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Live Free or Battlenuts

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Everything posted by Live Free or Battlenuts

  1. Live Free or Battlenuts

    100 Posts of Solitude

    Yeah that would be because those people come here to bring it up. The point was I'm nothing but a troll, I pointed out I can discuss things more than politely when people don't go past the point of intelligent discussion and get into name calling themselves. I used one word incorrectly and you seem to think that negates the original point. It doesn't. It actually makes my point for me. I was perfectly nice to a man saying something stupid even when he started attacking me right off the bat. I'd have to feel victimized to have a persecution complex. You can't be victimized by idiots with useless words, so it really doesn't fit. This is a discussion forum, people keep bringing up the discussion of how an elitist treehouse isn't elitist. Hard not to discuss something that idiotic without using the word idiot. Right. Don't go destroying the only credibility you brought to the table. No I hold out hope from the beginning, you guys just can't end up at anywhere but idiot it seems. I've yet to make a worst poster tournament in hopes of you getting someone banned or gone crying to a mod to get rid of you guys because I don't like you. See I like to deal with idiots by putting an idiot sign on them. It's like a warning label. You guys went with over-reacting and lynch mob techniques, because you weren't able to form the thought needed for simple warning labels, especially with people like Leena who came with a point regardless of whatever their intent was. That's why rather than addressing any point with real intelligence, you fall back on the part where I call you an idiot, and do silly things like celebrate me being wrong in my use of one word that wasn't merely irrelevant to the original point being discussed, but actually the counter example to what you were saying in the first place..
  2. Live Free or Battlenuts

    100 Posts of Solitude

    That's only a problem if the board is full of self-important assholes who rather than ignore the idiot, have to use him as a means to make them feel better about themselves. Idiots are as big of a problem as they're made out to be, you guys made it pretty obvious with Leena and Marvin that you have no idea how to handle people like that. Yeah only for that to make any sense you have to forget the entire purpose of a discussion forum. You're right, I did call people names elsewhere. So now that you've disproved one sentence that wasn't even relevant to the initial point, tell me how Scroby didn't go past the point of intelligently discussing something? Show me the point where I, entirely unprovoked, started attacking him personally rather than explaining my point. He couldn't explain anything and fell back on "you don't know anything about wrestling" and sarcastically calling me a genius, in his first fucking post. Are you seriously gonna try and use this as the example? I did respect the argument, and didn't discuss anything but, until he got to the point of not acknowledging my points and calling me stupid. Then I just showed him how it's done. Seriously King, don't use the Scroby thing. He came at me first, and I made an attempt to steer it away from personal insults. It really is just a shit example for your point.
  3. Live Free or Battlenuts

    100 Posts of Solitude

    You can't compare a bar to a discussion forum. Bars sell things, they need to make money from over-priced drinks to stay afloat. The only thing that keeps a discussion forum afloat is discussion. Elitist is fine, just don't confuse that with actually being elite. And what point did I miss with the Scroby thing? He questioned my intelligence in his first post and continued to do so, I didn't say anything about his parents doing drugs until he got past the point of being able to intelligently discuss something. It was a shit example. You might as well use this thread to make the same point.
  4. Live Free or Battlenuts

    100 Posts of Solitude

    Yeah after he decided to tell me I'm stupid for thinking it's a bad idea to tease someone as a "former world champion" when they are retired. Damn I figured you'd jump on the Karc thing before that. Now I'm just giving you guys too much credit.
  5. Live Free or Battlenuts

    The 2009 NFL Offseason

    Wow, did someone in Green Bay piss on his shoes while he was leaving? If he plays with Minnesota I don't think Packer fans are gonna be as forgiving as they were with the Jets situation.
  6. Live Free or Battlenuts

    100 Posts of Solitude

    Yeah in a thread where people are saying stupid shit. I meant, you know, like somewhere else Gary. This whole image of me being nothing but a guy who starts shit only works if I'm doing it everywhere, not just to you. Otherwise I'm just a man dealing with a retard.
  7. Live Free or Battlenuts

    100 Posts of Solitude

    Because the success of a discussion forum is entirely contingent on it's diversity. The success of a music club is based on how they price their drinks. By retards and idiots. Where's the loss? Because the thing on my computer screen is a discussion forum, not a fucking club. Are you paying tuition for this place King? Can you really explain how a discussion forum can be equated to a higher learning facility without sounding retarded? This would work if the disruption was doing your job better than everyone else. Of course that's a whole new line of retardation. Discussion forum is a bar in what way!? You can compare it to random shit all you want, if there's no logical connection you have no point. A bar removes people causing shit because people causing shit make people leave a bar, and people leaving a bar can't buy drinks. This place doesn't sell anything. It's a forum for discussion. If people don't like what I say they have the freedom to tell me why or ignore me. There's no ignoring a drunk asshole in a bar. Your analogies suck on like 4 different levels.
  8. Live Free or Battlenuts

    100 Posts of Solitude

    I haven't called anyone a name they didn't earn. The arguing you speak of is discussion, the only reason words like 'idiot' and 'moron' have come into play, is because you are acting like an idiot and moron in lieu of presenting reason or logic. The part about proving a point is hilarious because you've yet to establish a point. Show me my constant arguing and maybe I'll agree. Problem is, I've discussed tons of things, topics I find myself agreeing with the majority on, and I've done it without calling anyone a name. Wanna know why? Because they didn't act like a fucking idiot, and I had no reason to call them a fucking idiot. Anyone trying to say an elitist forum called elitist by the people who run it, isn't elitist, is a fucking idiot, and I'm gonna let them know it. Me following you around and calling you a dipshit regardless of what you say would be trolling. Me calling you a dipshit because of you being a dipshit in one thread isn't trolling. That's called acknowledging the obvious. Unfounded accusations? THE PEOPLE RUNNING THE SITE HAVE ADMITTED IT. This is where I end up calling you a fucking idiot. If you want to discuss it, that's awesome, but to do that properly you have to acknowledge when something isn't just obvious, but accepted as truth by the accused. Considering the general problem is "not wanting people different from us here" I think xenophobia is a more than fitting. Then show me, give me examples, facts, show me the closed off forum that's thriving. Show me where discussion is at it's best when limited to a specific view point. Show me the definition of discussion that implies it isn't at it's best when broadly represented. Give me anything other than you saying I'm wrong, and maybe I'll believe it. So far you've given me nothing more than idiocy. Which brings us back to me calling you a fucking idiot. That's because facts don't change, and you can't seem to concede points that the people you're defending have abandoned. If I get into an argument about the color of the sky, I'm gonna keep saying blue over and over again. No Gary, this isn't some "deep down you know it" personal issue of mine. This is you being too much of a fucking tool to actually discuss and debate something. You won't get into why a discussion forum needs to be diverse or what makes discussion thrive, you just want to get into me being a troll. Why? Because you're stupid as dirt. All over this forum is me gently discussing everything from baseball to MMA to TNA and more, and nowhere did I have to call anyone an idiot. Why? Because they weren't being an idiot. But go ahead Gary, tell me how I'm wrong again without giving me any examples or actually addressing the points I've made. There's plenty of people who have trouble with english just like you, and who knows, they might look at this and see you coming out on top.
  9. Live Free or Battlenuts

    100 Posts of Solitude

    The point was I don't like the music not being diverse and I cause shit over it. Music is art, discussion is a literary exchange of ideas. You tried to equate the situation to another situation that was entirely different. It was a really piss poor analogy. But if I'm wrong, you can just go ahead and say I am without explaining it. Then we'd really have a streak going.
  10. Live Free or Battlenuts

    100 Posts of Solitude

    Because you haven't proven me wrong. I thought that was obvious. Discussion needs to be as diverse as possible to be at it's best. You can continue to deny that all you want, but it's a FACT. Denying a fact is the reason I'm calling you a fucking idiot. I feel like we're getting somewhere, you big, fucking idiot, you.
  11. Live Free or Battlenuts

    100 Posts of Solitude

    Music is art and up to interpretation, you guys are, by the definition of the word, elitist. Seriously King, equating the forum being elitist to me not liking a song? You can bring better sauce than that.
  12. Live Free or Battlenuts

    100 Posts of Solitude

    IF YOU MAKE STUPID WORDS BIG THEY JUST BECOME BIG STUPID WORDS!!!!1 You just described the blue-print to a fucking club. Not a discussion forum. Discussion is dependent on it's diversity, meaning the more opinions represented, the better and longer the discussion. If you want a place for nothing but people of similar tastes, you want a fucking club. But what really gets me is you going on about how you guys aren't elitist and then damn near giving us the fucking definition for the word in your explanation. I'd suggest you go pick up a dictionary, but at this point I'm afraid you might mistakenly pick up someone's cat and start licking it.
  13. Live Free or Battlenuts

    MLB Thread

    Yeah I'd buy that but it wasn't the hardest ball to read. You're down by one with nobody out and Cano's getting everything to drop in the right places, if it was a little higher ok, but he should of been able to tell it was dropping in.
  14. Live Free or Battlenuts

    100 Posts of Solitude

    It's hard to when I can always count on you to read it. I love periods so much I just do all I can to make you post. It's easier than collecting used tampons.
  15. Live Free or Battlenuts

    MLB Thread

    How fitting it was Posada. I almost punched my TV when Tex didn't come around on Cano's single, but knowing Jorge was coming up made it easier. If he ran for mayor of new york tomorrow on a platform of legalizing rape I'd vote for him.
  16. Live Free or Battlenuts

    100 Posts of Solitude

    No I didn't miss the point Gary, I directly addressed your point. That's why I quoted it, repeated it to show I got it, and then refuted it. And wonderful, I'd be banned anywhere else. Even the 2 other forums I post at, one in particular where I call the owner every name I've ever felt like and we're still buddies. Why? Because he's not a bitch, and he knows the only way to have good discussion is to have as many different opinions represented as possible. Even the opinion that he's a dumbass. But you're right, I'm just a flaming troll who doesn't know anything. Try not to cry when you realize that a flaming troll who knows nothing was able to point out that you're a fucking moron. I know I would....
  17. Live Free or Battlenuts

    NBA Offseason chatter

    Heat look like they're winning game 6. Something tells me the Hawks take game 7 by 10+ despite Wade going for 40+.
  18. Live Free or Battlenuts

    MLB Thread

    Got a battle in the bronx going. We were up 4-0 after a quick 4 in the first until the 6th, when Petitte couldn't hide the fact that he was having a bad game any more and gave up 6. 3 more in the next inning and we're suddenly down 9-4 after leading most of the game. But after a couple of singles with the bases loaded and a rbi out by Jeter it's 9-8 heading to the ninth. If we hold them in the top we got the heart of the order coming up. I'm feeling optimistic.
  19. Live Free or Battlenuts

    WWE General Discussion - April 2009

    They aim for a younger audience and you get more young teens on a sunday night. Boxing and MMA rely on older audiences who are more likely to have parties around events.
  20. Live Free or Battlenuts

    WWE SmackDown!: The OaO thread for May 1!

    Really solid show, the end had to be a little confusing for the live crowd though. One of those shows where everything had something redeeming, even that dumb dance segment had Layla in daisy dukes. Shelton/Morrison was short but good, I'd like to see them trade wins leading to a PPV match. The four way was just an awesome match, it's because of matches like that people watch. Just simple, effective, fun wrestling with some good name guys. Punk/Umaga could be good, if they let them do most of the feud in the ring both guys would benefit. They're two workers who do a good job of making their opponent look credible and that always makes for good TV. Definitely looking promising for Smackdown, has that 02-03 vibe to it almost, mostly the younger guys getting themselves over with a little help from some vets, and with a better emphasis on wrestling.
  21. Live Free or Battlenuts

    100 Posts of Solitude

    Saying you're not elitist and then describing something elitist you guys do isn't hypocrisy? I'll admit, it's stupid too, but hypocrisy seems like the most obvious answer. No, no, no, constant interacting with idiots who want to add nothing but "this place is dead". This place is better because regardless of whatever traffic was lost, it came with the loss of elitist, self-important and usually horrible posters. A board with room for good posters is always better than one filled with shit that has no hope of going anywhere. I've said that over and over and all I've heard back is "you iz a flame troll". If I'm to blame for anything it's expecting stupid people to be able to recognize intelligence. My bad on that one. Hey Gary Floyd, welcome to NHB, you're a fucking moron. Excuse me while I roll up a pack of smokes in my sleeve and go fuck your girlfriend. No I got the point. You guys aren't elitist even though half of you admit you are and the other half deny it while acknowledging many of the reasons you're called it in the first place. This place is worse off because there's no traffic, even though that traffic was mostly a group of elitist BUTT-buddies and everyone who was hanging from their short and curlies, the same group that was slowly killing the traffic of this board. I got every point that's been presented, my problem is when I actually try to debate points and spell everything out for you guys, you just fall back on the same tired shit that might as well be from the circle jerk handbook. You guys don't let in people who aren't popular with established posters. But it's not an elitist tree house. Got it. We're in bizarro world. And now you know the draw backs of cloning. There's a reason it stopped with sheep. Because I disagree with you guys on a number of things and have said so. That's why you guys like my other name that has agreed with everything and become "one of the boys". I have the scientific evidence you guys will find whoever agrees with you "popular". It's an unfortunate necessity that ended up being a wonderful example of what makes you guys truly suck like no one else can. It's called reason and logic but I'm starting to see where you got so lost. Don't have to think about it, I get reminded every day. So thanks for that. Haven't felt so complimented since my mom told me I was special.... Because this is a discussion forum made for people to discuss things with other people. I thought even you could of figured that out. Pull shit=disagree with you. The only difference between me and bitches like EHME is I won't abandon logic when it becomes unpopular. That and I don't suffer from any crack related birth defects. I think the last thing I want a bunch of elitist, dipshits to find me is "tolerable". I'm pretty sure I've been going for the exact opposite. No, but I'm pretty sure me having brain damage is the only way it would. So I'm calling it a win. I'm assuming an "in" got lost in your rage while typing that. I think only a fucking idiot would come to realize that, considering you have to be a fucking idiot to think a discussion board is a place for only people you like in the first place. For fun I'm gonna say no and let you tell me. This should be fun. How to board properly!? Let me make this simple for you. I think you and people like you are completely fucking losers. The fact that you use terms like 'board properly' is the exact reason I think you are a fucking loser. Somewhere along the line you stopped thinking this was a place for discussion, or stopped thinking discussion has and always will be at it's best when the point of views represented are as diverse as possible. That's why I'm gonna keep calling you fucking idiots. That's why I'm gonna keep calling you fucking losers. Not because I hope it makes you cry, but because they're the most fitting words in the english language I can think of to describe you. Hope that clears everything up, if not, I'll start drawing pictures.
  22. Live Free or Battlenuts

    NBA Offseason chatter

    Sweet biblical vagina this series is ridiculous. 118-118 after another Allen 3 with 7 seconds left in 2OT. Scratch that, 3OT. Holy herpes.
  23. Live Free or Battlenuts

    Tupac Shakur is ALIVE!

    Ok well the realness of these cellphone pics from a club isn't in question. The question is, is this guy Tupac or not? I'd like to believe it is just so I can feel like I didn't waste all that time listening to those conspiracy theories. Maybe he got deserted on some story-inspiring Island and after experiencing monsters, ancient cultures and time travel, he some how washed up on a beach in Lousiana. He's been laying low colecting royalty checks on the story he sold from his experience, waiting to make a cameo in the last episode ever. That's right, LOST is all about Tupac's resurrection. You heard it hear first.
  24. Live Free or Battlenuts


    A girl named Renee. In 1st grade, I gave her a daisy and she said it probably had cooties. At a party in highschool, we talked about it, and ended up hooking up. She didn't mind the cooties that night. She had an issue with the herpes, but there was no mention of cooties. I hear she's doing theater somewhere.
  25. Live Free or Battlenuts


    Don Rickles, Bill Cosby, Batman, Eugene Levy, Megatron and Fernando Venezuela.