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Live Free or Battlenuts

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Everything posted by Live Free or Battlenuts

  1. Live Free or Battlenuts

    To all of those who deserted this site

  2. Live Free or Battlenuts

    Monday Night Raw 7/27/09

    I thought they made both guys look good in the Carlito/Henry match. I definitely wasn't expecting that much offense for Carlito considering the mini-push of Henry lately.
  3. Live Free or Battlenuts

    Monday Night Raw 7/27/09

    Michael Cole said "boom shaq-a-lacka". So all in all this night was a win.
  4. Live Free or Battlenuts

    Major League Baseball Discussion

    The first place New York Yankees currently lead the not first place Tampa Bay Rays 5-1. The also not first place Red Sox are leading the Pathletics 6-2 in hopes of still being 2.5 games behind the first place New York Yankees.
  5. Live Free or Battlenuts

    Monday Night Raw 7/27/09

    Shaq really likes the mic.
  6. Live Free or Battlenuts

    Rock me Dr. Zaius

    I bet you're googling yourself right now.
  7. Live Free or Battlenuts

    Rock me Dr. Zaius

  8. Live Free or Battlenuts

    Rock me Dr. Zaius

    Damn I love titties. Anyway, my name starts with a J. There ya go. Mystery solved. It's John. John Fuktyamuda. Twice. Toasted Lager wins. We were always playing for second.
  9. Live Free or Battlenuts

    Rock me Dr. Zaius

    In the same way I'm pleased the grass is green. Tricking idiots might seem impressive to you, but it's not.
  10. Live Free or Battlenuts

    Rock me Dr. Zaius

    I love how you say that without any idea who I am. If that doesn't scream retard I don't know what does.
  11. Live Free or Battlenuts

    Rock me Dr. Zaius

    Why does this thread suddenly smell like a raped asshole and desperation?
  12. Live Free or Battlenuts

    Rock me Dr. Zaius

    Can't even finish a sentence without being wrong. Not being a dick? More like not speaking. Agree and your in, disagree once and you're Battlenuts. Befriend? See that's the problem, you guys actually think the best discussion forum is one filled with nothing but friends. I'm not friends with anyone on that forum, or this one. There's people I'll kindly be civil with, but if we haven't shared a beer or fucked the same woman we're not friends. Sorry, but I was invited. It is, 95% of them suck at life, the other 5 are easy to find. Me using a shit factory for news has nothing to do with the majority of you being elitist faggots who prefer circle jerks to intelligent, diverse discussion. Follow who? I was invited. How could I pass up on the irony of them inviting me to a board designed to keep people like me out? Precious Roy? That was either one hell of a swing and miss or you're just going for some kind of irrelevance award. You're not all faggots, just the one's like you who can't seem to get off dick, it's not my fault you make up the majority of therealmeatswap. Faggot's not a word choice that's the appropriate description. I'm an open book, you just need to be able to read above a 3rd grade level. Thanks. it's not easy having so many people on my dick.
  13. Live Free or Battlenuts

    Rock me Dr. Zaius

    Yet you can't show me in anyway how any of those quotes contradict what I've said. Hmmm.... I've said I'm there from the start, you just can't seem to understand that has nothing to do with you guys being elitist faggots. Keep trying though, you're almost cute when you think you're winning.
  14. Live Free or Battlenuts

    Rock me Dr. Zaius

    I'm sorry I must of mistaken you with someone who can back up the shit they say. My bad.
  15. Live Free or Battlenuts

    Rock me Dr. Zaius

    That many posts for a blow up doll joke? WOW. Please explain the relevance of anything you just posted. I'd love to hear it. And I'm glad you didn't know I existed, if this thread is any indication you'd have three times as many posts and they'd be just as useless.
  16. Live Free or Battlenuts

    Rock me Dr. Zaius

    Are you really that much of a fucking idiot King? I'm starting to just be surprised by it. I've been using that name for 2 years over here. The entire point of having two names was to point out that despite being the same person, one is loved for being a kiss ass and the other is hated for actually speaking up. It's a wonderful way to figure out who's full of shit, and amazingly you all are. The beauty was, you guys are so fucking dumb you went and invited me to the new forum. How could I pass up an opportunity to further point out what dick riding bitches you all are? And I say bulk because some of you still give me news. I can't be mad at anybody who brings me news. If you started bringing me news I'd stop calling you a faggot. You'd still be a faggot, but I'd stop pointing it out. Oh it's been a beautiful 5 minutes....
  17. Live Free or Battlenuts

    Rock me Dr. Zaius

    I post there too you fucking moron the whole point is being smart enough to use you fucks for the few people who post anything of worth doesn't make us elitist faggots like the bulk of you. It also doesn't suddenly relieve us of the right to point out you're elitist faggots whenever we so please. He's right, I'm right, you just can't seem to reconcile wanting to not be an elitist faggot with the need to defend said elitist faggots. It's fun to watch but that inner conflict is seriously hurting your posting.
  18. Live Free or Battlenuts

    Rock me Dr. Zaius

    You're getting warmer. And I say that because you've gone from faggot to flamer, not because you're close. Who ya got on that upcoming Hendo/Franklin rematch?
  19. Live Free or Battlenuts

    WWE Superstars

    I don't mind Bourne going over he's the best thing on a WWE undercard in years, Less generic matches against big guys he's more than likely going to lose against is def a good thing too. And wow is this the first superstars not featuring hornswoggle ever? It seems like he has a match on this show every week.
  20. Live Free or Battlenuts

    Rock me Dr. Zaius

    No I'm secretly King Cucaracha. I get paid by the shitty post, and I'm a fucking billionaire.
  21. Live Free or Battlenuts

    Rock me Dr. Zaius

  22. Live Free or Battlenuts

    Rock me Dr. Zaius

    The only way this thread could be shittier is if..... if.... um no I guess it's about as big of a piece of shit as you'll see on the internet. That board's full of elitist fagoots, try debating it again so I can laugh if you must, but considering the people who run the forum have openly called it such, and anyone with eyes can see it is... you'd end up being a dumb faggot. Stick to one shitty attribute at a time.
  23. Live Free or Battlenuts

    WWE Superstars

    Either one of those is going to be fun. Just give them at least 8 mins.
  24. Live Free or Battlenuts

    WWE General Discussion - July 2009

    Jeremy Piven hosts Raw Aug 3. That's gonna be.... odd. This guest thing seems to be working pretty well for the WWE though.
  25. Live Free or Battlenuts

    That would be biting you giant fag.

    Yeah I generally try not to think about my eventual bowel movements while eating, but this time I would of been better off if I did.