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Everything posted by Jericholic82

  1. Jericholic82

    Still Waiting...

    The first two seasons are already out on DVD. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> thanks
  2. Jericholic82


    That was a pretty good bit by Bret. Jericho's fake win was probably the best written angle I've ever seen What exactly happened in the PowerTrip vs Y2J/Benoit match? It seems to get mentioned a lot, but is that because all the smarks were just happy to see HHH get hurt? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Not at all. Actually, HHH was still a smark favorite at the time. It wasn't until his face run that people started to turn on him. The thing that's really remarkable about the quad tear match though, is that it was the first really great twenty minute that the WWF gave away on free TV. It actually ushered in that whole era where TV main events are complex long-lasting affairs, rather than eight minutes of punches and kicks followed by a finisher. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I think some smarks were starting to turn on HHH at the time. Especially after he regained the ic title from Jeff Hardy by basically squashing him and treating him like a joke. But the real hatred didnt really happen until it became public that steph was really dating him in real life IMO and then his bad face run and burying jericho again of course when he was handed the world title by bischoff and wouldnt put over anyone except for shawn. so 2002 is probabyl a good estimate of when HHH became the devil in the mind of the net
  3. Jericholic82

    The Old School questions thread

    I remember that but also am drawing a blank as to the aftermath. I know bischoff screamed at him for smoking on-air (despite the fact that The Giant used to smoke a cigareete while entering the ring in 1998)
  4. Jericholic82

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    Did you see the banana man that HCTP had as a premade caw? I used it and named him "Banana Man" and gave him a dancing entrance and some goofy taunts.
  5. Jericholic82

    Smackdown VS Raw 2006

    these games always seem to be way off when it comes to updated rosters and wrestler looks/attires. so dont expect too much, that being said the pics indeed look sweet.
  6. Jericholic82

    Madden NFL 06 Thread

    That happens to me too in my season often my opponents have the pitcher hitting, it hasnt happened to my team yet however. and today I was playing my Yankees season and I was playing the 05 ASG (Im a little behind the real life schedule but my yanks are like 83-3 right now) and jeter was voted the strating SS and tejada a backup, but the cpu put Tejada in as the starting dh for some reason. anyhow I played madden a bit the other day instore at eb games. To tell you the truth NFL 2K5 had WAY better graphics not sure about gameplay cuz I only played for like 5 mins) I think Ill stick with 2K5 for now (besides I havent even come close to unlocking everything in the cribs mode-I NEED A GAMESHARK lol) maybe Ill get madden for xmas or somethin and to Matt, are you becoming a big party animal now that you are legal? cool
  7. Jericholic82

    Rockstar Protested again.....

    so I guess the parents were fine with regular coffee. where you could still hear the sex sound effects. and pick up hokkers and kill them. I'm guessing most of these parents dont even know the whole details of the "mod download" they just heard it from someone else and freaked out. hell they probably bouht the game for their kids not even knowing what it was about. Despite the fact that the title of the game is the name of a crime. its true some people dont understand the game ratings. So they are ok with massive violence, but nudity= evil HMMMMM? in ohter events, I saw a preview of BULLY in a game mag the other day and it looks pretty cool actually.
  8. Jericholic82

    Still Waiting...

    come one wheres the "herman's head" dvd? I said once before here that fox shoudl do a massive release of all their failed/canceled sitcomes and Id probably buy most of them. I agree on tiny toons and rescue rangers. as well as weird science the series and duckman What about the smurfs? and the original Ninja Turtles cartoons. and all of the teen shows zack mentioned
  9. Jericholic82

    Rewriting History

    hmmm I may have them leave at the times that they really did leave, only achieve more with them before they go... maybe a Jericho who won the US title at Starrcade 98 would be more likely to return to WCW in early 2000 after becoming dellusioned by having to job to Chyna repeatedly in late 99..... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Jericho couldn't come back until either 2001 or 2002, has he signed a two or three year deal. This has been interesting to read, but the booking hasn't been very realistic or logical in places, and I'd take issue with these points: A Texas Death match would never be given away on free tv, especially on the same show as a falls count anywhere match. The back-to-back-to-back World tag title changes would never have happened. One short term title reign might happen, but not two. The Road Warriors losing a Chicago Street Fight would never happen. They really didn't like doing jobs as it is, but there is zero chance they would have agreed to lose a Chicago Street Fight. Similar deal in regards to the Skyscrapers losing to the Andersons. No way Sid does a job without being protected a lot more than that. His ego wouldn't allow him to lose off of just a lowblow. He'd have thrown a huge fit, and demanded more. If Zenk is not a heel, then there never would be a babyface v babyface title match. Bam Bam would never job on tv, over working in Japan. He'd lose by countout or DQ, but he'd never agree to lose via pinfall, even if it was a fluke loss. Sting using the Scorpion Death Drop. I can see why you did it, but it wouldn't have happened in 1990. Muta going 57 minutes would never be ****3/4. Muto, yes, but not Muta. The Hansen debut on Luger would never happen like that, and he absolutely would not have used a tope suicida. Cactus/Sullivan v Nasties? Again, I can see why you did it, but it just reeks of booking stuff from the future for no reason other than because you can. Bam Bam wouldn't job on tv, and he absolutely wouldn't job on PPV. With the guys in from Japan, like BBB and Hansen, they would never job clean, and the best you would be able to get out of them is a highly disputed finish. like with the Hansen v Luger Texas Lariat match at Starrcade 1990. Johnny Ace using the Ace Crusher? Pass. He didn't use that until Japan, and again it's that booking future stuff now just because you can. Like I said, it's been interesting to read, but there have been too many booking decisions that have been unrealistic or illogical for me to really get into it. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> There have been face vs face title matches before. heel pillman beat zenk in a lightweight title match at wrestlewar 92 with both of them faces. But I will admit he is relying on moves that people didnt use then like sting using the scorpion deathdrop (he didnt do that until he was crow sting) and bigelow using greetings from asbury park. but since this is fantasy booking, we shouldnt be too harsh on him. in any event its been a great read and you showed some brilliant ideas IMO.
  10. Jericholic82

    More Hassan News

    so, have them get interrupted by Outkast? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> That would be cool.
  11. Jericholic82

    Batista and JBL aren't draws

    are you being sarcastic? I dont think thats the reason. besides the GAB name brings back more good memories than bad from the nwa/wcw days.
  12. Jericholic82

    Strange OVW Angle

    wow too bad I dont get ovw tv here. It sounds way more interesting than anything wwe has done lately.
  13. Jericholic82


    oh wow I hadnt heard about that. thats a real bummer. what happened? was it from one match or just a toll of injuries?
  14. Jericholic82

    This Week in Baseball

    wow the pen held tonight, too bad the red sox wont lose. You know if the sox werent scoring so many runs, theyd probably be losing right now. Their pitching is giving up like at least 5 runs a game. We havent heard too much about that cuz their offense is red hot. oh well, I guess I have to hope the angels lose tonight then the yanks would be only 2.5 back of the wildcard lead.
  15. Jericholic82

    Batista and JBL aren't draws

    Perhaps people didnt want to spend 34.95 that much in the course of 1 month (from june to july we had 3 ppvs in ONS, Vengeance, and GAB) especially now since wwe prices their ppv dvds at 15 bucks. (hell you can find them even cheaper on some sites) and they come out only 4 weeks after the show (and in ecws case 2 weeks)
  16. Jericholic82

    A way to turn Eugene heel

    Hitting your head will not reverse brain damage, it might give you brain damage, but it won't reverse it. But this wrestling after all. Besides Hell probably be fired in the next round of cuts judging by recent history.
  17. Jericholic82

    A way to turn Eugene heel

    I would If I lived there. Of course youd also have to ask for the demolition song as well, judging by your sig pic
  18. Jericholic82

    Roddy Piper's I.C.O.N. shirt

    Yep you got it right. Thats what it stood for (Piper said so himself on Nitro once IIRC)
  19. Jericholic82

    WCW in 2001

    The cruiserweight tag title division was another good thing about WCW at the end. I was starting to really get into WCW again at the end and I am still mad that it went down the drain. You can really blame TBS for the Death of WCW (bu tthen again if Fusient didnt make enough money a st hey thought they would, they might have pulled out and Vince would have had to come in then and buy it)
  20. Jericholic82

    Unexpected title changes

    yea I forgot to add that. Talk about booking yourself into a corner. But I guess it turned out alright cuz IIRC they got a huge Rating for the RAW rematch the night after.
  21. Jericholic82

    If the fans ever turned on Cena

    Why is this so? I was being a bit sarcastic. But what I mean is a lot of smarks tend to like wrestlers when they are heels, but hate them when they turn face and are cheered by the marks. Cena had a lo tmore net support during his heel run in 2003, with less complaints about his "workrate". Whether we like him or not, he's over with the majority of the crowd and actually "draws" money through merchandising.
  22. Jericholic82

    If the fans ever turned on Cena

    Why does everyone think Cena is better at chasing the title than being the champ? I mean we have only seen him really chase the title for the month before mania, and he has had only 2 defenses on ppv so far. I havent seen enough yet to make that decision. I think he is over enough to justify being the top (his marketabilty is huge, especially with the customized belt and "the champ is here" catchphrase among other things.) I know The IWC hates babyfaces but I don't mind Cena that much. At least his current world title feud is interesting and heated (and may turn out a decent match at summerslam if Jericho is on top of his game) unlike the Batista/JBL feud, which is boring and has to resort to a no rules stip to make it wtachable (yknow with weapons and blood and all)
  23. Jericholic82

    This Week in Baseball

    We can only hope I guess right? When I was a kid I also wanted to be a pitcher, though my second choice would be 1B cuz of Mattingly. Obviously my dream never came true. But I still love the strategy of pitching and defense.
  24. Jericholic82

    Unexpected title changes

    Booker T's first tv title (The Nitro the night after starrcade 97 I think) was a big out of nowhere shock to me as Harlem Heat was still teaming at the time and there ha dbeen no indication that Booker was going to the singles rank, let alone receieving a title push. MNM winning the tag titles in their first WWE tv match was a bit of a shock (Well it would have been if I had not accidentally read a spoiler for it, just liek the nuzio one) Kane's lone WWF title at King Of The Ring 98 was seemingly unexpected, but logistically there was no way for Kane to lose the match (since it was first blood and Kane was wearing his mask and a new full body suit) others I can think of Vince Mcmahon beating HHH for the WWF title on Smackdown in 9/99 Foleys first (Rock has just started his first reign as champ and it seemed the logical thing was for him to hold the title until dropping it to Austin at mania 15) and third wwf titles(though I remember a small uproar on the net over "Austin's unwillingness to job to HHH") Rocky Maivia winning the IC title on Thursday Raw Thursday (The night of Shawns "Lost My Smile" Speech) -well maybe not considering WWF was clearly trying to push Rock as the enxt big Number one babyface champ. Eric Bischoff's attempt to ripoff the WWF by having Prince Iakea win the TV title from Steven Regal on Nitro