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Everything posted by Jericholic82

  1. Jericholic82

    The Simpsons Question

    "If a man pretending to be me could do the job, then logically the real me can do it even better" or something similar. I know a lot of people hate "Grandpa Simpson in: Kidney Trouble" (and Homer really does come off as an ass at the end after they do a fake-out "Homer redeems himself" bit) but there are some awesome lines. "Oooooh! This is everyone's fault but mine" "You've done a wonderful thing! You've greatly reduced your life expectancy to slighty increase someone elses!" (paraphrased - Marge talking to Homer). The whole Taffy Shop thing. "Well, if you look closely, you'll this is actually a Taffy Shop and not a boat", which leads to "Yar. What other ships ye work on?" / "Uhhh... that one. The taffy shop!" / "Yar. Good enough!". Actually I like that episode. a lot of great lines and sight gags (the world's largest toilet still gives me a chuckle). A great Homer-centric episode, where Homer does look kinda bad, but it' smostly that he's scared, not that he doesn't want to help his dad.
  2. Jericholic82

    The Youtube Thread

    Thanks for the Austin/rock Sing-off. Great segment there, if a really odd way to lead into a major PPV (the 15th anniversay Raw notwithstanding). It also sowed the seeds for Austin's face turn the next week
  3. Jericholic82

    The Old School questions thread

    It was Valentines Massacre, during the tag title match- Owen Hart/Jef Jarrett vs Dlo/Mark Henry. Owen was in the ring and king said "That's cuz he's not wrestling with shadows" and he didn't say it to JR cuz It was Cole calling the ppv with hime (this being the time where JR got Bells Pallsy again) I'm sure the WWF was not pleased with the Bret documentary ( I can imagine Vince's reaction to how he was portrayed). SO maybe they fed King the line.
  4. Jericholic82

    Authority Figures...

    The Tunney/Dibiase magazine angle ended like a month or so later, when Tunney explained what was going on-Dibiase was paying a fine that Tunney had levied against him for his Corporation's misdeeds. And then he went on to say that the reason he was wearing shades was that he had a case of pinkeye or something. I have the mags in my room somewhere, I'' try and find them for you.
  5. Jericholic82

    Compare 90s WWF to 00s WWE

    Looking at it closely, the 00's are indeed better. It's easy to say 90's cuz of nostalgia (and for me personally I started watching wrestling all the time in '91). But if you just list great matches, 00's have a lot more. It's a tough question though, and very subjective.
  6. Jericholic82

    WCW Themes

    I can never get these to work, any chance you can just embed the mp3 here in the thread like others do? at least the vertebreaker song.
  7. Jericholic82

    Webster Hall Show

    lol agreed. Along with Nash singing "Amazing Grace" to piss off Lethal. anyhow sounds like it was a good show in NYC, wish I had gone. I wish they could run a show closer to me, but I know only WWE books The WC County Center.
  8. Jericholic82

    The TNA Curry Man

    It's pretty obviously Daniels. The week on Impact they did the backstage promo with shark boy and curry, you can see it's Daniels' eyes through the mask, plus look at the hands, they have the same wrinkles (I don't know what else to call them) that Daniels has.
  9. Jericholic82

    Impact spoilers for 2/21

    Shows on now in th east coast How are Karen and AJ "Married" First of all Kurt and Karen never got divorced, secondly to be married you have to have a marriage license, a preist declaring you means nothing. later all I'm off to watch Impact
  10. Jericholic82

    The Simpsons Question

    The DVD commentary brings up a few good points actually. My opinion was pretty much summed up on the DVD commentary too (yes, I'm a nerd, shock horror) by either Josh Weinstein or Bill Oakley. As an actual stand alone episode of The Simpsons, it's perfectly good and the story itself is interesting. But it is a pretty 'out there' idea compared to most episodes. Most of the episodes that are a little different, you can usually tell before they come on. Shows like the Spinoff Showcase or Behind The Laughter, you know it's something different coming up. This one, it kinda sneaks up on you, just a normal episode and then suddenly 'what the hell, Skinner's an imposter, where did that come from!?' I think that's why most people who hate it do hate it. Which I guess proves Keeler's point. I mean I like the episode fine, I like the story fine, but I'm still not keen on the general idea that Skinner isn't Skinner, but I don't know why exactly. better point, why would the school hire the real akinner as principal, with no degree or experience. "lets meet our new Principal Skinner, Principal Seymour Skinner (Silence) Um, him (polite applause)" I still quote the simpsons way too much. Infact anytime I'm at a birthday party I will sing "you're the birthday boy or girl!" and I overuse "Oh no, the corn, awwww Paul Newman's gonna have my legs broke"
  11. Jericholic82

    Samoa Joe re-signs with TNA

    That would be awesome. LICENSE TO PRINT MONEY!!!!!!! (TM RD REYNOLDS) Good for Joe, I'll always wish the best for him and follow him, because I saw him as a rookie, and am proud to see him rise to the top.
  12. Jericholic82

    Do all the TNA fans here read Impact spoilers?

    I don't read spoilers anymore cuz it ruins my enjoyment (or whatever the reverse of enjoyment is) of the show.
  13. Jericholic82

    The Game Your Most Looking Froward To

    I'm excited for GTA and The new baseball games. But first I gotta buy a PS3 I'm curious about how good or bad The TNA game will be
  14. Jericholic82

    American Gangster

    3 days later, we indeed have sold a TON of copies. Funny how alot of people are just asking for "the new denzel movie". The best part is having to explain the difference between the regular and collector's edition to customers, when even I can't figure out the big deal
  15. Jericholic82


    I shouldn't be shocked, but it WOULD have been a fitting end.
  16. Jericholic82

    American Idol (season 7)

    that had to be the worst top 24 week ever. The only one who even stands out was Ramiele. I think they should have picked a different theme, considering all the youngsters this year, they don't understand or know what the 60s music was all about. Maybe if they had got a guest mentor for the weekm it could have helped. heres hoping to a better week 2
  17. Jericholic82

    Authority Figures...

    Yeah. I liked how his stated goal was just to make the show the best as possible, and didn't really favor faces or heels. Then I guess the writers fell into their crutch "The GM has to try to screw the top babyface constantly" thing and it fell apart. Yea that all ended when Cena came to RAW and they felt the need to redo the Autin/Mcmahon feud with them. Foley was by far the most hilarious and entertaning Commish. But Mr. Mcmahon in 98 will always be the top standard.
  18. Jericholic82

    Lets Talk about.....

    The song didnt bother me too much. Their 3rd theme was much better. The stable wasn't around long enough to make an impact and as said before Justin and Albert had no heat. Only highlights of this time, was the Tajiri/Pac feud (and summerslam match), the famed Albert/Kane Match (it was really good SERIOUSLY), and the Edge promo where he insulted him.
  19. Jericholic82

    Jerry "The King" Lawler Quotables

    "I knew that marriage wouldn't last when I looked at the figures on the wedding cake, they were lawyers" WM 11 referring to Pamela and Tommy Lee "For those of you, who don't know, football is a game in which 11 men spend several hours trying to move a small object a hundred yards, it's just like the post office" Same show, while talking about the LT/Bam Bam match. "What are you staring at Mcmahon? She wouldn't give you a second look with that Lee Press-On Hair you've got" Wm 12 talking about the debuting Sable "Jerry: He (HBK) gave one of those slammys to Jose Lothario didn't he? Vince:As a matter of fact he did, he dedicated one of them to him. Jerry: I would suggest you'll see that in a pawn shop in Tiajuana by the morning" Wm 12 during the iron man match "Money is the root of all......WEALTH!" WM 13 during the HHH/Goldust match
  20. Jericholic82

    WWE 24/7 Discussion Thread - February 2008

    how retarded. I was wondering why the 6/9 raw popped up in the update, but no nitro. That sucks cuz it had Eddie's redebut as a heel when he helped Jarrett win the US title. are they afraid of offending anyone by showing Benoit? Maybe cuz he always had Woman with him so it would seem odd?
  21. Jericholic82

    WWE General Discussion - February 2008

    Anyone else annoyed by the new theme songs being doled out? The worst part is that it's only so they can sell a new cd. Did we really need Kennedy's song to be butchered like that? Or did Jeff Hardy really need something besides the instrumental song he has used for years and is most identifiable with him? Come on, Shawns still using "Sexy Boy" and Booker T had the Harlem Heat theme for like 13 years or so. And Flair of course has used has song since the late 70's/early 80s and how is this Burchill angle supposed to get him over? I did laugh on RAW when some fans yelled "you were a pirate" at Paul.
  22. Jericholic82

    WWE Hall of Fame Class of 2008

    Agreed, and Fink also should be the announcer for Raw still. The Fink>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "Vivian" Garcia
  23. Jericholic82

    Mysterio to have surgery, out 4-6 months

    Touche, anyhow this sucks for him. At least with Rey and Shanes involvment, we would have had a fun mania match, now watch for the trainwreck of Mayweather vs Show (at least as boring as Show/Akebono from Wm 21) but wwe should still get some publicity out of it.
  24. Jericholic82

    The OAO WWE DVD Thread

    I got the austin set, if only cuz it had the 2/3 falls match vs HHH on it, plus the bret Survivor series match I have never seen. But the Steamboat match on disc 1 is pretty awesome. Notable for being the match where Steamboat injured his back (trying to skin the cat back in) which caused his immediate retirement. Great technical match with Austin playing the arrogant heel well and Steamboat building the crowd into a frenzy with his comebacks. I havent watched anything else yet.
  25. Jericholic82

    American Gangster

    Damn work is going to suck tommorrow with the release of this dvd. I hate obsseisive shoppers who must be there on release day as we open even though we have like 20 boxes of the dvd. and cuz of hour shortages, Ill be there all alone Pray for me guys.