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Live Free or Battlenuts

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Everything posted by Live Free or Battlenuts

  1. Live Free or Battlenuts

    Comments that which don't warrant a thread

    How is it a trap!? If he knew what her response was gonna be, why was he silent? Wouldn't he of had something to respond with? It was NBC's forum, he was silent because he was being respectful to the network. That's why immediately following it, he went to his forum, and shared his opinion. You didn't take issue with him calling her names on his blog, you took issue with the fact that the question was even asked. If it's a fault of anyone's, it's NBC, not him. Considering the amount of gay folk involved with pageants maybe she could of simply used common sense to realize saying anything negative about gay people could hinder her chances. Of course you'd have to ignore the fact that no matter who asked it, IT WAS A LEGITIMATE QUESTION. Yeah because no one expects cookie-cutter responses from Miss USA.... do you read what you post? It wouldn't of been skewed at all because it's an opinion based in good will and only evil people have a problem with answers based in good will. HE'S A BLOGGER. Any and all talk about him is good for him, it leads to hits on his website which leads to revenue from advertising, and more networks who want to work with the most recognizable blogger there is. Something tells me an article from the huffington post about her saying she's gonna "pray for him" isn't exactly ruining his career. Seriously, can you manage one point without saying something retarded? HE WAS NOT BEING A BULLY BY ASKING THE QUESTION. My problem is with the idiot who seems to think it was anything but a fair and legitimate question. And I'm astonished you know anything about the dictionary considering you don't understand words like put, in and place. I meant idiot by the way, because you are an idiot. Hope that clears things up.
  2. Live Free or Battlenuts

    Comments that which don't warrant a thread

    Go back and read your first post. You didn't even mention NBC. And no it's not mostly on him, NBC knew who he was and knew they had to have something to make people talk about what's becoming an out-dated tradition most of americans don't care about. If you have an issue with that simply happening, your issue is with NBC. He didn't get the answer, and shut up after that? No he didn't, he did TALK SHOW ROUNDS and has gained added exposure because of it. At this point it's getting closer to 'making his career' than putting him in his place. It's not an impossible situation, she didn't have to say "I think BUTT sex is awesome" to convey equal rights for all. She presented an uneducated, religion based answer that was a let down to anyone expecting something of merit and intelligence from one of these girls, most notably, the man who asked the question. It wasn't a trap, it was a legit question that had many different answers, she chose the worst one. It's not that hard, "I believe we all deserve equal rights." It's vague, cookie-cutter and something everyone can agree with. Instead she regurgitated the same rhetoric we hear from every bigoted pundit. So to recap, it's been great for the career of the man who was "put in his place", and ended up costing the girl who "did the right thing" the crown. Yeah, that sounds about right. May I refer you to the dictionary, look for the word next to your picture, it's between idiosyncrasy and idol.
  3. Live Free or Battlenuts

    When I was a child, my father

    I think she's irritating and ugly, not to mention more than likely a gimmick, but I take issue with anyone using that god damn 'kettle/black' cliche. NO ONE USES A FUCKING KETTLE ANYMORE. And guess what, if you want to, you can find it in a color other than black. Let's try to update our insults for this millennium.
  4. Live Free or Battlenuts

    Comments that which don't warrant a thread

    So direct all these retard complaints to NBC, the company that hired him. You said your issue was with HIM. And....? Her answer was unintelligent and led to her not winning. Where are you losing that point? What did he get? Newspaper articles, people talking about it and surely a ton of more hits on his blog. You must really like the guy to think he deserved all that. From you... You took issue with him asking the question at all, so when you "called him out" you did it over the question. What was irresponsible about the question? And how did she put him in his place!? What is his place, how was he removed from it, and how did she then replace him there with her answer? Do you know what put in your place means? He asked a question, she gave a shitty answer, it cost her the crown. Suggesting she achieved something or 'put him in his place' when it's been nothing but beneficial for him, is why I'm calling you an idiot.
  5. Live Free or Battlenuts

    Comments that which don't warrant a thread

    Because he called her a dumb bitch on his blog, which is as popular as it is because of immature, inflammatory remarks like that. He has no responsibility there than to be whoever he chooses to be, and his success will be determined by how people react to him. Go ahead and pat yourself on the back for that now. And it shouldn't alienate american's because it's a CIVIL RIGHTS issue. All americans should be invested in the rights of their fellow man, the only people saying "I believe we should all have equal rights" would alienate is people who don't believe in civil rights. They should be alienated. And are you seriously comparing a presidential election to the crowning of Miss USA. To quote an idiot I was talking to recently, "aren't these girls just supposed to stand there and look hot in a bikini"? He asked a legitimate question, and regardless of who he is or what's happened since, it was not an irresponsible question and he didn't get "put in his place". Which brings us right back to you being an idiot.
  6. Live Free or Battlenuts

    Comments that which don't warrant a thread

    It's more important to humanity for me to keep pointing out how stupid you are, it's like putting a warning label on cigarettes. His blog is entirely based on shock value and gossip, how the one mature thing the man may have ever done is "irresponsible" is something that you can say, sure, but you're failing hard on explaining why. What was irresponsible about it? Definition and examples please, don't just keep saying it in hopes it'll magically come true. Benevolent means? IT'S A QUESTION ABOUT AMERICA TO MISS AMERICA. This isn't time to pull out big words and hope they mean something, he was entirely justified in the question and his reaction. Calling her a "dumb bitch" on his blog is surely immature but by no means out of character for a man who's famous for knowing a slut and having pink hair.
  7. Live Free or Battlenuts


    You should wear make-up. It'll make you look less haggard. Sorry, but someone had to say it.
  8. Live Free or Battlenuts

    Comments that which don't warrant a thread

    Asking an important question is irresponsible behavior? She's competing to be a role model to children, it's not irresponsible to ask her about an issue that will affect those same children. Some might even call it RESPONSIBLE. Your own perception of his facial expressions is beyond irrelevant. He's not taking credit for costing her the crown, she's blaming the question for it. She gave him the credit, he didn't just up and claim it. He's a blogger, his success is entirely dependent on the amount of people who visit the site. You made that number bigger. Piecing together the rest should be easy, even for an idiot. Oh and physical proof your IQ is lower than 25, I've been reading it for days now. It's the mess of words that appears next to your name.
  9. Live Free or Battlenuts

    Comments that which don't warrant a thread

    You're taking a blogger to task after admitting you've been to his site. You've made horrible predictions based on what can only be called bias in the NBA thread. You sir, are an idiot. How is it not like a reporter asking a question? She's competing for Miss USA, one of the biggest issues in the USA is gay marriage. If a reporter goes to a hurricane site and asks someone what they think about hurricanes, it's not because he's pushing the 'anti-hurricane' agenda. What should he ask them, how they feel about tacos? And yes, a reporter would preface his question with that if every question asked before and after were fluffy softballs, especially if they were on a TV show and the only goal was to keep people watching. Where was the purpose beyond judging her character? Are you suggest Perez's intentions from the outset were to embarrass this girl, and NBC was ok with it? What point are you epically failing to make here, because I'm just not seeing it. He asked a relevant question to a person who's trying to be a role-model to young american girls. The sole purpose being to judge her character. And no, you contributed to his success the second you took issue with his question. the second you ran to his blog to see what the big gay meanie was all about. If you want to stop the evil Perez Hilton and his gay-agenda, stop talking about him, and don't go to his site. It's really that simple.
  10. Live Free or Battlenuts

    Comments that which don't warrant a thread

    Haws, if one of the major tenants of my religion was to rape children, and I used that as my justification for raping children, is that ok? No. Any religion that limits the rights of people not associated with that religion is no longer under the protection of "personal beliefs". Personal beliefs don't affect other people, they affect you. If every christian simply used that as a means to not be gay themselves, fine, but to use it as reasoning for telling other people what they can and cannot do is crossing the line.
  11. Live Free or Battlenuts

    Comments that which don't warrant a thread

    You being an idiot isn't a personal attack, after what you've said here and in the NBA playoff's thread it is undeniable fact. 1. You can be on a website for 1 second you still count as a hit, and his hits are the reason he's getting gigs at NBC. Thank yourself. 2. Yes, in the same way a guy with one leg would ask what she thought about people with disabilities. It was a legitimate, fair question that has way more to do with the fact that she's Miss America and it's an issue in America than it had to do with it being a question about gay people and him being gay. Falling back on "well he's gay that's why he asked" is not accepting the legitimacy of the question and why it was asked. 3. Yeah because compared to the other questions it does seem like a "tough question". But it's not. He wasn't looking to stir something up he was looking for intelligence in a women that's supposed to be the best we can offer. If the rest of the questions had anywhere near the relevance and required the same thought, it wouldn't of been a deal at all. But you sandwich a meaningful question in between "How can we make all people smile?" and "What would you do with a million dollars" and suddenly it seems shocking. 4. She was credited for it. She said it, everyone knows she said it, the end. No one's going to celebrate an opinion that's based in the thoughtless passing of tradition and an isolated upbringing. She didn't go for the popular opinion, the popular answer would of been "All people should have equal rights." Considering today she said that question COST her the title it's safe to say that wasn't the popular answer among people making the decision. 5. What did she throw in his face!? She said something stupid and he looked disappointed that someone with a chance to make a difference to young people decided to fall back on a logic-less thought process that's STILL responsible for racism in this country. She didn't throw anything in his face. He gave her a chance to prove these girls aren't just inbred barbie dolls, and she failed. 6. NBC hired him, NBC knows who he is and what he's about. If it was 1950 and a black guy went on TV and asked about civil rights, yeah, I'm sure him being black was a reason, but to label it "agenda" and suggest it's not an issue that affects ALL OF US, is asinine. This is a civil rights issue, not a gay issue. Him being a person had more to do with the question than him being a gay person. He didn't get "burned". She didn't "serve him", which I'm assuming is your next choice of words. He asked a question and she gave a shitty answer. How is that burning him? If you think he's a blight on society, stop going to his blog and stop talking about him. His success isn't based on people liking him, it's on people talking about him. So congrats for contributing even more to his success.
  12. Live Free or Battlenuts

    NBA Offseason chatter

    So should we make note of every time Karc's wrong during these playoffs? Does this site have enough bandwidth?
  13. Live Free or Battlenuts

    Comments that which don't warrant a thread

    So this is just about how much you hate Perez Hilton?! Here's a tip, STOP GOING TO HIS BLOG AND TALKING ABOUT HIM AND NETWORKS WILL STOP GIVING HIM WORK. He's a cartoon blogger, he finds just as much success in being disliked as he does in being liked. His sexual orientation is irrelevant, because he asked a LEGIT question that's a real issue to AMERICANS. Anyone should of asked that question, it's amazing in this day and age that we're discussing civil rights at all so it is by far the most important American topic right now. And looking for too much and had to know that? You make it sound like he did this investigation into her life and only asked the question because he knew what the answer was gonna be. If he knew what the answer was gonna be, he would of never asked the question. She shouldn't be credited for "voicing her opinion" because 1, it was a highly unintelligent opinion devoid of any logic, 2, she's competing to be a role model for the young women of this country. We expect her to have an opinion, not just stand there and look pretty. Show me one post where Hilton claims to be a good person, because I'm quite sure he never has. A women that's competing to be considered the best her country can offer, should not only claim to be a good person, but actually be one. Seriously what is your issue here? Him? Her? Gay Marriage? You seem to be out for nothing more than an argument, and considering how much of a complete idiot you continue to display yourself as, I gotta say that's really not a bright idea. Maybe that's you just trying to drive it all home.
  14. Live Free or Battlenuts

    Comments that which don't warrant a thread

    A better answer meaning something based on logic and not backwards upbringing. It's called being disappointed in humanity, not being put in your place. This woman is supposed to be a role mode for young girls and all she can offer is 'thats how i was raised'. Awesome, what a wonderful justification for limiting civil liberties, I'm sure no old white person has ever used that same logic to justify racism.
  15. Live Free or Battlenuts

    Comments that which don't warrant a thread

    You seemed to think it was noteworthy that he was "put in his place" for "pushing his agenda". He wasn't put in his place, he wasn't pushing an agenda, he was picked because he's popular with little girls, the target audience of Miss USA, which by the way stands for United States of America if you weren't aware, and he asked a legitimate question that should be raised to any american who's supposed to be a role model, his sexual orientation is irrelevant. If it was illegal for white people to get married, and a white person asked Miss USA what she thought about that, is he pushing the white agenda?
  16. Live Free or Battlenuts

    Comments that which don't warrant a thread

    Yeah he was pushing an agenda, asking MISS AMERICA about one of AMERICA's most debated issues, is pushing an agenda.... You ever think maybe the agenda was giving these girls a chance to show that they were raised with a brain that's more useful than her tan? Or maybe it was a the super sneaky agenda of turning off every intelligent, young girl who made the mistake of of watching this show from ever growing up to be a vapid idiot with no opinion beyond "that's how I was raised yall". How is asking Miss America about the issues of America pushing an agenda? Should he have gone the extra mile and asked her how we should fix the economy?
  17. Live Free or Battlenuts


    Please, IT was nothing compared to KCFOS. And really, dressing like a cartoon character and entertaining children seems more like the second idea of business right after prostitution, someone had to keep those kids busy while mom made money. Get back to me when they start coming here in spaceships.
  18. Live Free or Battlenuts

    Comments that which don't warrant a thread

    Never, because of the same mentality you're showing right now. Amazing how people so frightened about the sanctity of marriage forgot that part about treating women as equal partners in life.
  19. Live Free or Battlenuts

    Comments that which don't warrant a thread

    Um, since when does saying anything in favor of gay people amount to coming out of the closet? And I think it's safe to say someone carrying the title "MISS AMERICA" might be expected to have an opinion on issues that matter to AMERICA. The mentality that they're only good for standing around and looking pretty is what leads to these girls being raised as vapid barbie dolls with opinions that usually find their basis in simplistic religious beliefs. Maybe Perez was hoping she had read a book in her life and could offer more than "that's how I was raised". But a girl who's spent her whole life thinking standing around and looking pretty is of great importance shouldn't be expected to have an intelligent opinion on anything let alone an important civil rights issue that actually requires thought not limited by an abundance of methane found on most farms.
  20. Live Free or Battlenuts

    Cornette Bashes WWE Creative

    Would no one take issue with Derek Jeter talking about how bad the Yankee's spending is? I'm all fine with pointing out what you consider a problem in wrestling, but if that problem is your source of income, you shouldn't be the one to talk about it.
  21. Live Free or Battlenuts

    Cornette Bashes WWE Creative

    Vince Russo may be solely responsible for the adaptation of wrestling to the modern age. His success was based on what he WROTE, not what he booked, and that went from WWE's success to WCW's demise to TNA's current state of hilarity. That's why the only successful companies are the ones who's products are based on TV SHOWS, not wrestling events. If TNA's business model wasn't built on TV from one venue, he may have ground to stand on. He doesn't. As much as he may believe in this booker vs writer dynamic, the company he works for clearly doesn't.
  22. Live Free or Battlenuts

    Cornette Bashes WWE Creative

    Anyone taking the high and mighty stance like he is should make sure they aren't affiliated with one of the worst offenders. At this point in his career it comes off like an aging man fighting the evolution of his business, evolution he'll bash but won't refuse the paychecks that come with it. You wanna know the real problem Cornette? The really talented people in this world don't want to be pro wrestlers because of the likely hood they'll end up wrestling Danny Bonaduce in front of a bunch of rednecks.
  23. Live Free or Battlenuts

    Amalgamated EHME vs. Battlenuts

    During the time period when everyone took off, EHME stayed around to make a bunch of gay threads. We went at it for a while, mostly him calling me gay in some way and me putting my dick so far up his ass I almost cut it on his giant teeth. After a while I got bored and goaded them into spamming other forums, which ended up catching the attention of a mod/admin who condensed it all into this disaster of a thread. Then EHME pissed off the nuts he was hanging off of(someone actually took one of his threats seriously, which is HILARIOUS) and he hasn't been posting since. Viewing, of course, like every other person who "left", but sadly no more gems about my dad being a drug addict. The beauty of him not being able to come up with more than 3 insults and yet 39473 threads and posts wasn't truly captured here. It was an amazing exercise in suck that I was hoping would be better remembered by coming generations.
  24. Live Free or Battlenuts

    Saturday Night Live

    Yeah they seem to have a clunker right after something that works. The Rogen skit with the "Summer Lovers" song was an example of something that's only gonna be funny to a room full of stoned writers. They really need to look back at the history of the show and figure out the things that worked and the things that didn't. For 30-40 years the one thing that never seems to work is televised inside jokes. Just because it was funny to the people who write the show, doesn't mean it's gonna be funny to the people watching. Samberg's good but he's like a Dana Carvey without Meyers/Spade/Sandler/Farley. They just don't have the talent up and down and the chemistry that the old casts always seemed to have.
  25. Live Free or Battlenuts

    Amalgamated EHME vs. Battlenuts

    It's what a person reaches when they simply can't get to empathy. I'm not sure there's a word for it. You go through all the trouble of making some retard your bitch and he leaves because of it, I'd at least like to be left with an accurate use of the internet to make up for the sense of humor people don't have. Brody's off actually posting and I'm left with that... Isn't really fair after doing such a nice thing for everyone now is it? It's like making me a statue that doesn't have a giant cock. I'd have no choice but to tear it down and beat someone to death with just my balls.