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Live Free or Battlenuts

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Everything posted by Live Free or Battlenuts

  1. Live Free or Battlenuts

    NBA Offseason chatter

    You're generally not allowed to call posters names. You know, actual people. Cartoon characters are free game. And wait I thought you just said you posted that as a joke because of the way the thread was going? Is the game plan really jump from whatever point you think you can currently make? If so, get a new game plan, you're 0-234233232. Spurs, Hornets and Trail Blazers all had chances, the one thing the Jazz didn't. And I don't remember calling for them all to sweep either. I was wrong, I'll admit it. Unlike a BITCH I didn't disappear when I was wrong, I didn't make a point of showing back up whenever one of those teams won a game to throw out some bullshit reasons for why they did. Of course, what relevance does that have to you being as wrong as wrong gets when it comes to the Lakers? NONE. You don't know anything about basketball. You're posting just for attention. Those two reasons are clear evidence of you being a dumb, little, white, bitch of a girl. Scratch that, I don't wanna offend any women who actually do get basketball by comparing them to someone as useless as you. So yes, to recap, you're unintelligent, you have no spine or any form of ballsack one could attribute to a male, and you know absolutely JACK SHIT about basketball. Dumb little white girl kind of does some it up nicely now that I think about it....
  2. Live Free or Battlenuts

    NBA Offseason chatter

    Let me spell this out clearly. I'm not posting over and over again in this thread because I like talking to you. I'm doing it for any poor kid who stumbles upon this thread and wonders why someone would pick the Jazz over the Lakers in 4. The reason is because that person is a fucking moron, and I'll take up the task of making sure that reason is known. That's why you've diverted the discussion from anything that actually relates to basketball, to points you quickly back off of to some dumbshit version of self congratulations over someone calling you a dumbshit, because you just don't understand it. You've got as much insight into what happens on that court as a dumb little white girl. Which of course brings us full circle to you surely being a rape victim. But go ahead and take this even farther from basketball, I'll be here laughing at my new little bitch named Kobe's White Friend.
  3. Live Free or Battlenuts

    NBA Offseason chatter

    Check the list of administrators, see which ones have a brain and then figure it out form there. His news wasn't in response to someone saying he knew nothing about basketball and it wasn't followed by a statement SHOWING it was brought up just to try and show he knew something about basketball. If that wasn't what it was about, why follow it with what you said? Being an idiot who knows dick all about basketball is enough, don't add a false sense of grandeur to it.
  4. Live Free or Battlenuts

    NBA Offseason chatter

    Insulting if you believe the shit that comes out of your mouth. Fact to anyone with eyes and a basic understanding of basketball. I had nothing to do with changing your name, that was done by someone else on there own because they could tell you were nothing but a cartoon who knows fuck all about basketball too. Drop this "according to you" bullshit, because ACCORDING TO YOU the Lakers shouldn't even be in the playoffs anymore. Posting some shit about 2nd and 3rd team selections to show you know something about basketball after making asinine predictions that have turned out to be constantly wrong, is called desperation. So what, then you'd be a little less of an idiot? I don't think it works that way. You were wrong. For obvious reasons. Even when those reasons were blatantly obvious, you decided to use those reasons again for the next series. Reasons that don't have any relevance to what's actually happened. Go check the dictionary and tell me if there's a name to call that other than idiotic, and I gladly will.
  5. Live Free or Battlenuts

    NBA Offseason chatter

    Do you really think calling me insulting you "praise" is doing anything other than making my point? Holy shit, you know who good players are. Excuse me while I somehow figure out what that has to do with you being wrong on 99% of your predictions so far. Didn't take long. Turns out, nothing. People who know something about basketball don't make stupid predictions like an 8 seed sweeping a 1 seed.
  6. Live Free or Battlenuts

    I walk a lonely road

    Why am I suddenly hoping it's a road with a lot of traffic located between two stretches of nothing but bars and strip clubs?
  7. Live Free or Battlenuts

    NBA Offseason chatter

    Wow, somebody sure got excited at hearing the word shrine mentioned near their name for the first time. Don't make it entirely seem like you're just looking for attention this late in the game. I mean think of all the time you spent trying to pretend like you know basketball when you could of just brought a gun to school or something.... what a shame. Seriously though, thanks for finally admitting it. At least I can picture some attention hungry, dumb kid now rather than the slightly despressing, misguided, rape victim I was stuck on.
  8. Live Free or Battlenuts

    NBA Offseason chatter

    And if one game in the playoffs meant jack shit at all, the Jazz would still be playing. Even great teams show up unprepared and get exposed. They'll always end up coming right back though. They DIDN'T BLOW ANY LEADS. Blowing a lead means you lose. Every game they won was by at least 10. Somehow trying to relate a team not putting forth the same effort late in the game when they're up by fucking 20, and end up winning by 10, to them being a bad team is idiotic. Okur made no difference whatsoever, but adding the excuse at the end does actually give me hope not even you believe the dumb shit you keep saying. You can keep telling me how they won a game YOU said they were gonna lose, but it really doesn't matter. The bottom line is they showed up unprepared for Houston being so quick and it showed. The only reason they got easy three's was because the only adjustment the Lakers made was trying to get in Brook's way while leaving the entire perimeter unguarded. Losing Yao didn't hurt, it help them for that game. It was in no way indicative of how this series will go. If you had a any game to make a point out of it's game 1, but you don't even have the common sense to mention the one time Houston looked to have at least a shot at taking the series. He was having a bad series, and he came out with something to prove last night and the result of just ONE guy playing harder than he has all series was a 40 point difference. The only edge Yao had over Gasol was in inches, and considering how much better LA is regardless, it was irrelevant. If you were somehow simultaneously sitting on BOTH benches during every game it still wouldn't overcome the fact that you simple don't understand basketball. All the stats and inside info in the world is useless unless you understand the game in the first place. You either don't or can't do to some hatred for Kobe and the Lakers. WOW. You picked Cleveland over Atlanta. You officially know as much about basketball as anyone above the age of 4 with working eyes and ears. Just fucking own what you are. You come here to spout crap after every Laker loss, and vanish after every win until you get called out on it. Be the complete joke you are. You hate Kobe and/or the Lakers, you want to see them lose, and you think if you just somehow logically explain it, despite it being based on the exact opposite reasoning as logic, people will take you seriously. No one is. No one will ever take a guy making outrageous predictions seriously when he's nowhere to be found when they're confirmed to be as dumb as they sounded. No one's gonna buy a guy holding on to the same disproved points to make new predictions. You don't know shit about basketball, and the more you post the more this thread becomes a shrine to that fact.
  9. Live Free or Battlenuts

    House Season 5

    Yeah I had to watch just to see what was happening, and as someone who's casually followed the show when they can since the beginning, I've never felt so confused. I'm gonna have to pick up DVD's or start DVRing some old episodes on USA because I must of missed a lot.
  10. Live Free or Battlenuts

    NBA Offseason chatter

    THEY BEAT THE ROCKETS BY 40. That's not barely getting by. They beat the Jazz by an average of 10+. That's not barely getting by. This is the kind of lunacy that makes it impossible to accept that you know anything about basketball. Houston won game 4 because they ran up and down the floor and Aaron Brooks was dropping anything he wanted to within 5 feet of the rim. It didn't have anything to do with "not quitting", it had everything to do with one guy having his way and LA just not being prepared. They had no chance with Yao because even though he's a presence he's totally negated by Bynum and Gasol. Without him they still have no chance because all they can rely on is speed and toughness, two things LA has more of then they do. The only line of thought that can be attributed to the dumb shit you say is a hatred for Kobe and the Lakers. Saying they aren't as good as people say they are is one thing, trying to back that up with nothing but bullshit and points that illustrate nothing but your inability to understand basketball is why no one buys it. You have some personal thing against LA and/or Kobe and it has nothing to do with basketball, because you clearly don't understand basketball. If you did you would actually of been right at some point during the playoffs. Even when you pick the right team you do it for the wrong reasons. You. Are. A. Joke.
  11. Live Free or Battlenuts

    NBA Offseason chatter

    After Houston beats LA. Then after LA beats Houston... Houston won the next game. If Karc is saying the Magic are done, I can only assume they take the next two to win the series.
  12. Live Free or Battlenuts

    NBA Offseason chatter

    Yup, announced today.
  13. Live Free or Battlenuts

    Leena's Victory Celebration.

    You know who the real losers in all of this are... Sam Jackson, Picard, and numerous fat and retarded kids.
  14. Live Free or Battlenuts

    NBA Offseason chatter

    Hasn't been announced yet. I couldn't find a date but I imagine it's soon.
  15. Live Free or Battlenuts

    NBA Offseason chatter

    Even when you pick the right team you couldn't be more wrong. No Yao means they run better and LA has to pick up the speed. They didn't, they lost. Rockets were 3-2 without him this year and 19-8 without him last year. As much as a presence as Yao can be the rest of that team has no problem adjusting to a quicker game. You didn't say "the lakers aren't as good as everyone thinks", you were actually trying to say they were gonna get swept by an 8 seed. They didn't, and you were nowhere to be found after every Laker win. No one's buying the story of the one nut job who thinks the Lakers are bad enough to get swept by the Jazz conveniently having to work whenever the Lakers win and not having to work at all when they don't. You're a joke.
  16. Live Free or Battlenuts

    Art Sandusky

    http://forums.thesmartmarks.com/index.php?...t&p=2884809 http://forums.thesmartmarks.com/index.php?...t&p=2884810 That's a pretty low bar for 'legend', which actually does make a lot of sense....
  17. Live Free or Battlenuts

    Art Sandusky

    If it's possible, can you make your posts shorter, and even more useless?
  18. Live Free or Battlenuts

    NBA Offseason chatter

    If your job is to write excuses for the Lakers winning, I guess that makes sense. You know Karc, if you were able to actually put forth a thought-out opinion rather than some kobe-bias based lunacy that you can only back up with excuse after excuse, or actually came around after a Laker win and not just only after they lose, we would take you seriously enough to not treat you like a cartoon character. As it stands now you've earned the cartoon character name to go with the cartoon character posts.
  19. Live Free or Battlenuts

    WWE General Discussion - May 2009

    The pile-driver is and forever will be one of if not the most recognized pro wrestling move out there. It's one move the WWE crowd will always buy, and someone could desperately use it. In a universe where people can't kick out of two knees to the back I can't buy the argument that the piledriver wouldn't get over. It's the most time-tested move in wrestling, and the fans would eat it up a thousand times faster than they would eat up spinning neck breaker variation #53973493.
  20. Live Free or Battlenuts

    MLB Thread

    And yet if they get timely hitting they could be 17-10 or better. Plus you can't exactly get on Tex for that game when he drove in the only runs we scored. Expecting him to single-handedly win games for us is a little ridiculous even for a $180mil player. It's the same problem as last year, not enough fight, not getting those hits when they really count. We really need to stop getting so worked up by a shitty strike zone too. If you told anyone the Yankees would be at .500 without A-Rod, and all three of the big free agents having poor starts going into May, they'd think you were crazy. Once we get more consistency from the rotation and the bullpen doesn't have to worry about trying to win games, everything will fall in place with it. April's over, yeah, but it's not exactly time to be slamming down on that panic button.
  21. Live Free or Battlenuts

    NBA Offseason chatter

    Hahahaha, are you seriously just not going to exist when it's time to own up to not knowing anything about basketball? You said Jazz would sweep, you couldn't of been more wrong. If you're comparing Houston to the Jazz, only healthier, I guess it's a wrap then. Lakers take the next 4. Health didn't have shit to do with Utah going down in 5, it was the fact that the Lakers are a better team. That one fact you constantly seem to overlook. I almost hope the Rockets pull another one out of their ass just so you hang around and share more lunacy.
  22. Live Free or Battlenuts

    Vince wants a Wednesday Night show

    If Superstars worked, why not? His fanbase is loyal enough to make it work, I think another wrestling show may end up being overkill for anyone following the product entirely, but people picking and choosing a night to follow aren't gonna be put off by another choice.
  23. Live Free or Battlenuts

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    My lucky little fuck of a brother got 200 back on his 4 dollar bet while I watched 4 different bets go up in flames. Bastard.
  24. Live Free or Battlenuts

    100 Posts of Solitude

    Yeah, got to spend some time with my niece, she does this weird thing where she breathes really hard and then waits for you to do it, and when you do she cracks up laughing. Strange, but cute. She reminds me of curly sue but younger. Made up for the Yankee's getting shelled. How have you been this weekend?
  25. Live Free or Battlenuts

    100 Posts of Solitude

    Damn, I actually had hopes for you King. What a shame. Because for a month everyone who left this dead forum has made it a point at some time or another to come back and talk about how dead it is. I've stopped talking about it every time you dipshits stop bringing it up.