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Live Free or Battlenuts

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Everything posted by Live Free or Battlenuts

  1. Live Free or Battlenuts

    Amalgamated EHME vs. Battlenuts

    "I just traded my crackpipe for this!"
  2. Live Free or Battlenuts

    Amalgamated EHME vs. Battlenuts

    "Don't turn the flash on, baby's white enough." Caption games are fun!
  3. Live Free or Battlenuts

    Amalgamated EHME vs. Battlenuts

    Why don't you just go the entire way and start copying what I say word for word? I give a kid who can pull that off more credit than some wannabe teenager who can't manage anything past a bad gay joke. At this point, gay people should be less offended than anyone who appreciates good comedy. But really, how long before he pulls out "im rubber and your glue!"? I've got within the next 8 posts. Any takers?
  4. Live Free or Battlenuts

    Amalgamated EHME vs. Battlenuts

    I'd suggest a new drinking game where we all take a shot whenever EHME makes a lame ass gay joke, but we'd all have alcohol poisoning in an hour.
  5. Live Free or Battlenuts


  6. Live Free or Battlenuts

    Amalgamated EHME vs. Battlenuts

  7. Live Free or Battlenuts


    Fringe is back tonight, although if re-reading this thread is any indication, not too many people know or care. They left off on a good note, finally taking a step in establishing what's to come without the concern of "giving anything away". Hopefully they keep that up tonight so we can get back into it after such a long break.
  8. Live Free or Battlenuts

    MLB April 5-11

    Yeah and it wasn't for a CC with no fastball or location and a Tex with no ability to hit with runners on. It's one game, but it's the first game, and a really bad start. 4 ER's and a 1-3 would be a bad start, 6 ER's and 0-4 is a really bad start.
  9. Live Free or Battlenuts

    Amalgamated EHME vs. Battlenuts

  10. Live Free or Battlenuts

    Amalgamated EHME vs. Battlenuts

    Yeah I took a look at my computer and realized I was picking on a retard. It's been a sad day of reflection ever since. Make sure you wear your helmet. Your mom's sad enough.
  11. Live Free or Battlenuts

    Amalgamated EHME vs. Battlenuts

    And now I just feel bad for you. Congrats. My dislike of your inability to post anything with more intelligence than a fart joke has now genuinely become a sense of sadness and concern. Next time you see your mom, tell her if I knew how it would of turned out, I would of gave her the money for a proper abortion... and that I take full responsibility for whatever partially done procedure she had that results in having a ghost-white, bitch of a Vanilla Ice joke gone wrong, like you, for a son.
  12. Live Free or Battlenuts

    Amalgamated EHME vs. Battlenuts

    I told him that, and he said "stop playing with retards". It was so odd. Seriously, that's the 14th time you've used some lame ass joke about selling drugs to my dad, which, still wouldn't be funny if say... you weren't such a tiny bitch who would get robbed by my grandma if she thought you were carrying anything of value. But you are. So here we are. Honestly at this point I feel like I'm in a fist-fight with Michael J. Fox. He's fast, but not in anyway that helps.
  13. Live Free or Battlenuts

    MLB April 5-11

    That was a sad start. That fat fuck better 'find his fastball' by his next start, if I were him I'd check those over-sized sleeves. Tex had a great shot a redemption for his poor game and did dick all with it. Swisher looked good and Jeter/Damon switching looks like a good move so far, but that was a really underwhelming outing by both our new "stars".
  14. Live Free or Battlenuts

    Amalgamated EHME vs. Battlenuts

    Says the pasty little bitch who hangs on my nuts like an ingrown hair and does whatever I tell him to. That's a win in every language, even white kid ebonics. If there's ever a contest to see who can simultaneously lick the most ass over the internet to compensate for a lack of friends in real life, due to the aforementioned blindingly white, bitch-like existence, you're a shoe in for your first win since eminem made it seem ok for white kids to act black again.
  15. Live Free or Battlenuts

    Amalgamated EHME vs. Battlenuts

    That could be your upper lip. And thanks for driving it home EHME. Let me know when you run out of batteries.
  16. Live Free or Battlenuts

    Amalgamated EHME vs. Battlenuts

    Thank you for illustrating my point.
  17. Live Free or Battlenuts

    Amalgamated EHME vs. Battlenuts

    I was banned for not kissing 909's ass. I'm pretty sure he doesn't wipe. I got into it with Milky, and 909 felt he'd do better if I was unable to post. There's old threads you can look at. I'm also pretty sure EHME whined and cried like the bitch he was after one of the 2048234 times I treated him like my cellmate. Him and KOAB get upset when you point out that gangsta's don't post on wrestling forums.
  18. Live Free or Battlenuts

    Amalgamated EHME vs. Battlenuts

    Is that really too much to ask for? Thank you Brody. Although I'm pretty sure I've never done anything to the people of Maine to deserve that.
  19. Live Free or Battlenuts

    Amalgamated EHME vs. Battlenuts

    Don't worry we'll edit out the strings you're dangling from in post'. I'm sure we can tell people your hands are limp because you're gay. Seriously, at this point just go browse some other forums, find something clever, and then post it here as your own. I won't tell anyone.
  20. Live Free or Battlenuts

    Amalgamated EHME vs. Battlenuts

    Yeah, wasn't clever or funny the first 12 times, still isn't. But you go right ahead and just keep giving these shining examples of what happens when you give some little, white trash retard a computer. I'll be here holding the sign. And is drunk some kind of retard slang for "kissing the ass of anyone I can"? There's crabs on the balls of gay men out there that have hopped from nutsac to nutsac less than you have in the last few days.
  21. Live Free or Battlenuts

    Amalgamated EHME vs. Battlenuts

    Oh and now he has no spine. Just a triple threat of pathetic. Go read some posts about how "this forum is dead, everyone go to the new one" by your dumbass, and your spamfest from a few nights ago where I made you make a bunch of retarded threads in the WWE forum like the little puppet bitch you are, then come back and tell us how much you love this place. Do yourself a favor and go back to just saying 'fucking faggot' over and over again, at least then you can claim you were just being stupid, rather than prove that fact over and over again here.
  22. Live Free or Battlenuts


    Alright from this moment on... NO ONE SPEAK OF SHANE TURNING IN THE BACKLASH MATCH. If they know we know it's gonna happen, they'll panic and do something stupid instead just to feel smart.
  23. Live Free or Battlenuts

    Amalgamated EHME vs. Battlenuts

    Says the man who keeps coming back to this "shit forum" just to talk to me. I mean, in all seriousness, I've owned toys I've had less control over.
  24. Live Free or Battlenuts

    Fun with Retards

    Seriously EHME, the last time someone was on my dick for this long I had already came on their back and made a sandwich. Oh and that kids not retarded, he's a genius, and enjoys making stoners feel uncomfortable.
  25. Live Free or Battlenuts

    Amalgamated EHME vs. Battlenuts

    Do you need a dictionary? I'm a man. You said your mom "don't get homo with ny'ers". That would mean your mom is a man. If she is, she has a very loose asshole, which I previously had mistaken for a giant gaping vagina, just like you. I'm guessing it's hereditary or the result of some family reunion games you all like to play. Seriously when you're trying to score points by quoting Matt Young, just go take a bath with the toaster so there's no chance of you breeding. I mean to be a pasty, wannabe, little bitch is one thing, but to be a complete and total fucking idiot, I mean surely that qualifies as a disability right? Look into that.