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Everything posted by Jericholic82

  1. Jericholic82

    Favorite ECW Moments

    Douglas grabs Pitbull 1 by the neck halo and shakes him around. I was still somewhat of a mark a tthe time so that shocked the hell otu of me, even the ECW fans fell silent.
  2. Jericholic82

    What is your WWE match of the 3/4 year?

    The Edge-Benoit-HHH 3 way was not from this year. It was from the last raw of november 2004 IIRC, but certainly not this year. I havent seen all of the wwe ppvs this year (only seen Rumble,Mania, GAB, and Summerslam) so from what I have seen, my favorite match of this year is probably Angle-HBK I, although I liked The Rumble match itself a lot this year. Honorable mention to Randy Orton vs Christian from RAW, surprised no one mentioned this one. One of the best matches I have seen from Orton. It was exciting and a bit dramatic and had a cool finish. also any of the London-Akio matches from this year, specifically the one from Velocity in Japan
  3. Jericholic82

    WWE Season four fantasy

    Oh crap I should have joined the league . reason why I didnt is...well I thought I could do better on my own I guess and didnt really understand the concept of the league. what happens if you win the TSM league? Bragging Rights? Ill join next season.
  4. Jericholic82

    WWE Season four fantasy

    heres how I did last night Big Show-20 Candice-3 Carlito-6 Masters-5 (OUCH) Cena-37 Angle-24 Cade-15 Murdoch-15 Matt Hardy-8 Grand Total for RAW so far-133 points Ranked-199 DAMNIT TO HELL BAH GAWD!!!!! Turns out I shouldhave picked edge, cuz even if matt does win the cage match edge will still wind up with more points for the week, unless matt delivers a bunch of foregin object shots on sunday which is possible
  5. Jericholic82

    OAO Raw thread - 09/12/05

    Haha - that's brilliant. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I concur, though with much personal disgust with myself
  6. Jericholic82

    Smackdown VS Raw 2006

    Well its easy to change the music and videos, but I suppose it would be hard for them to animate the new conway with new hair and attire. Plus the vocieovers have been done already (lillians annoucements for example) One thing, in that entrance, Lillian sounded really ehtused and much like she does on TV Is it just me or does Conway have a really generic entrance? That doesn't even look like his La Rez entrance,. But I must admit , the face is dead on oh well at least we got to hear his new song clearly "Unlike you, I've ben around the world, and unlike you I've been with many girls" LMAO
  7. Jericholic82


    Ok, I was just trying to keep this bumped. Take care of school first.
  8. Jericholic82

    The War At Home...

  9. Jericholic82

    Another Tough Enough Winner Released

    am I the only one who thinks MNM isn't really enteratining Not in ring (they ahve good teamwork and heel charsima) , but the gimmick is stupid (it would work if it was revealed that they hire the phtogrpahers to take pics of them), the attention is put on their manager at all times. as well as playing second-fiddle to a "mole". The booking with LOD notwithstanding. And most of all they have little to no heat (Melina is the only one to get any reaction. To parahrase Mick Foley (while talking about WCWS booking team), WWE creative could screw up a wet dream.
  10. Jericholic82

    Family Guy Switched

    South park is indeed going into syndciation, I have seen commercials for it on my local channel 9 (KCAL LA), infact it may have started already.
  11. Jericholic82

    WWE Having Disputes with MSG Management

    I dont know why that place kinda sucks (well maybe to me cuz It took us 2 hours to get there for a raw last year) and is rather small in person. I like staples better for some reason. floor seats are more comfortable Ive come to find at any arena I have been to but the first wrestling show I ever went to was an MSG houseshow 11/30/91 so that place holds a special feeling for me (well that and it is in my hometown area of NYC) despite me not being at a show there since 1992 wwe still holds some househows at the Westchester County Center in White Plains, NY so thats cool Its a fun place IIRC actually there going to tape smackdown on suday october 30 at staples (due to taboo tuesday taking place that week) I'd like to go there if I havent moved by then. Are you planning on going Matt Young? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yeah, I posted about that in "Comments Which Don't Warrant a Thread". If I can geta ride (don't have a car, and I missed the Supershow the night after Vengeance because my ride bailed on me) I am most certainly going to attend the show. Actually, I can take the Metrolink there, it's just getting back home that's the problem. I'll figure something out. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> yea matt I saw that hread after I posted in here. I don't have my license right now (am going to take the test soon actually) so too would need a ride. Usually my dad goes with me but by that date he may not be here (as I said before I am moving back to NY soon and he has to go ahead and get thing set up) If I am still here in october (likely), I may go with my friend or if my neighbors (big fans-I usually go over their house to watch PPVS and such) decide to go maybe I'll tag along. Hopefully all of us TSM members in the LA area can go and have a TSM section at staples lol
  12. Jericholic82

    The War At Home...

    Not to mention a Tony Danza movie. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> at least that movie had the part where tony tried to drive someones car and it turned on and it had hydrauilcs and he got scared
  13. Jericholic82

    Another Tough Enough Winner Released

    and imagine this , that was the highlight of his actual wwe career. The smark in me would like to say Angle got him canned cuz he is scared but NAH <{POST_SNAPBACK}> You would think the highlight of his career would be having a ref bail out world class wrestler that he schooled on the mat. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> but that happened before he won TE so he wasnt an offcial wwe superstar yet.
  14. Jericholic82

    I'm leaving TSM next week

    Good Luck Franchise. Actually I don't know how long I am going to be on here, as I will be moving within the next 2 months and don't knwo how long it will be for me to get net acess and junk. But I guess I'll just post that in here when the time comes. Franchise
  15. Jericholic82

    New FX Comedies-Starved and Philly

    Did you see the Starved episode where the guy got elephantitis from shaving? Or the Its Always Sunny in Philly episode when they were hurting for business and turned the bar gay by accident or the time when they became the hotspot for underage drinking? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> great episodes I agree. and the fat guy going to the s and m place and his fantasy involves yelling at his wife, spanking her, and sending her to the bedroom so he can watch football. classic
  16. I was just wondering if anyone here has been watching the new FX shows- "It's Always Sunny in Philadelhpia" and "Starved". I have watched every episode so far of both and really enjoyed them. I think the reason I like them is cuz they are allowed to use profanity (well apprantly everythign cept for f*ck) and more "adult themes" and come off as more "real" and like an HBO show or something on regular cable. Starved is a bit more surreal dark comedy, but it comes off as funny, informative, sad, and uplifting at different times. Philly is straight comedy for the most part and more like a movie. But its funny, goofy, and sarcastic as well. I like it, maybe not as much as Starved but I still like it. In any event I have enjoyed watching these shows, but this week is the season finales for both. I hope they are picked up for a 2nd season.
  17. Jericholic82

    The War At Home...

    He was good on Boston Public IMO actually I didn't hate the war at home last night. It wasn't great, but it wasn't that bad either. I sorta enjoyed it. But it's forgettable. The best part was The father needing to be defibulated(sorry about the spelling, I am lazy today). It will get canned very soon though. I guess this means this is one of the shows that replaced "Quintuplets" which I enjoyed very much and was shocked actually got a full season last year.
  18. Jericholic82

    Family Guy Switched

    FG was ok last night and AD was awesome (THIS WAS ALL A TEST, ALL THESE PEOPLE ARE ACTORS). I didnt see the full simpsons episode but it was just "there" for me, nothign too inspired. Sad to see, cuz I love the simpsons. and no one mentioned Peter dissapearing into thin air? shocked, that made me LMAO for some reason. "Hey wait a minute, that guy wasn't blind, he saw my gun!"
  19. Jericholic82

    WWF/E Tidbits from the past

    Ric Flair claimed in his book that Brody was offered money to runin at wm 1, so you're probably right. just like the year prior the rumor is (acording to him himself) The Iron Shiek was offered cash by Verne Gagne to break Hogan's leg during their msg match for the title 1/23/84, but he had too much respect for Vince to do it.
  20. Jericholic82

    Another Tough Enough Winner Released

    and imagine this , that was the highlight of his actual wwe career. The smark in me would like to say Angle got him canned cuz he is scared but NAH
  21. Jericholic82

    WWE Season four fantasy

    cade and mursoch are confirmed to have a title shot at unforgiven so cool my team as of now Cena Angle (the possibility of him winning the title has me on the fence here and since its the last week, might as well take a big gamble, hey maybe cena will win the handicap and angle wins the title, then I get some good points) Matt (I would think he would win this one but maybe not due to wwes burial of him? unless a rematch is set for taboo tuesday) Carlito (I belive he will retain the title) Masters(He's getting the win due to his superpush, at least I hope so for fantasy sakes) Big Show (maybe a raw match and I think hes going over at the ppv) cade murdoch MISTERRRRRRR KENEDDDY.........KENNEDY Candice (I had 1 mil left figure shell show up to tortue Ashely once more) so I dumped Shelton, hell likely beat Kerwin and maybe has a match tonight, but its not that many points I just want to finish as high as possible, at 193, Id want to get into the top 100 if possible. current points total for team:IWC 4 Life-2510
  22. Jericholic82

    Tombstone: The History of the Undertaker

    which led To Taker coming out and destorying Lawler during a RAW IIRC.
  23. Jericholic82

    New FX Comedies-Starved and Philly

    I dont regulary watch those shows you mention so I can't compare, but I'll take your word for it. Certainly these shows are at least better then the reality crap and lame shows that are splashed acroos TV these days.
  24. Jericholic82

    What Do You Hate?

    How about when I go to a place, ask for a plain burger and I get asked "do you want cheese on that?" or I have to clarify and say "bun, meat, bun"
  25. Jericholic82

    Fall TV Schedule...

    Ill be watchign House for sure of course. raw on mondays and sd on fridays I do like George Lopez as well. Ill probably sample the new shows and watch them every week if I like them like the usual. new seans for sunny in philadelphia and starved? when cuz this week is the season finales for both.