber. Rock and Orton owe him big time, and a blood fued with Joe featuring some wonderful stiffness would make Joe look like a million bucks. Yeah, Foley himself isn't an ideal champion, but he has the ability to make anyone look like a serious threat, even a guy who's been running around with silly face paint, playing with knives.
  8. Live Free or Battlenuts

    Comments that which don't warrant a thread

    He's a blogger with pink hair who's famous for knowing Paris Hilton and talking about other people. Dignity isn't in his vocabulary, NBC was beyond aware of that fact, they were actually banking on it. And no, that wasn't your point all along. That's why it's nowhere to be found in your first post. What's there is some shit about her putting him in his place.
  9. Live Free or Battlenuts

    ECW/Superstars/Smackdown Spoilers for 4/21, 4/23, and 4/24

    Hornswoggle got to bite Natalya on the ass. I will be forever jealous of that tiny bastard.
  10. Live Free or Battlenuts

    Comments that which don't warrant a thread

    One domain he owns and one he was invited to for the sole purpose of creating the drama we're discussing right now. Congrats on being worked by NBC. If you see someone die on Heroes next week, don't dial 911.
  11. Live Free or Battlenuts

    Comments that which don't warrant a thread

    She says "I believe we all deserve equality", and who exactly get's outraged? No one in America, no one taken seriously at least, is gonna be outraged by suggesting we're all equal. Probably because it's what this country was founded on. She didn't knock him down a peg, she gave an answer that gave him the platform to go on a public tirade and in the process make himself more noticed. If anything, she bumped him up a few pegs. Bully's don't get quiet when you say something they disagree with, they immediately be mean to belittle what you've said. He didn't, he shut up like a good little boy and let the natural disappointment grow until he got home later on and went online, to HIS blog. He didn't say "oh yeah well you smell!" and give her an indian burn like you seem to think.
  12. Live Free or Battlenuts

    100 Posts of Solitude

    Damn I like that trophy. It looks like an award for falling awesomely, but still that's neat. One thing though, in all seriousness, let your posts speak for themselves. If people want to get to know you, they can do it through what you say about things, not what you say about yourself. When you offer an abundance of information about yourself no one had asked for, it just seems like a lonely dude in the corner yelling for friends. I loved reading about the pirates in CE, I've got a lot of army buddies who call me "terror" now because I've taken up defending them whenever we talk. See that's you making an impact. Considering no one here gives a shit about who's friends with who anymore, just be who you are, and stop telling us who you are. I have a feeling you'll be fine.
  13. Live Free or Battlenuts

    Comments that which don't warrant a thread

    Your issue was with him asking the question in the first place, anything he or she said after the fact on his blog or MSNBC is irrelevant, as would be the accompanying youtube videos. Remember, you're upset because he's a bully who trapped the poor little girl with his evil, unanswerable question. I know it seems silly that I have to remind you of what you're saying, but that's what happens when you post just to stir shit up.
  14. Live Free or Battlenuts


    Yeah I'm not good at differentiating people and the crabs that occupy their taint. Symbiosis, sure, but it's all the same life force.
  15. Live Free or Battlenuts

    CTDWAT: TNA Edition

    I thought Red's body had completely broken down? Last I heard he wasn't sure if he would ever wrestle again. Good to see London back on TV, he's a talented bastard. He lost some points for complaining about Bourne's SSP, but I'd still tune in to check him out.
  16. Live Free or Battlenuts

    Comments that which don't warrant a thread

    I'm glad you mean everything you say, it helps me take you seriously when you slowly back away from those stances in the face of fact. I'm not calling you names because I hope it hurts your feelings, I'm calling you names because you're fitting the description. Sources are great, when they work as examples or help your point. Your examples were useless, and didn't do anything for your point if they even had a point in the first place. I never said you don't belong here, but whenever you post something as retarded as "the jazz will sweep the lakers!" or "she sure put that guy in his place" I'm gonna act like a warning label and explain otherwise. Don't get all warm and fuzzy though, I do it for every 'special needs poster'.
  17. Live Free or Battlenuts


    Had your ball forcefully taken away? Seriously, what kind of 12 year old girls make up the Dan Maff Clique? Matt Young's doing a great job, he's yet to try and "work the board" and he hasn't banned anyone who disagrees with him, so he's light-years beyond the shit you guys were pulling already.
  18. Live Free or Battlenuts


    Dandy doesn't offer suggestions, he just comes back to this dead forum he doesn't post at to post and tell us how dead it is.
  19. Live Free or Battlenuts

    Comments that which don't warrant a thread

    Perez Hilton is a fat, unintelligent man who's made a career off of knowing people rather than working or having a trade or providing a service. He seems to think the world revolves around Hollywood and a life without people to talk about and judge isn't a life worth leading. And yet through this thread, I've been assured that he is nowhere near the level of stupid or inflammatory as you are. You throw out something stupid hoping someone will bite and when they do you end up falling back on "well at least we're discussing it". No, we were discussing it, and now we're discussing how dumb you are, which seems to happen where ever you post. His intentions with his BLOG and career are to shock people. His intentions with THAT QUESTION was hoping to get an intelligent response from someone who's trying to be a role model. Everything after the fact is just him trying, and clearly succeeding, to get people to talk about him. This wasn't her simply "standing up for what she believes in", he never judged her beliefs on the show or asked her to further explain them. She gave an answer, he didn't like and said so later on in different forums. You know what Perez believes in? Being gay and calling people names, so he's done nothing but stand up for his beliefs too. But I'm sure he'll find his way into a few more newspapers because people like you would rather look at the fat gay man in the situation rather than the actual topic.
  20. Live Free or Battlenuts

    NBA Offseason chatter

    I'll put it up after I put up the Jazz celebrating their sweep of the Lakers. Oh, and please hold your breath while you wait.
  21. Live Free or Battlenuts

    Comments that which don't warrant a thread

    No, you've referred to it as a trap by a bully numerous times now. The only job is to ask the question and listen to her answer, not reply back. That's why Perez was quiet and later, on his terms, discussed it. If Andrew Sullivan's entire career was based on gossiping and shocking people, he would of went on his blog later on and said something. Because that's what they do. It's called hyping the TV show you're on, giving people a reason to not change the channel. The 'you should be afraid' was for anyone expecting another easy question that required little-to-no thought. Yes, the gay man should smile at the lady who thinks he doesn't have rights. Are you fucking serious? The man should be applauded for not calling her a dumb bitch on the telecast itself. He asked the question, got the answer, and when he felt like talking about it he did it on HIS SITE. She didn't stand her ground, because she wasn't being attacked. I'm pretty sure she still has her lunch money and I don't seem to remember him giving her a wedgie. Yeah, I can see christians everywhere condemning her for suggesting we're all equal. Doesn't she know black men are only 3/5th's a person? If she said "gays should be able to do whatever they want wherever they want and I just signed an endorsement deal with KY", yeah, I'm sure they'd get upset. Anyone who gets upset over suggesting all humans are equal is surely gonna keep that mindset to themselves, especially in America. "She stood her ground and put him in his place." That would be wrong on enough levels to qualify as retardation. The rest is just icing on the big dumb cake. HE'S A BLOGGER. Any and all talk about him is doing him a favor. If NBC put out an article about how he was secretly Hitler, all the people rushing to his website to call him a nazi bastard would just be doing him a favor. His entire career is based on talking about crap people will be interested enough in to go to his site. This is slowly becoming his crowning achievement. No, no, no. I'm not saying it's invalid because it's from you, although at this point that's more than enough. I'm saying it's invalid BECAUSE IT IS INVALID. He wasn't "put in his place", she didn't "stand her ground" when "attacked" by a "bully". A man NBC hired for this exact reason asked a legit question, he was disappointed in the answer and said as much on his blog. The fucking end. Any other "uproar" comes from people like you who seem to think that everything but the question is newsworthy.
  22. Live Free or Battlenuts

    NBA Offseason chatter

    Yup and my car can run on farts if I dream hard enough.
  23. Live Free or Battlenuts


    Hey guys, you know what helps? Not having 50% of all your posts being about how no ones posting.
  24. Live Free or Battlenuts

    When I was a child, my father

    Seriously? Ronnie Deutch? Seriously!? Alright what I said before goes for anyone with hopes of ever being more clever than the picture in their signature. The rest of you can just go back to being dumb.
  25. Live Free or Battlenuts

    NBA Offseason chatter

    They had two decent guys making up for the lack of Garnett and now there down to one, Chicago doesn't exactly have any overwhelming inside presence but if Gordon is dropping floaters like he was last night for the rest of the series, they'll have a problem. I couldn't hear that irrelevant post about Rhianna over the noise of the Jazz not sweeping the Lakers.